
The Wish

Chapter 26

The Wish

"I wish to get a book from which I can learn every type of magic you can find. It should also be written in the language that I can understand" I wished loudly, covering all of the loopholes that I could think of.

It wasn't something spur moment type of thing. I thought hard about it in the last few days. Getting panties was just a waste of wish as was getting a perfect boyfriend. That's why I decided to get a wish of my own.

I couldn't ask for any type of regeneration because it could affect Zenkai (If that is even a thing). Similarly, I can't ask for Immortality if it would just stop my body from aging and thus getting stronger, and let's not forget about my sex life which would be destroyed. There were quite a few side-effects that I could get for asking for any type of change in my biology.

I first thought of getting a wish where I would be able to regenerate my tail if it gets cut, blown, or harmed in any other way. Getting my tail, back, would be awesome if I am able to control my Oozaru transformation without the moon but I can't help but fear getting some side effects.

That's why I wanted something material instead of changing my biology. I can't even think how these balls even work so it was best to wish a risk-free wish. And getting my body changed is not a risk-free wish.

I stood there like a complete idiot waiting for my reward. For a moment, I thought that the dragon took a piss at me but suddenly, I saw an object falling down. It didn't take much time to see that it was a book.

When it was in my range, I jumped to catch it. When I got near, I was surprised to find the book bigger than me. It was almost double my size. Even then, I somehow caught it. When I got back to the ground, I almost buckled under the pressure. The book was really heavy. Still, I couldn't wait to study it.

"Very well, your wish has been granted. Farewell!" Shenron spoke in a deep baritone before converting into yellow energy which further broke into 7 energies. Those 7 energies took a shape of balls and went supersonic in different directions.

I was only partially aware of that. My full focus was on the book instead.

Magic is quite versatile in this universe. Even the stronger villains have it. Piccolo knew magic and so did Zamasu and Moro. The last villain was so powerful that he was sealed away for millenniums.

Speaking of sealing, I could probably learn it, as it should be a magical skill. I could even form matter from nothing with magic. Teleportation, Telekinesis and so many other skills are within my grasp with magic under my belt. I really was confused as to why the heroes didn't use magic more in the canon other than a few tricks.

I just stood there with the book in my hands, thinking about the uses of my new wish. I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I almost missed the Pilaf gang waking up. The keyword: Almost.

"How are you, my sleeping beauties?" I asked with a cheer in my voice when I heard them stir awake.

Pilaf being a smart… imp (?) easily noticed the missing dragon balls.

"Where are my dragon balls? What did you do to them?" He screamed in his annoying voice.

But I ignored him and focused on the other 2 people.

"Ho! Ho! We meet again, hot girl and rabbit ninja. And look there appears to a new underling of yours" I said.

I know it will burn Pilaf for someone to see him as an underling. Hearing me Mai gained a blush while Shu had a tick mark on his head

"Don't ignore me. I asked you a question. Where are my dragon balls?" Pilaf screamed again.

This time, I was really annoyed. I looked him in his direction, dropped the book gently on the ground, took out my sword, and started walking in their direction. I also emitted some killing intent.

Obviously, they got scared.

Still, I have got to admit that both Shu and Mai got guts. While Pilaf just stood there quivering like a leaf, they both took out their knives. Although seeing Shu wielding a knife, half his size, quivering, was really funny.

"W-What a-are you doing?" Pilaf asked in a stuttering fearful voice.

"Now there are 2 options for you guys…" I started ignoring him "…One, I torture you and then you tell me where my friends are and how to free them. Second, you willingly free them and I let you go after you have given me the castle in the back. I like it. Please choose the first option. It is more fun" I said calmly making them all the more scared.

"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh" They screamed as they ran away.

'Huh! I thought they would at least try to fight back' I thought with a sweet drop.

In the end, I shrugged and started walking towards the castle. I didn't want to waste my time capturing them. After all, I already know the location where my group is. But not before, I safely stored the book of magic in my house capsule.

After half an hour, I have already gone through every nook and cranny of the castle. I even found the switch to turn it back to the capsule which would let me bring it with me. I have to say that the castle was pretty advanced with the lights and all the tech. Still, I will have to renovate it for my use when I settle somewhere.

There were a lot of things I didn't understand. But I easily recognized some things. One of them was the freaking weather control device which is used by Pilaf to make a thunderstorm appear to shock Shu and Mai when they fail their missions.

Then there is a giant incubator where Pilaf keeps prisoners to die out in the heat, just as he was going to do to Goku and the others in the canon after they ruined his wish.

There was also a room for Shu's wolves. There were about half a dozen of them.

There is also a throne room, probably of Pilaf, judging by its small size. The different thing is that there is also a dining table there.

There is apparently only one bedroom that all three of them share, as all three of their beds are in the same room

Now, I have just one thing left to do: Saving all the others from the dungeon.

So, I did that.

I went to the dungeons.

I didn't go to the control room as I didn't know the control system. I could kill my friends by mistake after all I can be almost 100% sure that there are some lethal options there. And without any manual guide, I won't know how to use them.

I simply followed the arrows painted on the ground and reached a dead end.

"Goku! Bulma! Oolong! Are you guys in there" I screamed to check if they were still in there.

"Baali! Is that you?" I heard Bulma ask.

"Yeah! I am here" I screamed back ignoring her "Thank god", I speak again "Now step back from the wall. I would blow this wall" I said and got into the Kong Fist stance.

