
Doulou Dalu: The Power of a Book

Su Wen, traversed to the Douluo Continent and witnessed the helplessness of being unable to control his own destiny as he saw his newfound family perish as mere collateral in the clash of two powerful Titled Douluo. He vowed to avenge the two individuals who had given him a fresh start in life. However, life did not favor him, as he only awakened an ordinary Book Martial Spirit. Undeterred, he refused to be disheartened and, leveraging his unique perception talent, embarked on the journey to transform his martial spirit. An ordinary book martial spirit? No! I will evolve it to an extraordinary Heavenly Book Martial Spirit!

JohanLT · Komik
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235 Chs

Chapter 31: Spirit Impersonation Method

'Special nutritious meals?'

Su Wen only knew it was a special meal prepared by the academy for Spirit Masters after hearing Xiao Zhan's explanation. Among them were foods made with Spirit Skills, with their energy being gentler and easier for Spirit Masters to digest.

"It's similar to Old Jerry's Sweet Potato, isn't it?" Su Wen thought to himself.

However, upon closer comparison, there were some differences.

Although both aimed at quickly integrating nutrition into Spirit Masters, Old Jerry's Sweet Potato was supplementary in nature, while the academy's nutritious meals were exploratory in nature.

To put it simply, Old Jerry's Sweet Potato was used for better recovery after Spirit Masters expended a lot of energy, while the academy's nutritious meals could be easily absorbed by Spirit Masters after consumption and can even increase Soul Power.

Old Jerry's Little Sweet Potato had a promoting effect on Su Wen's cultivation, not solely due to the Sweet Potato itself, but because it complemented External Strength training. Moreover, due to the relationship between External Strength and Internal Strength, a chain reaction occurred, thereby achieving the effect of promoting cultivation.


After experiencing the nutritious meal and feeling the rich and gentle energy continuously integrating autonomously into his body, Su Wen made a judgment: "If I have the assistance of the nutritious meal, along with Old Jerry's little Sweet Potato, I estimate that my cultivation speed will be about thirty percent faster than normal."

His calculations had always kept pace with the times.

During his time in New Moon Village, with dual cultivation of internal and external training plus the assistance of the little Sweet Potato, his cultivation speed was already fifty percent faster than conventional methods; without the little Sweet Potato, it was thirty percent faster.

Now, he considered dual cultivation along with internal and external training without relying on external aids as normal cultivation. With this foundation, the little Sweet Potato and the nutritious meal should provide him with an additional thirty percent increase in cultivation speed.

This highlighted the importance of resources.

Utilizing food made by Food Spirit Masters to complement cultivation could yield twice the results with half the effort.

Of course, Food Spirit Masters capable of producing such Spirit Skill-infused food were highly sought after; they would be honored guests in any faction.

"And there's the library."

After finishing his meal, Su Wen roughly assessed the effects of the nutritious meal and then headed towards the library.

Adding the effect of Mimetic Cultivation into the calculation was something Su Wen didn't even dare to think about.

In that case, his cultivation speed would far surpass that of Spirit Masters with equivalent Spiritual Power and Martial Spirit quality; this gap would be at least doubled. If compared only to ordinary Spirit Masters with equivalent Martial Spirit quality, the difference would be even greater.

It could be said that, under these conditions, Su Wen's cultivation speed would be no less than that of any genius. Of course, cheater don't count.

"There's still room for improvement in External Strength and Internal Strength, and the efficiency of Mimetic Cultivation can also be enhanced."

Mimetic Cultivation, in the end, is just simulation. The fundamental principles behind it have not yet been fully utilized. Su Wen's envisioned method for development will not only replicate the training effects of the mimetic environment.

But by replicating the mimetic environment and breaking free from its constraints, the envisioned method can continue to improve. The environment is immutable, but the envisioned method can be perfected and taken further!

Su Wen's growth has never relied solely on his innate talent but rather on constantly creating new conditions to elevate the upper limit of his cultivation speed!


