
Dragon's soul mate

Yuri was just a normal coffee clerk who lost his lover to his bestfeiend. His life took a huge turn when he met the Dragon Prince Victor. Dragons as sacred most powerful creatures ruled all kingdoms. Married to two beautiful wives he didnt love Victor felt lonely. His encounter with Yuri a fragile commoner who bravely stood up to him filled Victor with curiosity and wonder what life would be like with Yuri beside him. Disgracing the royal household Victor rapped and impregnated a commoner Yuri. With the burden of raising the children Yuri was blinded into marriage. Shion the ex-male wife of Victor, growing up never knew what feelings are. in the company of Yuri, his view of the cold world changed and he fell in love with him. These two day by day grew close, it was one-sided love for Shion. In the midst of a blissful love...old skeletons fell off Victor's shelf. The encounter with an old lover made Victor to lose all that he had. Tragedy befall on the royal household....bonds are broken whilst new ones are created. What is a soulmate? Two lovers fight a journey to save their marriage... Read more to find out how the story goes... Disclaimer...the art is not mine. Credits and thanks to the owner

DaoistvtdATq · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

Volume 23 Wedding at the beach

Shion slowly unbuttoned Yuri's shirt as he kissed him tenderly and passionately on the lips. Shion sucked on his nipples, Yuri quickly covered his moans with his hands. Shion with a turned-on face looked at Yuri, "I love you so much." Yuri grabbed him by the collar, he replied, "It is my turn to love you double." Rubbing their dicks together Shion released his precum, but it wasn't enough. Yuri noticed he was still hard, covering his eyes he said, "Put it in." Shion without asking second questions slowly lubricated Yuri's butt as he loosened the entrance with two fingers. After he was satisfied, he slowly penetrated Yuri, with tears on his face Yuri asked, "Are you all in?" Shion with a puzzled face replied, "Just a tip, hold on…thank you for the meal." Shion grabbed Yuri's hands, he said, "Don't worry, we are the only ones in this floor area." Yuri's moans kept turning Shion on, to Yuri the sex was extremely great even though Shion swayed him to endless rounds till he passed out. Shion cleaned Yuri and the sheets before they cuddled to sleep. Yuri had a serious backpain, he couldn't sit up straight. Lucy was summoned to examine Yuri, with a frown on her face she said, "Aren't you shameless to have sex with a patient?" Yuri laughed at Shion who was pleading with Lucy, she sighed, "Take these medication and rest for a day. Takato ran inside the room with tears on his cheeks, Mary was behind him. Mary bowed down, "My apologies your Majesty, the Prince was a little upset looking for you." Shion dismissed the maids, he looked at his family and said, "We have to talk." Yuri was holding Takato on his belly, "I know the twins are celebrating their birthday in two weeks' time, it is mandatory for all royals to attend right?" Shion pouring a cup of juice for Yuri replied, "I have to take Takato to the party, the twins are fond of him…I know you miss your children, but once you step your foot in that palace Victor will forbid you to leave." With a grin on his face Yuri said, "Our marriage was already blessed with my father-in-law before he passed away. Let us legally get married, I will officially become your husband. I don't wish to have a royal banquet; I wish to get married the old-fashioned way." Deep down Shion was in cloud nine, he cleared his throat, "It is quite understandable that you still have lingering…" a pillow hit his face, Yuri looking at Shion said, "You have to be selfish for once you know, I will handle the situation quite well with my ex-husband. I have a suit to pick for my beach wedding this weekend."

Yuri was busy with the vows, he asked Daniel to pick his suit from the store. Lucy helped with preparations and venue decoration; the wedding was small but quite exquisite. Daniel, Talin and Shion held a small braai before the wedding, sitting on his boyfriend's lap Daniel said, "Finally, the man is yours…maybe we should hold a double wedding." Shion placed his beer on the ground, "I am over the roof, but take in mind he is the Mother Dragon. His ex-husband with a snap of a finger will seize him and dispose of me." Daniel chucked down his beer, "Embrace the present, as your best friend I have already risked my neck to pull a surprise for you tomorrow." Talin tried to calm a drunkard Daniel who was removing his clothes. Talin lifted his naked ass on his shoulders, "Please excuse us you Majesty, have a pleasant evening." When they went inside, Mike handed him a can of beer, he said, "Are you having second thoughts?" Shion starring at the stars replied, "No, where were you?" Mike with a grin on his face replied, "I was having a word with Lucy…in the bathroom." After a moment of silence Mike said, "I understand your concerns, but am sure Yuri is a grown man who is capable of making the right decision." Shion looking at the waves sighed, "I don't want him to love me out of pity or because I saved his life…I want him to love me and see me as his partner." Mike received a text, standing from his seat he said, "In my eyes he is indeed grateful that you saved his life, but in his eyes, you can see he really is fond of you. Lucy wants to have a word with me."

