
- Both Sides of The Coin

The first part of Coldin's journey took him across the land, he decided that getting a train ticket or a car wasn't part of his options. He knew the road less traveled would broaden his horizons. Plus would he even fit in a train carriage of a car?

So he walked from one place to the next. Running into many different situations some good some bad.

He'd been attacked by bandits more times than he could count, you would think that they would leave him a lone due to his size but that didn't stop many. This trained Coldin to always be alert even in his sleep, eventually he got use to the attacks and they became nothing more than an annoyance.

He'd passed through countless city's, towns and villages alike, stoping only to explore briefly before moving on.

In one city he was attacked by a group of drunkards stating that they would be the ones to hunt this giant, leaving him stunned before the wife's of theses men came and knocked some sense into them, then dragging them home.

In another city he realised that he was running low on funds and took on some tasks for the locals. They had him help with some physical labour and paid him in kind for his work. One of them even offered him clothes due to thinking that he lost his own, leaving her stunned finding out that he chose to only wearing shorts and a battle skirt of fur.

As Coldin traveled word spread of a wandering Titan, that would appear in different places, sometimes to hand over bandits, other times to earn money. But what left everyone who met him in shock, wasn't just his height, it was his overall temperament.

While he looked like a savage, he was kind and would share story's of his travels with the people he met. This helped him to gain friends in many places, some offered to help him by giving money while others taught him about different trades and life in general. He would never forget them, they where all genuinely good people and their kindness was never dismissed.

In one city he met an elderly woman that asked him to help her carry groceries. While this was uncommon and defiantly weird, Coldin didn't say no and helped, in turn the woman cooked him a hearty meal and taught him how to tie his, now long, hair up in a pony tail allowing for his face to once again be visible after weeks of being hidden behind white bangs.

She shared her life story with him and what she'd been through, she showed him pictures of her family and he listened.

He stayed with her for a week and during it they became close, Coldin started calling her granny Muxue. She taught him how to cook and mend clothing.

Come the end of the week he set back off on his journey, his hair now resembling a certain so called Witcher that the granny claimed to know.

Coldin spent his time experiencing the continent on his journey to the port city close to a set of islands he planned to use as stepping stones to get closer to his goal.

You see Coldin knew that the world was cruel but never gave up on trying to find the brighter side to life, which in his trip he experienced both sides of this coin.

In his journey he also reached rank 30 allowing him to absorb the gecko spirit he was holding onto. While others would have said he made a bad choice, Coldin felt otherwise. This spirt seemed special but he couldn't quite understand why.

So I wanted to show that while Coldin has a destination that he must reach he’s not against experiencing the world while he travels.

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