
Abandoned...! (67)

'That's the last one' Broly thought to himself, leaving the fifth spaceship.

'Why did you help out the Freiza Force?!' Yami asked.

'To trace them of course, their ship is bugged, not only will I have access to their location and any information available on their network but I will also be able to hijack their ship at any time as well as gain access to the Frieza Force database when they land' Broly said, reporting his calculations.

'You geek!'

Broly frowned.

'But that was an awesome geek moment if I've ever seen it,' Yami said softly.

Broly snickered even louder than he had before.

'I know you did not just say 'Awesome Geek Moment' you weirdo!'

'Shut up,' Yami said before retreating.

Broly laughed out loud.

'I love this guy'

Broly thought, growing to like Yami more and more.

Initially, he thought that Yami was a shady and evil character but as they insulted each other and joked around he felt like he had his first friend outside his family.

'That's so corny!' Yami shouted in Broly's mind, reading his thoughts.

'Shut up'

Yami snickered.

'Head back to the ship, tin can must have found a reading by now' Yami recommended.

'Not a bad idea,' Broly said levitating high into the air.

"Ki Sense!" Broly said aloud, his mind rapidly moving, trying to lock onto the ki signature of Zelta.

Zelta, as it ran on ki, stood out like a sore thumb among the empty plains on Mentels, Broly was also able to get a signature on the city he had seen earlier as the structures all emitted a low-level ki signature.

It was at this moment Broly sensed something, a ki signature that was so faint Broly almost missed it.

It was strange as the signal was isolated, located in the middle of a cave near a rocky region.

Broly didn't wait for Yami and flew towards the signature, intrigued. Broly flew through the air, breathing in the sweet scent it gave and gazed at the scenery.

Planet Mentels was for the most part open and flat space, what seemed like miles of symmetrical land sprawled between massive mountains and thanks to his ki sense, Broly could sense about a fifth of the planet at one time.

Broly landed on two feet and entered the cave, the signature fresh in his mind as he stepped forward.

The inside of the cave was dark, even with his enhanced vision he was unable to see much.

Broly raised his palm and ball of green ki illuminated the environment, green light pouring out from it as it rotated.

The view immediately came to life.

Inside the cave were many red jagged ki crystals, all seemingly impaled onto the rocky walls, there was a single blue ki crystal and a single green ki one, both impaled above something covered in rags.

Broly took a step closer, making a loud sound as his foot hit the floor.

Queen Vegeta's eyes snapped open hastily.

She had detected a sound and was unsure who had entered her cave, she carefully tilted her body making no unnatural movements, making sure that she appeared to be still.

While extremely small, Broly caught these movements and instantly backpedalled, not wanting to be caught off guard. He readied himself, entering his stance and kept his eyes peeled.

She couldn't see his figure clearly because it was dark but she didn't need to.

She had already seen his neck.

Queen Vegeta pounced at once, both hands stretching forward to strangle him.

Broly saw this happen in slow motion, his enhanced eyesight able to pick-up on the movements quickly.

Broly's eyes quickly scanned the person moving towards him.

'It's a woman!'

Broly instantly hesitated, moving back even further, slowly watching her approach him.

Broly's right hand suddenly rushed out grabbing her neck.

In a moment of hesitation, Broly's willpower dwindled to the point of which Yami could seize control of his body.

Yami could not allow any external factors to harm Broly's body, as he was an individual with years of combat experience, he was able to react quickly unlike Broly who was fazed. However Yami didn't savour this, he quickly moved back after he had done the action.

Queen Vegeta struggled, bringing both of her hands to try and pry off Broly's grip.

'She doesn't have a bra on' Yami commented, stating the truth.

'Yami!' Broly shouted.

'What? She doesn't!'

Broly dropped Queen Vegeta who spluttered and began coughing on the floor.

'Why did you strangle her?'

'Because she was going to strangle you'

'That doesn't give you the right to put your hands on her!'

'Oh brother, you're one of those! Get your ass kicked by a woman and talk to me later,' Yami said tiredly.

'It doesn't matter whether she's a man or a woman! Don't go strangle people! With my body!'

'She's a Saiyan!'


'She's a Saiyan! Look at her tail!' Yami shouted back, drawing Broly's attention to a thin tail that peeked out of bandages.

Queen Vegeta did indeed have a tail below her back.

'My goodness!' Broly said, hurrying to comfort Queen Vegeta.

'Oh, brother!' Yami lamented, hating the way Broly was acting.

"I'm sorry, you caught me by surprise!" Broly said, hurriedly taking off his sash and wrapping it around Queen Vegeta's body.

Queen Vegeta grabbed the sash but hurriedly moved backwards.

"Stay away! Stay away from me you-"

Queen Vegeta stopped.

She saw Broly's tail.

It was formerly wrapped around the sash on Broly's hip, used as support but now that he had given it to her, his tail and his white pants were both revealed.

"No way!" Queen Vegeta cried out, rushing towards Broly, instantly moving past him, grabbing his tail.

Broly winced as a very uncomfortable sensation rocked through his body.

"Why are you-"

Queen Vegeta squeezed on Broly's tail, rubbing the surface and sniffing it.

Broly hurriedly moved away just before she was about to lick it.

"You're a Saiyan!" Queen Vegeta cried, pointing at Broly.

"I could have told you that," Broly said, quickly wrapping his tail around his waist.

Yami whistled out loudly.

'Gyat! That Saiyan chick is really packing!' he commented.

Broly's eyes rolled down belatedly as his face turned red, now avoiding eye contact with Queen Vegeta's supple breasts.

Queen Vegeta stared at Broly, not believing that she had found another Saiyan.

"Um, Miss?"


"Please cover up," Broly said embarrassedly.

Queen Vegeta looked at Broly again in wonder and then reached for the sash he gave her, wrapping it around herself like a towel.

[Storyteller: Oh yeah! Queen Vegeta actually escaped Planet Vegeta! But how did she survive all these years? And how did the race on Planet Mentels withstand the power of a Saiyan? Find out! In the next chapter of Dragon Ball Revised!]

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