
Dragon's soul mate

Yuri was just a normal coffee clerk who lost his lover to his bestfeiend. His life took a huge turn when he met the Dragon Prince Victor. Dragons as sacred most powerful creatures ruled all kingdoms. Married to two beautiful wives he didnt love Victor felt lonely. His encounter with Yuri a fragile commoner who bravely stood up to him filled Victor with curiosity and wonder what life would be like with Yuri beside him. Disgracing the royal household Victor rapped and impregnated a commoner Yuri. With the burden of raising the children Yuri was blinded into marriage. Shion the ex-male wife of Victor, growing up never knew what feelings are. in the company of Yuri, his view of the cold world changed and he fell in love with him. These two day by day grew close, it was one-sided love for Shion. In the midst of a blissful love...old skeletons fell off Victor's shelf. The encounter with an old lover made Victor to lose all that he had. Tragedy befall on the royal household....bonds are broken whilst new ones are created. What is a soulmate? Two lovers fight a journey to save their marriage... Read more to find out how the story goes... Disclaimer...the art is not mine. Credits and thanks to the owner

DaoistvtdATq · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

Volume 38 The beginning of Terror

The kings facing Yuri pleaded, "Our King please plead with Prince Victor on our behalf, have mercy on our helpless souls!" Yuri was helpless sitting on the throne about to witness a mass murder of kings. On the outside he kept his composure, Victor grinned as he looked at the trembling sheep before him, "I am the Lord, you are pleading for mercy? I am sure if Shion returns to take my Yuri away you wretched people will support him!"

It was hopeless to strike a deal with a demon, one king grit his teeth and pointed a gun at Victor. With an evil smile on his face he asked, "Do you think those bullets will kill me?" Pointing the gun at his heart he said, "How about you find out at a close range…" Yuri prayed for the bullets to kill this monster. The king with trembling hands said, "I don't wish to kill…" "That's kind of you to say whilst pointing a gun at my heart, if you fail to kill me…I will slowly kill you and devour your soul."

The king shot a bullet and looking at his chest he saw no wound and the bullet penetrated his body. With a confused face he shot countless times until his gun ran out of bullets, dropping the gun on the floor the King tried to escape. Victor grabbed him by his neck, he lifted the helpless man in the air. Victor ripped out his throat, he pierced his sword and it sucked the man's spirit.

Yuri closed his eyes whilst squeezing his hands, throwing the corpse on the floor, Victor said, "All these deaths are on you Yuri, look at them!" Yuri slowly opened his eyes, his heart fell out when he saw the kings being mercilessly slaughtered. His white robes were stained with blood of innocent man, "Humans don't deserve love, once you give them respect they shove it down your ass. Only the powerful deserve to rule and that's how it is going to be…remove your clothes." The guards in the room stood still like corpses.

Yuri removed his clothes, Victor humiliated him in front of the guards. Yuri felt immense pain each time Victor thrusted inside him. Victor threw a robe of Yuri's naked body, looking Sam he said, "Take him inside the bedroom, gather the army." Sam wrapped a robe around Yuri before he carried him to the bedroom, when they reached the bedroom Yuri said, "Take me in the bathroom."

After running a bath for Yuri Sam quickly left the room, his heart felt sorry for Yuri. Taking phone and seeing the videos of his family gave Yuri a peace of mind, when Victor opened the bedroom door Yuri hid his phone.

Yuri looking at Victor asked, "I understand your anger towards me, but why will you slaughter the innocent for my crimes?" Victor removing his robes replied, "The innocent? When you fucking married Shion their hearts cheered with joy…" "I am here now, why should you kill them? Are you afraid Shion will one day kill you?" Yuri clenching his fists asked Victor. Victor slapped Yuri so hard he fell on the floor, "I am the Lord and my actions are only question by me, a slutty whore like you should tell me what to do…your job is to spread your ass for me to fuck."

Victor went inside to take a bath, looking at his pathetic self at the mirror he said, "I miss you Shion." He slept in the guest room; late at of the night he heard a faint voice of Shion. Yuri followed the voice to the dinning hall, he saw Victor drinking wine whilst looking at a mirror. The mirror was his surveillance to watch over Shion and the others captive inside the farmhouse.

Shion was feeding Yuna who was sleeping on the bed, she was slowly healing. Luckily her golden core was intact, a few on her ribs were broken. Juan was playing with Talin and Takato whilst Daniel cleaned up after having a meal. Shion kissing Yuna on the forehead said, "Goodnight Princess, l love you." Yuna with sparkly eyes replied, "Dad, when will mom come?" Patting his head, he replied, "Mom will be here soon, go to sleep now." Yuna looking at his father standing at the doorway said, "Dad, I love you."

