
- Min Yong

Befor night fall Coldin tested his ability with multiple different ores and metals to get a handle on the effects it would have.

What he found out was that all metals are refined at the same rate. The level of purity would would effect the start point however, so a mostly pure metal would take less time than a impure metal due to having less impurity's to refine.

The next thing he tried was using his second rings electricity on the metal as it refined, however he found that this didn't effect the metal at all. The only thing that could be seen as a use was that it would vaporise the sweat filled with impurities, which was a minor upside.

Finally Coldin rested the affect of his first spirit ring and found that in his werewolf form the metal refined quicker, he believed that in this form since his physical body was enhanced it took less to do the same exercises he did before, but after changing it to more intense ones it required more energy and therefore refined the materials quicker, at roughly twice the speed of just using his normal body.

Finally after a long day of testing he collapsed on his bed and decided to sleep, after all he didn't like the owners evil smile when she had an idea.

The next day Coldin woke up to a soft knocking at his door. Quickly throwing on some new shorts he answered finding the girl who first greeted him at the inn.

"Hey there my names Min Yong, the owner sent me to get you, heard you'd be working for us for a while?" She said with a teasing smile appearing at the end of her sentence.

Nodding Coldin sighed "yeah, though I'm pretty sure she's got something bad planned for me"

While laughing Min Yong led Coldin towards a staff room "your the one who gave her the idea, you can't complain" confused Coldin tilted his head and entered the staff room after Min Yong.

Inside there was a simple wooden table in the centre and what seemed to be a little kitchen built into the left wall, on the other side was some large sofas.

Sitting on one of the sofas was a middle aged man with a bushy beard, balled head and a scar running cross his left eye. He was wearing what looked to be crafters clothing, simple brown baggy pants, a beige t shirt, sturdy boots and an apron made from thick leather.

This man sat quietly with his eyes closed not paying any attention to the surroundings.

Min Yong told Coldin to grab a seat and wait the owner will be a long in a minute for a staff meeting.

Nodding Coldin waited for more people to show up since this was a staff meeting but quickly this idea was interrupted as the owner walked through the door briefly scaring the room then said with a smile on her face "so everyone's here. Well then let's get started"

So probably not the most creative of names but it’ll do XD

As always let me know what you think in the comments and stay tuned for more.

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