
Laborious Escape

Chapter 27

Laborious Escape

Suddenly, a voice rang out. "It's of no use! You all will die here for getting in my way" I belatedly realized it is Pilaf's malicious voice. Before I could even do a thing, gas started to leak out of the walls.

I understood the situation in a second. I realized that the pilaf gang probably quietly came back and while I was busy getting them free, they planned their next move. Still, all was not lost.

I took a huge breath and started running away. I didn't have time to warn others. We need only 1 of the fighters to get, away. It would be bad if all are caught. I quickly went in the opposite direction to the drawn arrows as quickly as I could. In no time, I almost reached the end.

At last, I was just about to get free, when the dungeon door closed and a wall sprang up enforcing the door. My speed was too much and I couldn't stop in time. With a thud, I collided with the wall. I was dazed for a few seconds unconsciously releasing my breath.

I quickly took a huge breath again and went in for the kill. In no time, I was going at the wall like crazy with my Kong Fist.

Thankfully, the gas has not fully reached my position.

Suddenly gas started leaking from the walls near my position which killed whatever I was planning.

I quickly charged my KI in my hands and let it loose. I knew I had to give my all otherwise I could be captured. This was no time to hold back. I kept the attack for a few minutes. I didn't stop until I could feel both oxygen and KI drying up.

When I stopped the technique, I found that my KI attack had only destroyed the wall by a little more than half. I was really surprised that Goku's half-ass Kamehameha would be more powerful than my KI attack in its penetrating power as I remembered that he was able to make a hole from it during the canon.

I shook my head and decided to think about it later.

I once again took a huge breath inhaling some of the sleeping gas and got into the King Kong stance. The next second, I was attacking the partially destroyed wall with my full power.

I could see that my attacks were working but they weren't working fast. I could feel myself getting sleepy and tired with every passing second.

'NO! I won't go out like this' I screamed internally and redoubled my efforts.

But they weren't enough. I destroyed the wall but the door was still there and it was made of steel. I could only get half a dozen punches on it making a few dents before the sweet oblivion took me.

Sometime later

I woke up with a groan. My head was killing me.

It took me a few seconds to remember my situation. When I did remember, I quickly got up which I shouldn't have.

'The damn Vertigo'

Once, my vision had stabilized, I looked around to see all of the others knocked out. But that wasn't a problem. The problem was that we were in a room that looked like it was made of steel.

"Fuck" I mutter softly 'I remember now'

This was the same room where Goku and others were kept in the canon.

Looking up, I was greeted with the sight of the stars, and almost a full moon.

"So we did save a day…" I mutter thinking how Goku and the others were captured on the full moon night.

Suddenly a plan began to form in my mind. While Goku can't do it, I can easily go change in Oozaru mode with the last year's practice. At last, those nights of training would come in handy.

I was taken out of my thoughts when I hear a groan. I looked in that direction to find Goku waking up.

'And here goes my plan' I thought morosely. After all, I don't want anyone to witness that ability.

"Huh! Where are we?" He asked after a few seconds.

"Let's wait for the others" I answered and went into a meditative state. While the moonbeams might not affect Goku, they affected me a little. They didn't use to affect me but once I changed into Oozaru on a similar night some months ago, it started affecting me.

When I came out of my meditative trance after a few minutes, I found all of them were awake.

"How pathetic! I can't believe they captured us again" Yamcha said bitterly.

"Not like we didn't try! But the gas knocked us out before we could get away" Oolong pointed out.

"We couldn't have gotten out even if we were a little fast. They closed the gate with another wall. I was able to break the wall and I tried to break the steel door but got knocked out before I could destroy it" I interjected making everyone silent.

"What now…?" Bulma asked after some seconds of silence.

"We can't even destroy them like the wall. It's all, steel" Yamcha said punching the wall

"What are you talking about? The roof's wide open" Goku pointed out.

Bulma tried to tell him that the roof was made of reinforced glass but he didn't listen and jumped up. Naturally, he couldn't even make a single crack and only got pain in return.

"Owww! Oww! Ow!" Goku moaned in pain totally ignoring Bulma's "I told you so"

"Shit! If we can't find a way to get out of here somehow, forget gathering the dragon balls. We will die right here" Yamcha said looking angry.

"We wouldn't be able to collect them again for some time anyway" Bulma interjected.


