
Douluo Dalu: Serpent's Legacy

Li Xin, a modern-day enthusiast of fantasy novels and martial arts, meets an unexpected end, however in a twist of fate, his soul is reborn as Dugu Xin, the young son of Dugu Bo, within the Douluo Continent. The story is inspired from "Douluo's poison is supreme". Here is the link if you wish to read it: https://www.wuxiahub.com/novel/douluos-poison-is-supreme.html I write this for fun so I don't have any specific day I release chapters. I will try to post 2 chapters per week, maybe more if I have the time for it.

Night_Builder · Komik
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44 Chs

Ch.13: Return

Dugu Xin approached the lifeless form of the Medusa, its scales glistening eerily under the moonlight. He couldn't help but sigh with relief that his meticulously planned attack had worked. However, as he gazed upon the black spirit ring that had manifested on the creature's remains, a tinge of disappointment washed over him.

"No spirit bone, huh?" he muttered to himself. He had hoped for the added boon of a spirit bone, but it seemed fate had other plans.

Resolute, Dugu Xin began the process of absorbing the spirit ring. As he reached out with his spiritual power, he could feel the energy of the Medusa's essence coursing into him. Medusa's remnant soul attempted to assail Dugu Xin's mind.  However, Dugu Xin was not defenseless. Within his spiritual sea resided his 'Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor Spirit.' Sensing the intrusion, the spirit swiftly responded, its serpentine form coiling around the invading essence of the Medusa. In a fierce and rapid exchange, the 'Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor Spirit' proved its dominance. It tore into the Medusa's essence, dismantling it piece by piece. Dugu Xin exhaled deeply, his mind now free from the threat that had loomed. He continued the absorption of the spirit ring.

With the absorbed spirit ring securely integrated into his being, Dugu Xin felt a sense of accomplishment and power surging through him. 'Surprisingly it's the same ability as that of father's 6th Spirit Ring, and my soul power has risen to level 44.'

"Now, let's explore what's hidden within this lake," he thought aloud.

Dugu Xin concentrated his energy, utilizing the unique ability of his Four Pupils Mystic Eyes. His spirit power surged to its maximum, enhancing his perception. He peered deep into the lake's murky depths, his gaze penetrating the water as if it were mere air. What he beheld beneath the surface was nothing short of awe-inspiring. The colossal skeleton of a dragon lay there, its head constituting a third of its immense body, with the rest of its form extending a staggering 50 meters. It was the remains of an Abyssal Spirit Dragon. The presence of the abyssal creature explained the foreign energy he had sensed earlier. "I guess even if the arrival of the abyssal plane will be 14.000 years later, there are still scouts sent, although I am surprised to see a dead one."

Dugu Xin's gaze lingered on the colossal skeleton of the Abyssal Spirit Dragon, his curiosity piqued by the unusual sight. It wasn't just the dragon's immense size that intrigued him; it was the unexpected presence of an external spirit bone – a tail, no less. He mused aloud, "A tail external spirit bone? That's certainly unusual. Abyssal Spirit Dragons rely on their spiritual power more than their bodies, I would have expected a skull bone."

He reached out with his soul power, carefully lifting the external spirit bone from the dragon's remains. With the external spirit bone in his grasp a sudden though went through his mind 'What if I use my Hollow Cobra's Tail to absorb it? It should work, after all in the series Tang San gained a 2ndexternal soul bone, the exact same type as his previous one, but it fused with it causing it to evolve. This should also happen in this case.'

Dugu Xin decided, after a few seconds of contemplation to fuse this external soul bone with his already existing soul bone. He sat cross legged and summoned his Hollow Cobra's Tail before closing his eyes and concentrating on the external soul bone of the dragon. The bones seemed to hum with a latent energy, as if recognizing each other's presence. As he was trying to connect their energies and allow them to fuse, the green gem in his chest shone for the first time since it fused with Dugu Xin, however he couldn't see it, but he sensed another energy other than that of his own that helped him. Dugu Xin could sense the external spirit bone adapting to his spirit power, gradually aligning itself with the patterns and rhythms of his Hollow Cobra's Tail. After a few minutes of intense concentration, the two bones became one. With the fusion complete, he opened his eyes to behold the transformed external spirit bone.

His new soul bone had a truly captivating yet menacing masterpiece of design. It has a length of 5m, and its body consists of numerous bone-like segments, that possess ghastly jade green smoke with an eerie luminescence that flickers as it moves. Towards the end of the tail there is a menacing and serrated bone tip. "Impressive. I can feel that its original ability changed and I even gained one of the abilities of the Abyss Spirit Dragon. I can officially say that this soul bone is a 100.000-years soul bone. Nice."