I gave them a few seconds before punching and kicking the wall like crazy. The thing is I couldn't feel that my attack was working. When I stopped the attack, I saw that there wasn't even a dent in the wall.

I nearly facepalmed.

If breaking the wall had been this easy, Goku would have already broken it.

The thing was I didn't want to use the KI attack as I wasn't sure it would even work. And if it works, it might injure them when it goes through the wall.

"Okay, guys! I think it might take some time. Goku! You try to punch the wall from your side while I punch it from here. Focus on punching the wall in the same place as mine. And don't stop punching until I say so" I said getting an idea.

I again got into the Kong Fist Stance and started punching and kicking the wall like crazy. While I was doing that, I could hear two sets of hands punching the wall from the other direction. This let me know that both Goku and Yamcha were in there.

In 2 minutes, we started getting results. I could clearly see some small cracks forming in the wall. I could also hear Bulma and the others on the other side celebrating for probably the same reason.

In the next 2 minutes, we were able to destroy the wall partially.

And in the next minute, we completely blew a hole in the wall. Granted the hole was only half my size.

Thank god, they weren't captured in the steel room. It would have been a pain in the ass to free them.

Truthfully, I was a little happy about this obstacle. I really got to practice my Kong Fist. Now, there weren't any kinks in the technique. I could feel that my attacks had more power than before too.

Anyway, once the wall was destroyed, it was quite easy to enlarge the hole by blowing off chunks of rocks little by little.

In no time, I was tackled by a happy Goku, Oolong, and Bulma.

"Baali you really saved us," Bulma said with her eyes moistening up a bit.

"No problem Bulma. You are my friend. Of course, I would save my friend though that doesn't mean I won't charge you. This count as a normal favor" I joked.

"Sure" She nodded and asked, "What took you so long?"

"Really, after I saved you, you have the gall to ask me why I was late," I asked her with a deadpanned voice trying to change the subject.

She blushed at that and started stuttering.

"Anyway, who are those two. Wait a minute! I know you. You are the ones who tried to mug us when we were in the desert" I said getting into a defensive position. I already knew the reason but can't let anyone suspect me. I should really get an oscar for my performance.

"Yeah, sorry about that" Yamcha apologized "But we don't have time for this. The people, who trapped us, have the dragon balls. We have to take them b-"

I cut him off "I know. I met them about half an hour ago"

"You met them. What happened?" Bulma asked curiously.

"Well, when I reached here, I found them in front of the dragon. They had summoned it already" I said in an apologetic tone "I didn't know where to find you or where you were. In my panic, I asked for a wish before they could" I said abashedly sheepishly bringing my hand at the back like most of the shonen protag do. It usually works out whenever the hero is in some sort of problem.

"What?" Bulma said dangerously.

'Uh-oh! Looks like it didn't work out' I thought with dread.

"You mean to say that the wish, for which I spent days in the jungle, for which I was almost eaten by a dino; for which I remained hungry; for which I was trapped here for hours… you just took it like that," She said in a low dangerous tone that sent shivers down my spine.

"Now! Now! Bulma! Calm down. You can't blame me for that. If I hadn't asked for the wish, they would have" I said calmly inching backward "How about this. In return for taking your wish, I will forego that 1 large favor. Huh! What do you say? No! Then how about 1 Big and 1 normal favor…? No! Very well, you drive a hard bargain. 1 type of every favor! What do you say?" In the end, I was panicking a little.

"I say bollocks to that" Bulma screamed and started running towards me.

I am sure no amount of logic will get her to stop chasing me. The best way would be to run until she is out of energy. Seeing that, I did the clever thing and strategically retreated away. I didn't run away and whoever is telling you that is a big, fat liar. And tell me his location so that I can 'persuade' him otherwise.

I continued to run and so we ran for about a few minutes in the same room before she stopped. All the while, she was hot on my tail, screaming like crazy. I think she even used KI subconsciously as she became faster without any reason. I was quite impressed with her running speed.

Once, she ran out of energy, she fell on the ground and started moaning miserably for missing out on her wish.

Still, I continued to keep my eyes on her and be wary to see if she wasn't faking it. I wanted to comment that she could be my girlfriend but I didn't. After all, I didn't want to run anymore, and making her angry would do that.

"Baali! Where is Grandpa's ball?" Goku asked taking me out of my thoughts.

"Grandpa's ball..? Right! The dragon ball! When the dragon completed my wish, all seven of them flew away. I didn't have the time to even catch one of them…" I said acting puzzled "…You should ask Bulma about this. I bet she knows something about it" I suggested to him so that it might take the mind off Bulma from the wish.

"After a wish has been made, the dragon balls scatter all over the world" Bulma explained when Goku asked the question.

"So that means Grandpa's ball also went somewhere" Goku questioned morosely.

"Unfortunately," Bulma said unsympathetically.

'Wow! What a bitch' I mused.

"Let's get out of here before the pilaf gang comes" Yamcha interjected.

"Yeah" I muttered.

DAY 9:

6:55 pm: I wished for the magic book.


Power levels (At the end of the chapter):

Bulma, Oolong, Puar, Pilaf, Shu: ~04

Goku: 43.5; Oozaru Form: Height and Power x10 (435)

Baali: 50; Oozaru Form: Height and Power x10 (500) Kong Fist: 60 (20% increase)

Yamcha: 34; Wolf Fang Fist: 39 (15% increase)

Mai: 6

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