
Doulou Dalu:The Forgotten Legend

The disappearance of the Divine Kingdom of the Doulo Continent affected the course of the history of their world, which headed into an unknown direction. Shenglin, a boy who should never have appeared in this world, imperceptibly influenced him. But as it turned out, his connection to the world is much stronger and deeper than that of others. Will he be able to ascend to the top of the world, becoming a god and write his name into history, becoming a legend. We will find out in this story.

Rasul_Baratov · Derivasi dari karya
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54 Chs

The Return of Lan Xiao

Nan Cheng has been anxious lately. The reason for this was her husband.

It has been exactly six months since Lan Xiao went on a mission. Their children had already finished first grade, but her husband still hadn't returned. He promised to come back before the children graduate from first grade so that they can have fun with the whole family during the holidays, but he still hasn't returned and hasn't even called.

Since it was an interstellar connection, Nan Cheng could only wait for him to call himself. She felt a little regret that she had let her husband go.

They had never been apart for so long since they met. She missed him very much.

Shengling and Xuanyu naturally also missed their father and sometimes asked Nan Cheng when he would return home. Each time, Nan Cheng's heart was squeezed with grief.

And now it's the last day of the school year, the second semester for first graders.

Heavenly Luo Planet, a subsidiary School of Heavenly Luo, Zi Luo City.

Lan Shengling and Lan Xuanyu came to school early. In the second semester, Xuanyu's grades improved a lot, while Shenglin's grades only slightly increased.

Lan Xuanyu, ranked first in almost all aspects except combat.

Ever since Shenglin became famous during practical training, his fighting abilities were unconditionally considered the best.

At the same time, Ye Ling Tong suddenly changed schools. Thanks to this, Lan Xuanyu took the first place among the students in the second year of study.

The teachers just gave homework for the holidays, which were simple theoretical and practical tasks.

Lan Shengling felt that he was close to the 14th rank. He calculated that at this rate he would reach rank 20 by the age of 10. Compared to his peers, his self-improvement speed was not considered fast, but also immediate.

Reaching the 20th rank before reaching the age of 12 was considered excellent progress.

"Xuanyu and Shengling, stay for a while. The teacher wants to talk to you. Qiu Yuming waved her hand towards the two brothers.

Lan Shengling nodded his head.

"All right, Teacher Qiu. Lan Xuanyu had just packed his bag and was about to leave, but he and his brother were stopped by Qiu Yuming.

- This is very important. At least you can prepare for the holidays. Qiu Yuming whispered.

- Tell me what? Lan Shengling asked curiously.

Qiu Yuming smiled faintly.

- I found out that an elite junior class will be formed at the Heavenly Luo Academy next semester. They will select the most outstanding students from all affiliated academies for admission.

Lan Xuanyu was surprised, and then asked

- What is it, an elite junior class?

- This is a special class for students who have combat potential, and this class will also have a different curriculum. The best teachers of the academy will teach in this class. It can be called a class for geniuses.

The criteria for admission to the class are ten years of age or younger, and they must also be recommended by the affiliated academies themselves. First graders, second graders and third graders of our academy have the opportunity to apply for admission. You're only eight years old, aren't you? You're just right for it.

-The assessment will be conducted comprehensively, that is, you will have both a theoretical and a practical test. If you can enroll there, then in the future you will be enrolled in the Higher Academy of Spiritual Masters. Besides, you have an advantage because of your age. Your future is very promising, so you should not relax during the holidays and train hard. Then, when the time comes, you will have to demonstrate your strengths. If you are accepted, it will be amazing, even the teachers will envy you. It will also have a good effect on the popularity of our school.Qiu Yuming said.

- Elite junior class! Thank you, Teacher Qiu. Can I tell my mom about this? Lan Xuanyu asked

- Of course you can. You and your brother will need her help to prepare. In any case, you should remember that the better your overall score, the higher the chance that you will be enrolled. There are 10 candidates in total, and I have also signed you up. Do your best

"Thank you, Teacher Qiu, we will not let down your expectations," Lan Shengling said in a confident voice.

Qiu Yuming nodded at him.

- Okay, I believe in you. It's time for you to go home now.

- Lan Xuanyu. A familiar voice was heard. The person who called him was Ye Ling Tong.

- Ye Ling Tong? Are you back? Lan Xuanyu was surprised to see her.

Lan Shengling looked at Ye Ling Tong, then at his brother and waved his hand and said.

"Xuanyu, I'm going to the forge.

Lan Xuanyu nodded at him.

- Bye, I'll meet you at home.

Lan Shengling took a quick glance at Ye Ling Tong, but even so, he noticed that her skin had turned paler and her eyes were not as bright as before. But, he didn't care about anyone, he walked past her and went to old Man Fang's forge.

- Kid, you've finally come. Mo Fan said.

"Old Man Fan, what am I going to do today?" Lan Shengling asked, smiling.

- There is a lot of work today, go to your workplace. You must carefully and accurately process the details.

Old Man Fang was a very strict teacher, he has high demands. He received many orders, he did the difficult ones himself, and gave the simple ones to Shenglin.

