
I think we have a problem

Really? You're getting more childishly now. She picked the paper up and aimed to throw it back when he spoke again.

"You can pass your time while you're there." What? She straightened the crumpled paper. An address was listed there.

"You sure I won't die here?"she waived the paper. He just laughed.

"No, you'll like it there. You will,"

"Umm. Kay," she just shrugged her shoulders and went away. Oops, my clothes. She went back inside the room and grabbed the car keys.

"I'll just pack."

She was warmly received by the people when she arrived. The house looked old though but it's still grand. Like one of those victorian houses during the industrial revolution. Or whatever era that was when she wasn't even born yet. She smiled to herself, it brings back nostalgic memories. She hugged herself when the cold wind breezed. Grrr. I'm freezing, what part of the planet am I again? She snapped herself back to reality.

She's having a conversation with the caretaker-old lady Naning. She's around mid-sixties but still as active as the young and newly hired house helps. She's enthusiastically touring her around the house. Mayu's shoulders are now dropping as the house is really huge. You can actually call it a mansion as an alternative.

When she saw her room, she wanted to clutch her hands and just stay there but it looks like the old woman is still full of energy and can't seem to get enough of her impromptu field trip. She sighed. Kristoff told her that the guy's family is a close acquaintance of their grandfather.

She's expecting an old man together w/ the young man they operated on but she was informed both are still at the office. Kristoff sent him there when they found out that the patient sneaked from the ospital w/o finishing his therapy.

Funny, she thought. When she looked over the patient's records, no therapy has been prescribed. It's just typical for patients to be discharged once their condition stabilizes. She dialed her brother's number.

"Did you get lost?"

"Am I on the right place? I checked his papers, he doesn't need therapy. Did you just put me on exile?"

"That's not the guy we operated on. He's still recovering here at the hospital. It's the other driver in the car crash."

"Oh? So I've never met him? Why didn't you tell me so?"

"You did not ask,"

"I'm asking now!"

"I'm answering as well," she sighed heavily. I can't win this discussion.

"Fine, send me his file."

"Should be there by tomorrow. He got blind from the accident. It's nothing complicated. After two months he can have another eye surgery and get his normal life back. He just needs someone to look after him." He needs a maid and you sent me. Oh brother, you're really punishing me. I'll make sure to pay you back.

"I hope you be patient with him Ma'am." she heard the old lady say. Huh? She just heard the dial tone on other line. Old Naning smiled when she realized that she's no longer paying attention to her.

"Was the ride tiring? I should not have bothered you. Take a rest for now. Chryxso will be coming home late anyway." That's the name of her patient. Her brother's directive is to be his private nurse for at least a month or if possible, until he's ready for the next operation. She yawned, the old lady smiled and they both let out a laugh, it looks like she really needs some rest.

"I'm sorry, I just woke up early today."

"Oh, it's my fault anyway. Don't worry about that Mayumi," she wrinkled her nose.

"Oh, Yumi is fine." she's not comfortable when people call her her full name. She feels like facing her elementary school principal and getting scolded for something she did not do. She used Yumi as she's not that fully acquainted with them yet. She only allowed those that are already close to her to call her Mayu. So back to her yawn, she laid down on the soft bed and slept soundly.

"Whoa!" Mayu yawned loudly when she woke up. She glanced at the side table where she set an alarm clock which she carried off from their house for her vacation slash work.

It's still too bright outside! She stretched her hands and legs and threw her body back to the bed to get some more sleep.

"Oh, the princess is awake now." she heard a cold baritone voice that made her jump up from the bed.

She immediately grabbed a blanket and covered herself with it. She suddenly realized that her clothes have been changed to comfortable PJs (1) but she just shrugged her shoulders. She grabbed the alarm clock from the side table so she can use it for distraction in case the enemy attacks. That's always a basic on self defense, give the enemy a distraction while you try to escape or counterattack.

"Who are you?" she saw something move from the window. She braced herself to attack but she found herself just staring at the half-naked guy who is walking towards her.

Yummy! Breakfast has been delivered early today! Well, I'm not refusing early servings. Let me just say some grace before start eating. She heard him snapping his fingers towards her as if to reach her. She jumped away out of reflex. My, my, this is the blind guy. Big brother never told me the guy's a hunk. Tsk, tsk. Nevermind that, now I know. Mayu grinned at her silly thoughts.

When the guy got tired trying to reach her, he annoyingly walked towards the bed and sat down.

"Get out!" she just stared at him.

"What?" his face wrinkled more on her answer.

"Are you even a nurse? You don't even understand me?" Ting! She felt her ears burning.

"Oh I heard you loud and clear. What I don't understand is you sending me out of my room. And I'm a nurse, do you have a problem with that?"

"None. You're fired. Get your things out of here, I need this room." he replied and laid down on the bed. She felt her eyes burn, too.

1. Pajamas

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