-Imperial Academy Library-

"Hello, teacher. I'm here to practice in the library."

"Okay, please register your information."

Su Wen registered his information at the administrator's desk and then began to choose a suitable practice location in the library.

"Of the entire library, this area is still the most suitable for me." Su Wen frowned as he arrived at the 'Miscellaneous Books' section.

He didn't quite understand why his Martial Spirit was most active and his cultivation efficiency fastest here. But it worked out well enough.

"The miscellaneous books provide greater support for my Martial Spirit cultivation. So, the effect of mimetic cultivation in the academy's library are even better than when I practiced in the Saint Spirit Hall library."

Sitting cross-legged in the best position he could feel, then began to refine the gentle energy within his body.

"Food Spirit Masters are quite unique, actually converting half of the heaven and earth essence into easily digested energy."

With the experience of the little Sweet Potato, the current experience of the nutritious meal, and the heightened perception he gained from acquiring the Second Spirit Skill, Su Wen had gained a preliminary understanding of the energy in the food made by Martial Spirit Masters.

"The so-called Food Spirit Master actually activates Spirit Skills, using heaven and earth energy as ingredients to produce food with special effects."

He unconsciously let his thoughts flow as he began to contemplate refining the new knowledge he had discovered.

"No, it should be that only a small portion of Food Spirit Masters possess such special Spirit Skills."

"The ability to transform heaven and earth energy and refine it into food is also rare among Food Spirit Skills. Most food-based Spirit Skills use the Soul Power of Spirit Masters as ingredients, imbuing them with Soul Power characteristics to achieve various effects."

Food produced by rare food-based Spirit Skills that can transform heaven and earth energy, if their characteristics also align, are excellent Spirit Skills that can assist other Spirit Masters in their cultivation.

On the other hand, most food-based Spirit Skills that rely on Soul Power are commonplace. Although they also have miraculous effects, they ultimately fall short in comparison.

Of course, whether or not they possess top-tier food-based Spirit Skills, every Food Spirit Master is highly sought after. Su Wen was merely assessing them based on their potential benefits to other Spirit Masters' cultivation.

The new knowledge was rapidly refined by Su Wen, reasoned through in a scientific manner.

"It seems like my thoughts are flowing more smoothly."

Su Wen's Soul Power continued to circulate within him. He had long completed the cultivation of Internal Strength, so even while distracted by thoughts, he could instinctively operate his Soul Power.

"During mimetic cultivation, it seems like my thoughts are also being enhanced."

It wasn't the effect of the mimetic cultivation on his brain but rather the strengthening effect it had on his Book Martial Spirit.


Books carry knowledge, they record it, and they provide access to it.

Moreover, Su Wen discovered that not only did his thinking become more fluid and agile in this state, but he also gained a cultivation enhancement buff.

By diverting his attention to contemplation, he found that his cultivation actually progressed faster.

"Perhaps, this could be considered a unique form of mimetic cultivation."

Or more accurately, within the mimetic cultivation environment, closely adhering to the Martial Spirit and embodying its characteristic roles is also part of mimetic cultivation.

"Mimetic cultivation doesn't just mean adapting to the environment, but also adapting to the Martial Spirit."

Impersonation method.

Su Wen began to contemplate.

He wasn't just reasoning out new knowledge; he was also testing whether the process of learning and accepting new knowledge would yield any additional benefits.

"It worked!"

He then attempted pure contemplation.

While the quantity and depth of knowledge didn't increase, Su Wen continued to think.

"There's some effect, but not much."

Through repeated attempts, Su Wen summarized the scope of the impersonation method in mimetic cultivation.

"In that case, it's not good news for me."

Learning is endless, but there are times when Su Wen hits a mental block. His learning pace is too rapid. For the first time, he felt that learning quickly wasn't as wonderful as it seemed.

"Let's try reviewing."

Refreshing old knowledge to gain new insights is also a way to acquire knowledge.


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