
- Resting Place

Coldin zipped past Long Yue, slowing down beside him only to say "on your left" before speeding off.

Reaching the outskirts of the city Coldin could hear a roar from behind him "F*CK YOU AHHHHHH" he chuckled not minding it and ran back to the academy.

A few hours later an exhausted Long Yue dragged his body through the academy to the house he shared with Coldin, Chloe and his master only to see Coldin sitting outside with a smile on his face.

A vein popped on Long Yues head -this Motherf*cker- he thought to him self. He could have easily reached the academy long ago but due to Coldin enraging him he pushed his body to the limit and had to crawl the last mile or so.

Seeing this husk of a man crawling into the courtyard, Coldin looked down and saw the clear anger in his eyes. "Woh Woh brother remember who made the bet." He said before helping Long Yue to a seat next to him after which pouring a cup of tea for him.

He finally calmed down somewhat, which would have never happened before, if not for Coldin being around, he seemed to have a calming effect on his bloodline which was puzzling to say the least.

"That's the last time I make a bet with you" he said to Coldin after which both started to laugh.

Smelling a savoury aroma in the air Long Yue turned his head to see that next to his tea was a small plate of dumplings. "When did you have the time to get those" he asked.

"During the race, I made a pit stop, of course it's on you" Coldin finished before throwing a wallet over to Long Yue.

A newfound rage could be seen building on Long Yues face but then it disappeared entirely as he bit into a dumpling giving up.


For the following days Coldin spent time with everyone he'd grown close to at the academy, even finding a chance to take Chloe on a date.

On nights he would cultivate in his room, sending his spirt power around his body focusing on his heart and mind, as that's where his spirit and something strange laid in wait for him to grow stronger.

If anyone was to inspect his spirit power they would find that Coldin was already on the edge of the 29th rank only a fraction away from rank 30.

Now having others to compare himself with, due to living with a so called genius who reached rank forty at thirteen years old, he finally understood that he was weird.

His growth over two years was unprecedented anywhere in the world even in history.

Accepting this Coldin allowed his soul to move into his heart. A vast land of green lay before him with mountains, lakes and other landscapes spanning the vast plane he found himself in.

He'd found this by accident, cultivating one day and he named in the souls resting place. The reason he did so was that the souls of the spirit beasts he'd absorbed so far lived in this plane, the Moonlit Fenrir in the vast snowy mountains and the Demon Eyed Eel in the depths of a lake.

Here he couldn't interact with them but they lived and that is what mattered. When in this plane he could feel his soul wrapped in a Barrier like substance, he hypothesised that this is what stopped him from interacting with his spirit but couldn't find a solution to remove the barrier.

Sighing he looked at this world from above due his soul being able to float here and he thought to himself -there are limits everywhere in this stupid body-

So I have a feeling that there’s gona be a few questions as to what is going on here and if you leave a comment with them I’ll reply explaining without spoiling the plot or future to come.

Also the second chapter will be out later today as it needs some editing.

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