
Making Statergies for days of battle.

*The Next Day after the meeting*

Vegeta Sama : Whis take me to cabba san.

Whis: here we go.

( At universe 6 near cabba's house)

Cabba: hello master

Vegeta sama : so you keeped your promise.

Cabba: as you also keeped.

Vegeta Sama : Now take me to your king I want to meet him.

Cabba : here we go.

( At kings palace )

Vegeta Sama: {surprized talking to king } *Father*

*King Vegeta hugs his son *

How are you alive { Both ask to each other}

Because of you { Both reply }

But How {both ask}

King Vegeta answers after you gone from a spaceship I found another spaceship and tried to fled from there and Tunnel opened there which lead me here to univ 6 And became king of planet Sadal.

King vegeta : But how did You became God

( Beerus sama is sleeping so I had to sit on throne)

Vegeta : why arent you sitting on the Throne of Destruction.

King : Because of that silly hit.

Vegeta : I will defeat him and You will sit on the throne just you.

King : thank you son.

Vegeta: lets go .

* They arrive at Pallace of Destruction*

Vegeta : Hey hit my father will sit on throne of Destruction and you will just get off this throne or I will not spare you.

Hit : If you want to sit on throne of destruction then defeat me.

* Fight starts and Hit is using his time skip*

but Vegeta now is able to attack HIT.

*BEFORE Hit uses his techniques ...

... Vegeta Sama punches him in stomach and

Hit faints...

°King Vegeta becames new GOD of universe 6°

* Next Day at Strategy planning*

Vegeta sama : what will be the Statergies to defeat janemba and Moro... whis.

Whis : As Moro has an magical army and cannot be defeated by normal beings I think that - You, Jiren, Buu , ANDROID 17 AND Toppo should be defeating Moro and GOKU, BROLY , SHOULD DEFEAT JANEMBA AND GOHAN SHALL DEFEAT DABURA.



VEGETA SAMA : WHY SHOULD I GO THERE TO DEFEAT MORO last time I couldn't do anything to him.

Whis :I am sending you to Moro not to defeat him but to defeat his magical army.

VEGETA : Ok Tommarow morning everybody be ready we are at days of battle .

* at night after meeting *

( at Jiren and Toppo's house)

Jiren: will we win the battle tommarow.

Toppo : surely as now Goku san and Vegeta sama is with us.

* The day of battle arrives *

VEGETA SAMA: You know your teams you know your missons.....No mistake no do overs.

we will meet after the battle .

° Everybody becames ready °

*Goku and broly teleportes to universe 1 *

* Gohan teleports to universe 11*

* All other Teleports to universe10*

° Goku and broly got surprized that before they reached there Janemba was ready with His army.°

(Will they be able to defeat janemba ? will goku surpass his limit again? will broly be in controll ? will goku be beaten this time.)

{Watch next time on Game of Destruction}

* Read all the 3 chapters first to have better experience.

* Current condition *

Gohan has to rush to help VEGETA and his team defeat moro.

If Gohan couldnt be able to defeat Dabura Vegeta shall help him.

Whis cannot fight because he cant participate in mortals fight.


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