
Down Bad for Gabriel (DXD)

*REWRITING BECAUSE OF BORDEM TEHEHE* Heres the synopsis for anybody who wants to read: Rin Hachitane an average office worker with a lot of horny fantasies gets reborn in DXD as the god "Man where the hell am I, wait is that G-Gabriel!!!" The reincarnated god with horny fantasies has already set his sights on the innocent, lovable, oblivious Archangel Gabriel?!?! Author note: This is going to be a very different plot from Dxd because my lazy ass ain't rereading Dxd so it's going to be a AU, and most of this is to keep my horniness in check while I'm at my cousins house. So if you enjoy reading this trash go ahead and I'm fine with criticism because i still got to improve.

Weird_Flex_but_ok · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


This will contain current partners, and maybe even slaves (joking?)

https://docs.google.com/document/d/14_HGnMuyCsIeNfKyU_G0NttIcUNVp4lW2Q67VC6-840/edit?usp=sharing (this is where the other pics are because webnovel comment section aint working!)

My updating skills are sub-par might not even touch this :skull:


Shub- Niggurath





My horniness is my drive to make this!!!

Weird_Flex_but_okcreators' thoughts