Dugu Xin pondered his next course of action as he observed the two corpses. "What should I do with these two corpses? It would be a waste to leave them here. I should let the 'Spirit' devour them. The spiritual energy of the Abyssal Spirit Dragon."

But before parting ways with the dragon's essence, Dugu Xin had one final task in mind. He would utilize the residual spirit power within the corpses to refine his fourth soul core. For seven long hours, he toiled, guiding the energy through intricate patterns, purifying it, and shaping it into a spiritual core. "Now that this is finished, I should let the 'Spirit' devour these corpses."

He summoned the Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor Spirit, and it appeared before him, its gaze filled with curiosity, as if it were asking him for guidance. Dugu Xin couldn't help but notice that the spirit's intelligence had significantly heightened since the past year. It was no longer a mere entity bound by instinct; it had become something more. He gazed at the colossal dragon corpse and the corpse of Medusa that lay before him. "Your spirit intelligence seems to have grown," he said with a wry smile. "Devour these corpses, they will help you grow again."

The Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor Spirit nodded enthusiastically in response to his command. With a newfound sense of purpose, it began to devour the corpses of the dragon and Medusa, their energies and essences absorbed and refined within its form. As the spirit consumed the immense power of the Abyssal Spirit Dragon and the other dragon, a transformation began to unfold. It grew to an astonishing height of 50 meters, its serpentine form now adorned with bone protrusions that ran along its spine. Jade green gas emanated from these protrusions. But the most remarkable change was in its demeanor. The once solemn and enigmatic spirit now seemed to have a childlike exuberance. It approached Dugu Xin with an almost playful air, seeking his attention.

Dugu Xin couldn't help but sigh at the spirit's newfound behavior. He patted its colossal form with affection, and it responded with a delighted nod. With a final nod of understanding, the Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor Spirit returned to Dugu Xin's spiritual sea. With his newfound powers and the remarkable transformation of his Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor Spirit, Dugu Xin decided it was time to return to the Hollow Beast Academy. The journey back to the academy went without any problems, and soon he was back at the academy.

The Hollow Beast Academy's entrance was bustling with students going about their day when Ma Jun and Yao Chen spotted Dugu Xin making his return. Their faces lit up with relief and joy, and they quickly made their way to him. Ma Jun couldn't contain his excitement as he spoke first, "I thought you couldn't come back!"

As they began to walk towards their dorm, they unexpectedly crossed paths with Meng Shu. He stopped Dugu Xin with a solemn expression, and the atmosphere grew tense for a moment. "Dugu Xin," Meng Shu began, his voice carrying a hint of gratitude. "You helped me a lot this time, and I owe you a life. So, I am willing to join your gang."

Dugu Xin looked at Meng Shu, recognizing the sincerity in his words. It was a significant offer, and Dugu Xin appreciated the gesture. Yet, there was more to Meng Shu's request. Meng Shu continued, his tone shifting to a more competitive one. "But I still want to fight you again."

Without the slightest hesitation, Dugu Xin agreed, "Okay, we'll fight again tomorrow, same place as before." His confidence in his abilities was unwavering. Meng Shu seemed satisfied with the response and was about to turn and leave when his head was suddenly struck. He turned to find Chao Tianxiang standing there. As Dugu Xin saw her he was surprised to find out that she has reached level 22. 'She must have broken through while I was away. I guess Meng Shu helped her obtain her 2nd Spirit Ring.'

Chao Tianxiang moved closer to Meng Shu, drew him in, and planted a kiss on his lips. Her words were delivered with a mix of affection and a hint of a threat as she said, "In the future, if you dare to find someone else, I will beat you to death." With that, she swiftly departed, leaving Meng Shu utterly stunned and bewildered.

Dugu Xin, Ma Jun, and Yao Chen couldn't contain their laughter at the unexpected turn of events. Meng Shu, still at a loss for words, watched Chao Tianxiang's retreating figure before eventually running away in embarrassment.


Dugu Xin's departure left an air of anticipation hanging in the training hall. The following day, the promised battle between Dugu Xin and Meng Shu unfolded on the grand battle platform. Meng Shu, visibly charged with excitement, brimmed with confidence. "Dugu Xin, I've been eagerly awaiting this day. Even if I can't defeat you, I'll certainly make you use your full power."

