
0. (edited)

Conton City - Time Vault

Rhuda tapped her white boot and looked her emerald green eyes down her sharp nose at the Supreme Kai of Time, Chronoa. "Why must I, an elite saiyan warrior, submit myself to such a preposterous task?"

Chronoa sighed for seemingly the one thousandth time and said again, in smaller words, "This is what all patrollers go through. It's just a simple training simulation."

Her co-partner, Trunks Briefs, crossed his arms over his black trench coat and gave a little shake to his long lilac hair. "Even Father and Goku did this. It won't take you long, Rhuda. It's a requirement to be a Time Patroller."

"Fine!" Rhuda brushed aside her thigh length auburn hair, done up in two pig tails atop her spiked head and glared at Vegeta's only son most hatefully. Her brown tail unwound from her waist and swat the air with aggravation. "I'll do the damn thing. Let's get this over with."





Real World - Tokyo, Japan

Chisato Shino rubbed her burning eyes and tightened the scarf around her shoulders. It did little to help relieve the cold of a winters night, and she did it as an afterthought. Her entire savings had been utilized on the bullet train, needing to get as far away as possible from Ofuku, Japan. She just hoped it was far enough.

'Fuma, how could you?'

She sniffled anew and absentmindedly passed by tower after tower, thinking deeply about her boyfriend and his cheating ways. The school beauty, Uma, had been after Fuma for quite some time. He was a member of the Student Council, with looks to match his charm. It was only a matter of time before he would be taken from her, Chisato thought grimly.

After catching the two snuggled up at Shinjuku Station, well, it had been the deciding factor with which Chisato needed to cut ties with her boyfriend. They'd been dating several weeks already, yet nothing of the romantic kind had happened, despite all the rumors flying around at their co-ed school. Kids could be cruel.

Even more cruel was her life at home. A raging alcoholic of a dad hidden beneath the guise of a business man. His office job was stressful, he'd tell her, and used it for justification of any kind, ranging from binge drinking to cursing his only daughter for her looks, which were identical to her vacant mother.

It wasn't Chisato's fault she had taken after her mother. That guilt should lie with genetics, not a seventeen year old girl. Yet the worst of things wasn't her Dad's ill temperament, it was simply his nature to take things out on her. It was that for years she'd lived under the cruel hands of fate, being slighted at every turn, until her very confidence and ability to stand up for herself had been shot.

'He'll be mad at me when I don't return home,' Chisato thought to herself.

Indeed, taking the money from her part time job and running off to Tokyo on a school night hadn't been the wisest of decisions. It was with regret she looked around at Tokyo, not having seen the large city despite her classmates going there a few months ago for a field trip. Chisato hadn't gotten permission to do so, as her father was gone on a business trip, and due to the nature of his position they'd moved around quite often until Chisato couldn't very well keep up with the change of curriculum at every turn. Because of that she knew very little kanji, and so didn't have the skills to forge her fathers signature.

It was a shame, really.

"Miss, hey, pretty miss, over here!"

An elderly man wearing a Hawaiian shirt, a scarf, a pair of khaki shorts and flip flops stood just outside a Game Tower. She looked through her deep brown eyes to him, and pointed at herself. "Eh? Ano...are you talking to me, sir?"

"Eh heh heh! I sure am. Are you looking for a good time?"

How shocking. An elderly pervert in the flesh, pestering a high school girl at night. Chisato waved her arms a little, alarmed, "Not at all!"

"Take this."

She turned away but he snatched her tiny wrist and shoved something into it. Whether it was a unicorn, a dinosaur, or something of that nature was unclear, and the girl cringed in horror only to see a CD there, reflecting the lights of Tokyo. "Eh? A DVD?" She asked, turning it over.

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 3

The title read. Chisato shook her short dark hair, "Sorry. I don't play video games. Ano...I don't have the technology to do so." She attempted to return the game but the bald, sunglasses wearing man thrust it back.

"Take it. There's a gaming tower right here. Go up there and play it. It'll knock your socks off!" The man said with a nod of satisfaction.

Chisato wasn't one to defy the elderly, even if they were very strange and out of their mind. She smiled gratefully and dipped her head, "Yes. Thank you very much. I'll give it go, then. Have a good night, sir!"

"Mmm hmm. You too, Chisato." He waved as she walked off, and it wasn't until Chisato was well into the gaming tower that she froze on the step, wondering how it was that old man had known her name. She didn't recall giving it to him, at least.

The Gaming Tower was filled with obsessive Otaku game nerds. She didn't belong there, not being one of them, and not even knowing the basics of how to play a game. Yet she had a spark of interest thanks to that old man and his mysterious knowledge about her. Chisato went into the midst of those nerds and noticed her presence was met with disbelieving looks. She supposed it was odd, for a girl like her to be there, after all, wearing a uniform from a far away prefecture and not matching them in even the basest of levels.

Chisato was greeted by a kind woman who told her how to use the machines, and she paid the machine its due, using the remaining Yen she had saved. As the game began to load, she created a character.

[Saiyan: Rhuda]

There was only one option for her to select a character. Chisato didn't know if that were normal, really, but kept going until her character had been created. She saved the game, or attempted to.

[Game Data Saving....]

Nothing happened.

She waited for a time before growing dull. It seemed the game she received was glitched in some way, not that she knew anything about that. Chisato left the machine, leaving the frozen game as well, and had an urge to see the roof top.

Step by step she climbed the levels until seeing the Exit leading up and out, and opened the door. The cold of night ran through her navy pleated skirt.

"Tokyo..." she mumbled to herself, edging across the snow dampened roof top to view the scenery better. Dark stars up above lit the city up, and she took her thumb and index finger and attempted to pinch the North Star between them.

"I wish I were somewhere else, maybe even someone else," she whispered.

It was a truth founded upon her harsh life and the realities she'd faced. What Chisato could not have known was that her Game had indeed saved after a time and was waiting upon a wish.

[Player Wish Input:]

Her vocalization had somehow connected to the magic of that strange game, and as she looked over the side of the roof her black penny loafers slid on wet snow.


She didn't even have time to let out a proper scream at her own downfall. Snow plagued her face and eyes as she flailed, trying like a fish to find her way back to the roof, but it was altogether too late. After a short period of mere seconds, Chisato Shino only saw blackness.

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