Bulma sat down and started talking "Once a wish has been made with the dragon balls, it takes over a year until they become usable again. In other words, they'll just appear as round stones for a whole year… There's no way we can search for them before they reactivate"

"O-One year" Yamcha stuttered out.

Suddenly we heard a voice from the speaker on the wall "Hey, you guys! Nice job ruining my plans for world domination. I am giving you all the death penalty now…" I ignored the gasps and exclamations of surprise "Gufufufu but don't worry. I am not one for savage behavior. I am going to kill you nice and smoothly. You realized the ceiling above you is made of glass, right?"

He took a break and then continued "Around these parts, the sun is super-hot at the noontime. So being in that room is just like being in an open toaster. Dry up and die! All of you! Gyahahaha! I am so excited for tomorrow"

'Wow! Talk about being sadistic' I mused.

"Dammit! So that's the plan" Yamcha grunted with the gritted teeth.

"What should we do? I didn't bring any suntan lotion. My skin…!" Bulma exclaimed.

"You aren't acting like someone who is about to die," Oolong said popping her bubble.

"I am too young to die" "I don't want to become toast pork" "M-My dreams of getting married" "I want to pee" "I am hungry"

I don't need to explain who said what.

Still, this was grating on my nerves.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP" I screamed.

Instantly they quieted down.

"Now I don't want to listen to your whining. Yamcha, Goku, you are with me. We are going to break these walls. We will attack, one by one, in turns. And focus on one place or a plate. I will go first" I detailed my plan and started attacking the steel walls in Kong style.

Now, getting out by going Oozaru was the last to last path. I didn't want to give away my strongest attack. I also didn't use KI because it had proved to be less destructive than I realized.

Anyway, I got tired after a while at which Yamcha started attacking it. Once he got tired, Goku picked up the pace. And so we continued.

Unfortunately, by the 3rd shift, we all were pretty tired and there was only a small dent to show our efforts. I had still not recovered from all the energy I wasted in my less than successful attempt to get, away.

"It is useless. It's completely impossible to break" Yamcha said as he rubbed his hands in pain.

"Gahahaha! Fools! Struggle all you want. The walls of that prison are made of 300 mm thick steel! The ceiling is super reinforced Glass! Not even guns could break through it" Pilaf bragged "Only death awaits those who get in the way of Pilaf-Sama's world domination!"

Goku, Yamcha, and I sat down once we heard that the walls were made of 1-foot thick steel. I didn't realize it. I just thought it would be a 3-4 inch thick wall, not triple or quadruple of that. No attack of ours could penetrate that.

"I am hungry," Goku said miserably.

'So am I' I thought but didn't voice it out loud. Thankfully, I ate some food before getting here otherwise, I would have been starving.

I continued to think of a way to get out without revealing my Oozaru form.

"I am hungry too. Are we really going to die like this…?" Oolong asked.

"I don't wanna die" Bulma started whining again.

"Nobody wants to die" Oolong retorted back. I don't know where he gets the energy to pick a fight with her.

"What are you doing Puar?" Oolong asked. I looked there to find Puar looking in the sky.

"I was looking at Mr. Moon. It's not a full moon but it is still pretty. I just want to look at something pretty before I die" Puar said softly.

"Don't say shit like it especially when you aren't acting" Oolong said angrily.

"A full moon" Goku softly said under his breath "When there is a full moon, a really scary monster comes out"

"Fufufu! You are kidding. You mean the wolf-man…?" Bulma said snootily "If you have time to sit around and think dumb stuff like that, think a way to get us out of here"

"It's not a lie. My grandpa was squashed flat by its foot and died" Goku explained.

"What..? Son Gohan, the world-famous martial artist..? That monster must be really something" Yamcha exclaimed.

I was surprised that he knew our grandfather was Son Gohan though I took it out of my mind. I had other things to worry about like my survival. He could have easily come to know that information after spending hours with Goku in the dungeon. Goku doesn't exactly have a filter on his mouth. It was a miracle he managed to hide some of our powers.

"Yeah…! It destroyed our house, trees, and everything" Goku explained.

"What kind of monster was it, anyway?" Oolong asked me.

"I was not there" I replied softly not wanting to remember the situation of Gohan's body that I found when I got home.

Oolong got the meaning that I didn't want to be disturbed so he then turned to Goku and asked him.

"I don't know. I was asleep so I didn't see it" Goku answered.

"Your house was destroyed and you still slept through it? Just what kinda nerves do you have anyway?" Oolong asked with visible bewilderment.