Standing at the altar with Daniel by his side, Shion was calm on the outside but his mind was throwing all bad possibilities at him. Thirty minutes passed, looking at Daniel he said, "He isn't coming…" Looking at the walking aisle Shion saw a beautiful woman dressed in a unique wedding gown. Takato was in front dressed in a manly little tuxedo, the veil covering the person's face was long and beautiful. Shion felt assured it was Yuri when he held his hand, he whispered, "You have blown my mind away…" tears trickled down his eyes. Daniel offered him a napkin, he said, "Are you still worried?" The priest prayed for the couple before the ceremony commenced, when Shion lifted the veil his emotion got the best of him. Yuri's makeup was perfect, his hair was neatly braided. After a whole five minute, the priest proceeded with the ceremony, "It is time to exchange vows." Shion was handed the ring, placing the ring on Yuri's finger he said, "With this ring, I vow to love you for the rest of my life. In sickness and in health, in richer and in poorer till death do us apart. Yuri, I have loved you ever since the day l met you." Placing a crown over his head Shion recited, "May your reign last long as you guide the Qin kingdom with you wisdom. From today you are known as King Yuri. You are the most beautiful bride I have ever seen." Yuri was handed the ring, he vowed, "I am a living miracle standing before you, your love and support brought me back to life. I am convinced that in sickness you will stand by me as you did for the past four years, now it my turn to shower you with love and support as your partner. I was always conflicted if you were destined to be mine, through you l get to feel warmth and love. In this life and the next my soul will always choose you, love you and stand by you because you are a true definition of a soulmate. I love you now and forever." Both of them were emotional, they had come a long way to finally embrace each other. Daniel snatched the flowers before Yuri even threw them, everyone laughed at his actions. The celebration were blissful and a bit wild after Takato had left. Yuri changed into a comfortable suit, they drank and parted all night long. Yuri woke up and saw a naked Shion sleeping beside him, looking at his handsome face he said, "Good morning honey, thank you fulfilling my wish." Yuri wore a shirt and stared at the beach whilst standing at the balcony, "It is beautiful." He spotted Talin and Daniel kissing at the beach, he smiled at them. Wrapping his hands around Yuri, Shion said, "Good morning honey, I have a terrible hangover." Yuri turned around to face him, he replied, "We have to take a bath before heading downstairs. You smell like beer…and taste like mixture of it." As newly weds they took a bath together and were sticking to each other. Their honeymoon phase was peaceful and lovely on their new beach house the crew bought for them as a wedding gift. They had a lot of sex and rest, Takato back at the palace threw a tantrum missing his parents.

On the first of November Yuri and Shion arrived at Victor's kingdom, Yuri insisted to pick the presents for the twins. Takato was a little helping hand even though he threw his own gifts. Wearing their caps and masks to cover their identities, Shion dismissed the guards and maids. They visited the park; it wasn't crowded since it was winter. Yuri wrapped a scarf around Shion, he said, "I have fulfilled my promise, do you still remember?" Shion was holding Takato in his arms, they had a lot of fun at the park. Shion drove to the old coffee shop they frequently visited; the café had changed. The infrastructure was new, Shion had booked the whole café for his family. The manager was a close acquittance of Yuri, from a distance he envied how happy he was. Yuri was holding a sleeping Takato in his arms, he whispered, "Look at him smiling, isn't he a priceless treasure." Shion placed an order for Yuri, he replied, "I love the bunny outfit. You spoil him too much." Yuri gently rubbed Takato's chubby cheek, after a having a delicious cheesecake and iced coffee Shion settled the bill at the counter. Yuri was having trouble wearing his mask whilst holding Takato, "Honey…a little help." Standing at the doorway, Shion passionately kissed Yuri before he helped him wear his mask. Victor spotted Yuri from afar, when he ran towards the direction traffic blocked his way and slowed him down, the manager denied ever seeing Yuri. Victor looking around said, "Did he ever had a brother?" Victor rushed home and saw Anya teaching the twins how the royal party was conducted. Anya followed Victor who ran upstairs to his study room, "Where is his file?! Who was that person?" Anya cleared her throat, "Are you perhaps looking for something?" Victor threw himself on his swivel chair, "I saw Yuri today, maybe I am hallucinating since the twins wished to meet their mother for once. I am sure the person I saw is him…" "Did you take your medication? Maybe I should call the Royal Doctor." Anya was worried Victor would repeat another sadistic episode.

When the therapists arrived, it was already late at night. Victor looking at his doctor said, "I saw my Yuri at the front of that café he used to work in…he was holding a child and another man seemed really close to him…they even kissed." The therapists took out her notepad, "Did you feel his physical existence? Maybe ask for witnesses." Victor leaned back to his chair and replied, "No one except for me saw him…what if he came back life?" The therapist closed her notepad, she crossed her legs and said, "The dead can never return back to life, His Majesty passed away four years ago. The most painful part to wake you up to reality is you switched off the machine, led the funeral procession and personally covered his dead body. Take this as a hallucination, focus on the present…" "It is sad and painful that with all the power I possess I failed to rescue him. I failed the twins and my Yuri." Victor buried his face in his hands. The therapist held his head, "No matter how strong and powerful you are, there are things beyond your control. Embrace the present, your wife and children needs your support and love."