Yuri held back his tears when he saw his family, he was startled when Victor said, "It is rude to eavesdrop on other people…come over here." Victor looking at the mirror enchanted a spell as the reflections disappeared. Yuri wanted to walk away when Victor said, "Dididnt I tell you to come here?"

Yuri with a shaking body knelt before Victor, his gaze was cold. Victor forcefull transferred the whiskey from his mouth to Yuri's, the whiskey chocked him that he coughed really hard. Victor looking at him said, "I heard you skipped your meals today. Let this be the last I hear of this foolishness." There was a moment of silence as Victor finished the whiskey, "You are forbidden to sleep away from me."

The following day Victor joined Yuri who was having breakfast, Sam showed him the documents he asked for. Sam bowing down said, "My Lord, the army is ready for you." Victor wiping his mouth and hands with a napkin, "Good, prepare a helicopter for me and Yuri here. I cant afford for his majesty to miss the show" Yuri felt really scared that he dropped the spoon in his hand.

Dressed in his royal robes, Victor helped Yuri to walk inside the cars. Heading over to the airport Yuri couldn't bring himself to ask Victor what he was up to. Yuri noticed they were heading over to Qin Kingdom, he asked, "My Lord….why are we going to Qin kingdom?" Victor looking at his tablet replied, "I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise, patience pays Yuri."

Flying from a distance Yuri could see their home from a distance, in the midst of remembering the warm days with his family, "I will take away everything that reminds him of that asshole…everything Yuri." The palace was blown into a million pieces by the nuclear bombs, he was startled. Tears poured out from his face, he tried to look away but Victor forcefully smashed his head on the window, "Isn't is beautiful Yuri?"

One after the other the nuclear bombs destroyed half of Shion's kingdom he turned a deaf ear to Yuri's pleading, Yuri said, "Please stop, punish me and leave these people." Victor stopped the attacked but half the population was wiped off, "The next time you fucking think about him, I will kill people until you can only think about me."

Victor bite Yuri's ear as he masturbated to his ass, licking the blood of his ear he said, "I will make you mine Yuri, because in this world you were meant to be mine." The pilots were hard on when they saw Victor fucking Yuri, no one dared to object to Victor's action.

When they reached the palace, Yuri looked at the maids and said, "Please run a bath for me." Victor strongly held his arm and asked, "Who told you I am done?" Yuri tried to escape his grip but it he was strong, "All those people Victor, little children who are innocent. I wish you could have killed me; I keep regretting meeting you. You are making it so easy for me to hate you." Gritting his teeth he asked, "Shion is despicable…" Yuri slapped Victor so hard with his other hand, with an angry voice he yelled, "Never utter my husband's name with your filthy mouth!"

Victor released and watched him as he leaped at the stairs on his way to their bedroom. Standing at the doorway of the bathroom Victor could hear Yuri's cries. Yuri took his phone clenched it to his heart as he repeated their wedding video, at the end Shion kissing Yuri said, "I love you." Yuri breaking down to tears replied, "I love you."

As he was eating super Yuri faintly heard the news reporter, "All over the world…" He hurried in the dining and turned the volume up, looking at the horrific scenes displayed on screen the reporter said looked nervous as he continued, "We will be living in a purified world under the guidance of the Dark Lord, the resisting parties will immediately be eliminated. All hail the Dark Lord." In every channel he tuned to the story was till the same, he screamed as he knelt on the floor.

Yuri could see Victor's shadow behind the screen, clenching his fists he sighed, "Fuck you Victor." In the midst of his sleep, Yuri heard giggles and whispered of people in the hallway. Victor had a company of a woman, he thre her on the bed beside Yuri, when he wanted to leave Victor used dark magic to cuff his hands on the bed. Victor kissing the woman said, "How does it feel Yuri? I will tell you…it fucking hurts to see your lover fucking another man."

Yuri was even hurt seeing these two, he would have been hurt if Shion was in that place. Yuri was annoyed to be disturbed from his sleep. Victor realising his actions had zero effect on Yuri he killed the girl and said, "Did you see the news? Everything in this world is mine, I have a little gift for you outside."

Yuri was released from the cuffs he followed Victor and saw Jihun beaten half dead on the ground, looking at him he said, "Jihun! What have you done?!" Yuri was held back by Victor from approaching his friend, roughly grabbing his face he said, "I felt frustrated when I saw you watching the video of that bastard, if I had confronted Shion I would have killed him. Killing that asshole now isn't the best option, so l chose the best alternative to make you realise how I felt when I heard you loving that bastard. His live depends on how much you please me tonight."