
The Past is Never Forgotten

As he strolled gracefully through the lavishly adorned corridor, myriad eyes fixated on him. His mere presence commanded attention, a testament to the weight of expectation that accompanied his status as the anointed future leader of the family. Unperturbed by the scrutinizing gazes, he continued his leisurely walk down the corridor, each step echoing with a quiet confidence that bespoke his destined role.

In this familial tapestry of anticipation, family members eagerly sought his attention, their faces illuminated with recognition and respect. He acknowledged their glances with a nod and a subtle smile, well aware of the significance attached to his every movement. The weight of legacy rested on his shoulders, and with each step, he embraced the responsibilities that awaited him.

Eventually, he reached the oak-framed door of his grandfather's room. The hallowed threshold to wisdom and familial heritage. He knocked with a deliberate cadence—two measured taps that echoed in the hushed corridor.

"Come in," came the authoritative yet welcoming voice from within.

Entering the room, he found Lex, the patriarch, seated on a central couch, engrossed in a tome that seemed to hold the secrets of generations. Lex looked up, a warm smile gracing his features as he closed the book and gestured for his successor to take a seat.

"I'm here, Grandpa," he announced, the resonance of his words carrying a subtle acknowledgment of the familial hierarchy.

"Indeed, come sit," Lex replied, his eyes reflecting the wisdom of countless years as he motioned towards a well-appointed couch.

Taking a seat on the plush fabric of the nearby couch, he faced Lex, ready to absorb the knowledge that was to be imparted.

"Did you rest well?" Lex inquired, his voice a blend of concern and curiosity.

"Yes, I slept all day, so I'm feeling good now," he responded, a genuine smile gracing his features.

Lex fixed him with a serious gaze, cleared his throat, and began to unfurl the intricate tapestry of their family history.

"Firstly, let me delve into our family history. The Ennes family has governed the Bergzen territory for ten thousand years. You're aware of that. What you may not know is that we are descendants of the original vampire, one of 72 families scattered across the continent, each forming their own country."

As Lex began to narrate the ancient tale of their lineage, he found himself captivated by the rich tapestry of vampiric history that unfolded before him. Lex wove a narrative that spanned millennia, detailing the intricacies of a society governed by blood and heritage.

"As you're aware," Lex continued, "there are five vampire nations on the continent, initially divided by the five original vampires who each held their own territory. The vampire council was established to oversee vampire society and enforce its laws."

The narrative expanded, revealing the complex web of political dynamics that shaped the vampire society. The young heir absorbed the information like a sponge, his mind delving into the nuances of power, tradition, and the delicate balance that defined their existence.

"However, fifty thousand years ago," Lex intoned, his voice carrying the weight of ancient conflicts, "a civil war erupted after the original vampires entered eternal rest. The two sides fought for dominance, resulting in a stalemate and the eventual formation of a treaty to prevent such conflicts."

The story unfolded, revealing a chapter of their history that resonated with echoes of strife and resolution. The narrative painted a vivid picture of a society forged in the crucible of conflict and molded by the necessity of peace.

"This treaty," Lex continued, "restricted the learning of advanced vampirical blood-qi techniques to the nominated leaders of the 72 families. The academy, known as the Crimson Academy, trains these leaders, who must attain at least a baron level to qualify."

The mention of the Crimson Academy introduced a new layer to the narrative—an institution where power and knowledge converged. It was a place of both aspiration and challenge, a proving ground for those destined to lead.

"So, I have to go there to learn advanced techniques," he interjected, his mind already contemplating the journey that lay ahead. "Wait... If I weren't a baron, would you have informed me later? You mentioned only barons gain entry."

"Correct," Lex affirmed, his eyes holding a glint of approval. "It's also prohibited to discuss the academy unless you're the nominated heir. If Marvin were chosen, he'd have had to wait until reaching baron status to learn all this."

The revelation added a layer of exclusivity to the knowledge he now possessed. The intricacies of vampiric society unfolded before him, revealing a world where secrecy and hierarchy held sway.

"With that said," Lex continued, "you've defied expectations by becoming a baron so suddenly. I'm genuinely pleased that you are the next heir, not Marvin."

The mention of Marvin introduced an undercurrent of familial dynamics, a subtle tension that hinted at unspoken sentiments. The heir, now more aware of his grandfather's preferences, absorbed the unspoken nuances.

"Why do you harbor such animosity towards Marvin?" he questioned, a desire for clarity evident in his tone. "I have every reason to dislike him, but he hasn't brought shame to the family, and he was strong. As an elder, you should have supported him instead of me. I know you, Grandpa; emotions rarely influence your family decisions."

Lex sighed, the weight of untold stories lingering in the air like a heavy mist.

"It's better to keep the family's shame hidden, never to be revealed. I had high hopes for him, that boy. Unfortunately, I never anticipated he and his father would conspire against the family."

The revelation unfolded like a dark chapter in the family's history, a chapter obscured by the shadows of betrayal and clandestine dealings.

"What did they do?" he asked impatiently, his curiosity now piqued by the veiled secrets that lay beneath the surface.

"I never intended to disclose this," Lex admitted, his gaze fixed on a distant point, "but as the future leader, you must know. Rufus, your uncle, struck a deal with another family. They would provide him with resources to help him become the next leader. Seeking help from other families isn't inherently wrong, but Rufus agreed to align with them, forsaking direct descendant status."

The revelation unfolded like a tapestry of intrigue, exposing the threads of alliances and compromises that threatened to unravel the family's fabric.

"Then... why isn't he the family head?" he inquired, his mind processing the implications of such a revelation.

"Despite their assistance," Lex explained, "he couldn't surpass your father. Even now, he aids Marvin using their resources, more than he ever did for you."

The familial dynamics, intricately woven with ambition and betrayal, painted a portrait of a family divided by its own ambitions.

"Grandpa," he pressed, his determination evident, "why dodge the subject of my father? What happened to him? Why is he treated like a traitor and disregarded like an insignificant servant? You always told me he left the continent to pursue his dreams but never told me why. And why did he leave me here? I want the truth, Grandpa."

A heavy sigh escaped Lex, the burden of withheld truths weighing on him like an ancient stone.

"Damien, your father, was the brightest vampire in recent generations. He achieved his blood core at sixteen, the earliest any descendant had ever reached the baron level. Even your great-grandfather achieved it at eighteen. I was immensely proud of him. I believed our family was on the cusp of reaching the top ranks among the descendant families. Damien attended the Crimson Academy and was among the top students. But after two years, he disappeared without a trace. The night before his disappearance, he killed an heir of another family—an archduke, no less. The council declared him a traitor, placing a bounty on his head. Due to the academy's involvement, the council kept it hushed. Some tried to blame our family, but Damien had no contact with us, so the council didn't press charges. He was never seen again, nor did he return to the family."

"What about me? How did I get here?" Keith pressed for answers, eager to unravel the mystery of his origins.

Lex paused, considering his words carefully.

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