
16 Confession

I finish the tour around the school with Adam and we are walking up the stairs to the roof when we reach he opens the door for me and say "고맙습니다" In Korean and then say "Thank you,Sorry I messed up the languages" He says "No problem" He takes me over to a bench and pulls a envelop out of his back pocket and I think "OH NO" He bends over like James did when he confessed. He starts saying "Please accept my feelings..." I stop him and say "I already have a boyfriend, But we can be good friend's" Then I hear a door squeak and turn to find James spying on me and say in Korean "Hey were you following me?" He comes from behind the door and says "Yeah but couldn't understand a word he was saying so I just guessed and someone told me that you guys were headed to the roof, So I followed you."

Author: I would like to give a thanks to everyone's support and would like to give a shout out to a person that has been a huge support, williana96 has been the only person that has commented and would like for others also so if you comment I will pick 3 every for every chapter.

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