Dugu Xin responded with a faint smile. "Meng Shu, as I've told you before, to make me truly fight you seriously, you must first withstand my poison."

An elderly observer nearby chuckled softly, "These two youngsters, they sure know how to stir up the excitement. I like their spirit." He found a clear vantage point and settled in to watch the unfolding spectacle.

The same teacher who had presided over their previous encounter was once again on the stage. With an air of anticipation, he announced, "On one side, we have the youngest genius of our Alien Beast Academy, Meng Shu. Now, having advanced to the rank of Spirit Elder, can he overcome his past humiliation and restore his once-shining reputation? On the other side, we have the rising star of the Alien Beast Academy, Dugu Xin. Can he maintain his current glory and continue to etch his name into history? Without further ado, let the match commence!"

Meng Shu gripped his dragon staff tightly, three spirit rings gleaming beneath his feet: two yellow and one purple. The dragon eyes on his staff lit up, and his expression turned solemn. "Meng Shu, level 32 Assault System Spirit Elder, martial soul: Dragon Staff," he announced to the crowd.

Dugu Xin, too, cast aside his casual demeanor. His eyes sharpened, and the Jade Phosphor Emperor, his martial soul, materialized from beneath his feet. It roared, locking its gaze onto Meng Shu. Four spirit rings adorned Dugu Xin's aura: one yellow, two purple, and a menacing black. He calmly introduced himself, "Dugu Xin, level 44 Control System Spirit Ancestor, martial soul: Jade Phosphor Serpent Emperor."

Upon hearing Dugu Xin's level and noticing the black spirit ring, Meng Shu couldn't help but mutter in amazement, "He's an entire realm higher than me, and I can also feel my power being suppressed." However, he quickly composed himself, a grin spreading across his face.

Dugu Xin wasted no time, immediately utilizing Martial Soul Possession and his first Spirit Skill, Cursed Shroud. His arms and forearms became encased in green-jade scales, while four golden horns protruded from each side. His nails elongated and turned golden, filled with the venom of his martial spirit. The venom-coated claws grew sharper and more corrosive.

As the two clashed, their weapons produced a resounding clash of metal. Dugu Xin adeptly blocked Meng Shu's attack and quipped, "Meng Shu, your strength isn't quite up to par." His soul power surged, unfurling the dragon staff, and he lunged for Meng Shu's chest. In response, Meng Shu's dragon staff transformed into Wooden Armored Dragon, letting out a powerful roar. The second Spirit Ring shone as Meng Shu unleashed the Thorn Dragon Rush, doubling his movement speed. The horn of the Wooden Armored Dragon gleamed with light as it thrust towards Dugu Xin, who effortlessly parried the blow.

Unwilling to relent, Meng Shu tapped into his soul power, propelling himself into the air. He unleashed the power of his first Spirit Ring, Dragon Strike, enhancing the destructive force of his dragon staff by 50%. The Wooden Armored Dragon soared towards Dugu Xin, but he was faster. Meng Shu's descent ended abruptly as claw marks appeared on his chest, tainted with Dugu Xin's corrosive venom. Sensing the battle was slipping away, Meng Shu swiftly transformed the Wooden Armored Dragon back into a dragon staff. He scanned his surroundings, on high alert. Meng Shu activated his 3rd Spirit Ring, Gravity Great Defense. The purple soul ring beneath his feet gleamed, and with a flick of his dragon staff, a powerful dragon's roar erupted, accompanied by a surge of wind pressure as the gravity in the arena increased by 3 times.

However, Dugu Xin remained unaffected by the sudden increase in gravity. He countered, "Most might have been caught off guard and defeated, but I've trained my physical body in the Sunset Forest. Triple gravity won't make me stumble."

With a confident smile, he decided to end the fight, activating his fourth Spirit Skill, Stopped World. The surroundings turned gray as time seemed to freeze. Dugu Xin closed the distance between them and delivered a precise punch to Meng Shu's gut. As the skill was canceled, Meng Shu was sent flying out of the arena, leaving everyone in a state of bewilderment. Even Meng Shu couldn't comprehend what had just happened. "I won," he declared. Meng Shu sighed in acknowledgment, and the two shared a knowing smile. Dugu Xin extended a hand and helped Meng Shu to his feet. Dugu Xin's smiled as he replied, "You're welcome, and welcome to the Viper gang."

Meng Shu's grin widened. "Then I'll proudly take on the role of Deputy Gang Leader."

Dugu Xin chuckled and extended a hand. "There you go, Brother Meng Shu."