
Chapter 1 - The tutorial

"Hello mom!"

Today was Black Friday, and Igor had just arrived home after buying some things, but Igor was very excited to know what his mom had bought since he got some suspicious messages.

"Hi Igor! I've got a good deal, and im certain you will love it."

"What is it?"

"Well, I know that you got good grades last year, and you have been working really hard, so I decided to buy you Tergia."

"Really? Thanks-thanks-thanks-thaaanks mom!"

Igor had been telling his mom about Tergia since it came out a month ago, and he had been dreaming about getting the game ever since, so this was a very pleasant surprise.

He had told her how this game was full of battles, and that how, with the new technology, you could become an elf druid or even a gnome if you were lucky enough.

It was a fact that Igor would start playing whenever he could, but he restrained himself from that until tomorrow since it was already very late and they were all very tired.

"Heh, let's see what this game has to offer."

Igor was very eager to try the game, so he hopped in this futuristic tech, and let the machine take action.

He knew things like this could be used for evil, but the International Union of Technology was very, very strict in this regard, so he trusted Tergia, but it was still a weird first contact when his surroundings came to light and a floating text started explaining this game.

"Welcome to Tergia. This world has three kingdoms: the Norite Empire, the Elrogen Empire, and the Varen Empire.

The Norite Empire is the land of humans and ice, aside from their calm and calculating mentality.

The Elrogen Empire is the land where lizardmen live, and in the deserts and volcanoes you might find dragons. This empire focuses on strength.

And lastly, the Varen Empire is the land of forests, where elves reside, with a strong sense of cohesion."

"The system will now decide wich race you should be, so please wait a few moments"

Igor was really nervous. This test took around 2 minutes, so he thought about what he knew of each race :

Humans were notorious in the game forums, and elves were mysterious, but the lizardmen had the fewest players, and they were still able to catch up with the other empires, so he wanted to be one.

Suddently, he heard the system's voice, and it said:

"The trait that the system has seen the most in you is... force." This means you are more reactive and sensitive, and you prioritize that. This also means that you will be given a temporal lizardman body that you will be able to customize upon getting a class."


Shortly after, a message appeared that they would teleport to the training grounds of the Elragon Empire, and he was able to take control of himself, though he immediately stumbled into the ground.

"What the-"

Igor found himself looking at his body in astonishment: he had a tail, he was slightly bigger, and his overall aspects were more like those of a lizard.

He also noticed some faint scales in his grayish skin, and he saw that they were the same color as the surrounding rocks. By doing so, he also discovered that his eyesight was slightly wider.

He also tried standing up and he noticed his legs were also different, representing more of a lightning bolt, like the back legs of tigers or deer, instead of being straight, like those of a human.

His overall body was more "spiky" and reptile like than he thought it would be, and the fact that technology was able to do this was beyond his comprehension.

When he was able to stand and run, he noticed he was slightly faster than normal, but he couldn't maintain it for as long. This made sense; it was more explosive and on par with the mentality of the region.

He also remembered that these types of games usually have some type of player information or inventories, so not knowing how to activate it, he just concentrated on it appearing, as he remembered some powers in fantasy novels came after visualizing them. Not knowing how it would look, he just tried to imagine a blue screen appearing, and shortly after, that was what happened.

It was divided into 4 main buttons, each with a symbol, but the bottom right one had a padlock and a level 10 requirement, and the others were things you would expect there: inventory, player stats, and advancements.

Igor proceeded to click on each one:

In the inventory, there were a lot of empty slots, so he just clicked the x symbol.

He was interested in the advancements, so he clicked there, but there was also nothing there.

he only had one available button left, and it was the player stats, so he clicked on it:

The player stats had more information; and this is what it revealed:

Player: (no alias yet)

Race: Lizardmen

Stats: 2 STR (strength) 1 DEF (defense)

2 DEX (dexterity) 1 ENG (energy)

Skill points: 0

Abilities: None

He looked at this tab and then thought about what base stats other races would have, but discarding everything, he went to what was more urgent.

He saw a very big house with a pantheon-looking thing behind it in front of him, and it wss the only thing that was there, apart from some semitransparent red walls bordering the terrain, so he went in that direction.

But suddenly, a popup message appeared with a text:


Requirements: go to the training house.

To complete this quest, you need to get a class. For that, you should enter the training house and proceed as the instructor tells you.

Reward: Character customization.

[Accept] (you can't decline)

He accepted the quest and began walking to the training facilities.

After having entered, he saw a lizard woman who looked like she was waiting for him. She had a text over her head, which he assumed was her name: Flara.

He went where she was, looking for directions, and she welcomed Igor:

"Hello random traveler, Welcome to the place where your class gets chosen! I would love to start, but first, I need your name.

How would you want the world to know you?"

Igor had already thought about this question before, so he already had a name in mind. This was also his gaming alias, so it was an easy question to answer:

"Call me Largon, Flara."

"Very good, Largon. To get a class, you will have to take a test, and based on that, you will be able to choose.

The test will happen over that door, so when you are ready, join in.

I will be able to see and hear everything, and if you die there, you will respawn here without the 92 in-game hour penalty."

Igor, or Largon, as everyone will call him, had almost forgotten that time here passed four times as fast as before, but he nodded.

"By the way, you are able to choose a weapon of your liking from this category."

He looked where she pointed and found a lot of weapons on display. He could see daggers, bows, a staff, a sword... but they all seemed low quality.

He grabbed a sword and swung it.

When Igor was younger, he took swordsmanship for two years before dropping it, so he tried to remember the basics.

He tried to maintain a calm pose and then struck the air with all his energy.

He also noticed how his tail could help with balancing.

Flara, who had seen everything he had done inside, decided to give a tip after seeing Igor take his sword out of the inventory:

"By the way, you can enter the inventory without having to menu to it; just do the same as you would with the menu."

"Ah, thanks a lot. I think I will be heading to the test room."

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