
Pillow Talk

Everything seemed so different and new. The way he breathed in the coolness of the compressed air of the [Dimensional Room], it gave him a sense of astonishment and refreshment, like the smell of a brand new car. His limbs, one was extended outward toward the end of the bed, and the other was used by his angelic companion as a source of comfort, were liberated from the chains of worries. Although completely naked, due to the performance of love with Irina, Issei felt the fuzziness and warmth gathering and surrounding inside of his chest, as his heart pumped slowly, like he did when having the 'connection' with Irina. Drowsiness, comfortableness, and perhaps, her angelic charm, made the young Sekiryuutei never wanting to leave. The things he did...they did, were still considered fantasy to him. The way she moaned his name without any formalities, incantations that lengthen his desire, only made him more aware of how tight she was, and how beautiful were her bosom, her chestnut hair, and her face, deep with red shades of embarrassment, pleasure, and love. And when he heard the whimpers of ecstasy during his ejaculation and her release of wetness, his body trembled and twitched like never before; it seemed that his cells were celebrating of his achievement of manhood. But the most memorable thing, was when he felt his sperm and her womanly fluids and blood merge, combined into one. It took him considerable amount of time before he pulled back, and passed out into his land of illusions.

Upon waking up, however, he felt the awkwardness, the uncertainty, and the unknownness of the situation he manifested upon. His warm, cozy feelings were replaced with anxiousness, as he realized what he had done. Disbelief emerged, and he looked around his surroundings, and at her, who was still sleeping peacefully, murmuring simulating words. He can only ask himself 'why?'.

But what was done, was irreversible. He can only move forward.

"...Mmm...just a few more minutes, Issei-kun…" Irina said, as she dozed off and cuddled into his embrace. Issei let out a wryly smile as the Angel's delicate skin pressed onto his chest. As he held her within his arms, he felt the nostalgic aura of his childhood days coming back to him, and the pictures from the album book, pictures of Irina and Issei together in particular, triggered him into resurfacing some his innocent moments with her.

——Issei, when we grow up, let's steal Santa Claus's presents!

——Issei, let's play tag together!

——I don't want to leave you, Issei! I don't want to go England!

He had forgotten how he felt when she was forced to leave to receive training under the Church's guidance. Most likely, since he was obvious at that time of her gender, he simply shrugged it off and found other kids to play with.

'But why I feel so sentimental now?' he asked himself, as the sight pained throb in his heart expanded and spread throughout his chest. The question of emotion is quite reasonable; was he always this sensitive to the passages of time? Was his flashback always this descriptive, and invoke heavy emotions like longing? As this generation's [Sekiryuutei], he went through a lot of troublesome events, but how come the moments with Irina was the most memorable of them all? Why not Rias? Why not Akeno? Why not Asia? But most importantly, why now?

His head had many questions, but no answers. The irritation of being dense rose within him.

But luckily, something was placed onto his lips, and it stopped him from pondering any longer. The sensation was all too familiar, but somehow surprised him. The pace of his heartbeat rose by a notch, and the emotion inside of his chest expanded even more—— this feeling of love was too much for him to bear, but he cannot help himself but to endure it. Already being embraced by him, Irina help herself to him, and continue to prolong the morning kiss, by putting more passion and using her tongue to taste his. Tastebuds overflowed happily, and summoned saliva to increase the proactiveness. Eventually, she let go of him.

"Good morning, Issei-kun." she greeted him.

Her chestnut colored hair was long and scattered around, mainly around Issei. Since last night, she took off her blue scrunchies, and let her hair out; it was an occasion worthy of the rarity of any legendary artifact. Her peerless smile shorne brighter than any jewel that mother earth had to offer, and her lips unconsciously stretched from one ear to another. Her violet eyes twinkled and sparkled with carefulness and loveliness, and they stared directly towards his chocolate colored eyes, and perhaps even into his soul. And to top it off, there was a horizontal blush across her white face, which gave her a flirtatious look.

To put things simply, her expression was filled with nothing but pure happiness!

"Issei-kun, I love you!" she wrapped her arms around his neck, and hugged him with all of her might. Issei, being victimized by her chest, wasn't able to breathe properly, and almost suffocated! Her white wings glowed with everlasting whiteness, and wrapped around him like a cocoon, or in this case, like a snake using its tail to choke the prey before devourment. Her halo shrone goldenly, making the [Dimensional Room] even more brighter than it already was. To calm her down, and pacify her happiness, Issei let out a few pained moans to signalize her that he was suffering by the lack of oxygen. Despite being an airhead, and notorious for her lack of common sense since she was raised in church, Irina immediately let go of Issei, and wiggled herself away from him in embarrassment.

"..." she fidget her fingers in a circular motion, and looked away from Issei with her angelic face flushed with shyness.

"Now you get embarrassed!?" Issei mentally yelled within his mind.

"...U-Um, h-how was it?" she asked.

"How was what?"

"Y-You know! The… um, t-the things we did—" she placed her hands in front of her face to cover her deeply shaded red face. Issei could not help but blush as well, and averted his eyes away from her, an expression that Irina would never thought she would see (I mean, for him to turn away from the opportunity to view her breasts… for Lord Michael's sake!).

"...It was lovely." honest words came out of his mouth and from his heart.

"...Really?" Irina asked in disbelief.

"I do feel guilty for Rias, since I did promise my virginity to her… but, this isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I mean… since you love me so much, and I tend to love everyone else just as the same, I guess it was only a matter of time before me and you would end up... like this."

"...We really did it though...… And I didn't fall either…"

"Yeah." Issei nonchalantly answered.

"You were very energetic while doing it...…" she commented.

"…For real?"

"Yeah, and when I said I'm afraid, you hugged me and cooed into my ear, promising me that you'll be gentle." she murmured in embarrassment behind her hands, but smiled happily.

Issei looked towards the bed sheets, where there were dried blood stains.

"Was I gentle?"

"As gentle as you can be, I guess? It didn't really hurt either."

"Well, that's a relief."

"I-I also felt good, especially when we were cumm—"

"Um, Irina, I think there certain words that are better off not saying, and leaving it in mutual understanding.... I think?"

"...I thought boys like it when their girlfriends talk dirt— I-I mean naughty…. I read it in your ero magazines…"

Issei could look at her and sighed tiresomely as his response for her somewhat naïve innocence.

"....You know everything, don't you?"

"Tee-hee~" Irina stick out her tongue, causing Issei to roll his eyes.

The duo continued to appreciate each other's presence. But as the silence fell upon them, the duo seemed to become a bit more restless. Irina was worried about her new, improved relationship with the one that she desired the most, and Issei was worried about what to do with the indescribable feeling of deja vú that continue to swell within his soul.

"It's okay to be with him...right? Right! As long there is love, we will always be one!"

"Hey Issei?"


"I love you." she gave a peck on his cheek before getting up. She crawling out of bed naked and slowly dress up by picking up clothes that scatter around the floor one by one. Issei watch as he swallowed his spit in response of the ertoicness of the situation.

Irina noticed him watching and blushed.

"Mou…What are you looking at…..? Or are you getting horny again?"

"Shut up." Issei move his eyes away from Irina, who was smiling, and also get dressed up.

And they both left the room together.

End of Chapter 5

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