"Grandpa always used to tell us to never look at the full moon. I don't think it has anything to do with me looking at the moon though I wonder if the monsters come out around here too when the moon is full" Goku wondered and spilled the secret.

In an instant Bulma, Yamcha, Oolong, and Puar became scared and retreated to the farthest corner of the prison away from us.

I sighed.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Goku asked them after seeing them run away from him

"N-No way"

"D-Do y-you mind if I a-ask…? T-The n-night your g-grandpa was killed… Did y-you look at the moon?" Bulma stuttered out.

"Yeah! I was told not to but when I went out to pee, I accidentally did…" Goku said a bit abashed.

I closed my eyes at the grief that was starting to overwhelm me at the thought of him being so naive that he doesn't know he killed Gohan. And that's one more reason not to go into Oozaru form. I don't want him to think that I killed the grandpa, and I can't find it in me to tell him that he was the reason Grandpa was killed.

"I-I had a feeling, t-that they weren't n-normal k-kids" Yamcha stuttered out

"B-But t-that c-can't be p-possible... I-It's g-got to be a c-coincidence" Bulma looked even more scared.

"It wasn't a coincidence" I interjected before they became more scared "But don't worry! Tonight's not the full moon" I took out my refrigerator capsule and enlarged it "We should eat and try to get out before the sun comes up"

It was good that Ox-king took the big refrigerator, otherwise we would have starved as I couldn't have taken it out whilst stuck in this cage. Goku whopped in joy and quickly took out food. I also joined him. Seeing the food, they forgot their fears and quickly joined us.

5 minutes later, they probably forgot the news and started smiling again.

10 minutes later, we were done with dinner. 4 Komodo dragons were more than enough for all of us. We all had a bursting stomach when we were done, even Bulma. When I asked, she pointed out that it might be her last dinner so she didn't care for diet and all that crap.

I have to say 'People show their true self when they are going to die' proverb fit here perfectly.

Anyway, I got an idea while we were eating diner.

"Now that we are all on a full stomach, we should try to get out of here," I said and continued before they could object "Now we can't really destroy the walls but we can destroy the glass. Again, we will attack in shifts and focus our attacks on 1 place"

With that said, we started again. I used my Kong style. Yamcha used his Wolf fang style and Goku used his Rock paper scissor style.

10 minutes later, we didn't get even a single crack in the glass.

The situation looked as if I will have to reveal my secret. Suddenly, I got an idea.

I turned towards Bulma "Bulma, Do you have any guns?" I asked.


"Good! Take them out. All of them" I ordered.

She quickly started taking out guns. Seeing that, Yamcha stopped his attacks.

"Why did you stop? Carry on" I told him and he nods before starting again.

Once Bulma took out all the guns, I asked Yamcha to stop and everyone to come to my side. I armed every one of us and ordered them to fire at the particular spot, we were already trying to break.

We fired at once. The sound of bullets firing filled the room. The bullets hit the glass and bounced off it, going in the other direction and hitting the steel wall. Thankfully, they didn't bounce more and come towards us as I already took in the account of angle before asking them to fire. The wall that they hit was also the same one that we tried to destroy.

We continued until all of our ammo depleted. It took a little time for the smoke to settle, seeing as there didn't appear to any large vent in the box.

When we looked at the glass, we saw a few small cracks in the glass. Some whopped in joy while some bemoaned that nothing happened. Once, everyone was up to date, I started the next part of the plan

"Okay, guys! Now we have to just attack where the cracks are formed. We will be out of here in no time" I said ignoring their whopping.

10 minutes later, the cracks started continuing to other places. So, we redoubled our efforts.

20 minutes later, we made quite a bit of progress. It looked like the glass would break with only a few more pushes.

And it did, Yamcha's attacks finally pushed its breaking point over the edge.

7:35 am: The whole got captured after he freed the group just a few minutes prior.

8:00 pm: He woke up.

8:40 pm: They destroyed the bulletproof glass and freed themselves.

Power levels (At the end of the chapter):

Bulma, Oolong, Puar, Pilaf, Shu: ~04

Goku: 43.5; Oozaru Form: Height and Power x10 (435)

Baali: 50; Oozaru Form: Height and Power x10 (500) Kong Fist: 60 (20% increase)

Yamcha: 34; Wolf Fang Fist: 39 (15% increase)

Mai: 6

I won’t be writing the date and time once this arc is done. It is very frustrating and time-consuming.

Hit1903creators' thoughts
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