Every weekend, they pay him a salary, depending on the amount of weekly work done. He also received additional income from each order, and the better the result, the higher the additional fee.

Lan Shengling went to his blacksmithing place, it was very neat and clean, he put everything in order himself.

The material was already on the anvil, and the drawings were next to it.

After just three months, Shenglin had developed his jo skills to the point that he started making simple orders himself.

Mo Fan was stunned by the speed of his development. Shenglin grasped everything on the fly, he absorbed everything he said like a sponge. Meanwhile, Shenglin never complained that it was hard for him.

After looking at the drawings a couple of times, he already understood what kind of order he needed to make today: ten hinges, parts for Furs shaped like a ball. If you only cast the part, you only need to stamp it twice, if you forge it, you will have to sweat a little.

There are also many degrees of forging, if we talk about ordinary forging, then a hundred strokes are needed in total, the so-called hundred kilns, which means that about a hundred strokes are necessary for each detail. The highest level is a thousand kilns.

Each part also needs to be forged several times and there should also be few impurities in the metal. Of course, it is necessary to prepare high-quality raw materials in advance, the only way to fulfill the order well.

Pressing the button on the anvil, the anvil moves apart in the middle and there is a hearth inside, where Shenglin placed the workpiece on the blade and then, pressing the button again, closed it and left the part to glow.

Taking out a shining blank, Shenglin began to process it. His little hammer was just right for such a small job.

However, while the boy was busy with his work, Mo Fan gave him a gift. They were hammers that had been fired a thousand times, made of a special metal alloy. Mo Fan was proud of these hammers. Shenglin was very grateful to him for this gift, because it became much easier for him to work.

Using these hammers, the metal on the workpiece was deformed very quickly, which simplified the work.

Mo Fan once told Shenglin that blacksmithing is not just about memorized movements. If he wants to become a great blacksmith, then he also needs to be able to think with his head, forge to excruciating pain, endure it and only then will he be able to get the highest quality metal.

Shenglin understood his instructions, but he did not know that when Mo Fan handed him the hammers, he recognized Shenglin as a real blacksmith.

The monthly income could not be considered large, but Shenglin could afford to save some of it, sometimes make gifts to his mother and brother in the form of jade pearls or flowers, toys and financially help the family.

He is currently seven years old, although everyone thinks he is eight, but he already knew how and where the money comes from.

He worked only three hours a day, but it was enough to deliver a flurry of punches and get soaked to the skin with sweat.

Having got used to working in the forge, he fell in love with forging. Every day, while swinging hammers, Shenglin felt an indescribable sense of his own importance, in addition, sometimes during particularly difficult orders he felt completely satisfied, this feeling was indescribable.

Shenglin and the anvil seemed to become one and then he would completely immerse himself in his work, not noticing the passage of time.

In this state, he was making incredibly high-quality parts that could even be compared to Old Man Fang's parts.

- Old Man Fan? Shenglin had already finished his work, but he did not expect to find the old man near his workplace.

Mo Fan, inspecting his work, nodded his head and then addressed Shenglin, passing the money through the communicator.

- Your salary for this month. You've done a good job.

- Thank you! Shenglin said happily, accepting his honestly earned federation coins, he put them in his pocket.

Lan Shenglin said goodbye and went home. When he got home, he noticed that Xuanyu and Nan Cheng were in a very good mood. As it turned out, Lan Xiao should be back in a month and a half.

Lan Xuanyu had already told Nan Cheng about the elite junior class and got her consent.

During the new semester, they grew and became stronger


In the blacksmith shop, Lan Shengling looked at Mo Fan.

- It's time for you to learn the technique of a Thousand Roasts.

Lan Shengling asked in surprise.

 "Old man, are you finally ready to teach me the Thousand Kilns technique?"

Mo Fan nodded his head

- You should be able to master this technique. If you do it the first time, then you can assume that you have passed my test.

Mo Fan thought deeply, he remembered how at the age of 11 he had just started learning the Thousand Roasting technique, it was considered amazing in the blacksmithing world, he had a very strong fighting spirit with great physical strength, it was the spirit of a Titanic Fire Bear.

What a pity that....

- Old man, can we start?  Lan Shenglin's excited voice woke him up from his memories.

"Wait a minute, I need to assess your strength first."

Mo Fan took the boy to his own workshop. Mo Fan managed to find a device that was specifically designed to measure physical strength.

This tool consisted of two parts. The lower part was flat, with a square base, and the upper part consisted of a round cylinder. Between them was a metal tube filled with mercury.

When the blacksmith wants to test his strength, he presses on the metal tube and at the moment of impact, the mercury column will show with what force the blow was struck.

It would be possible to use a 50 kg blacksmith hammer for the test, but the strength testing tool will automatically subtract the weight of the hammer.

- Start with your left hand.Mo Fan handed him the blacksmith's hammer and the test began.

The blacksmith's strength test involves checking the strength of both hands.

Lan Shengling gripped the blacksmith's hammer tightly with his left hand. The spiral-shaped handle of the hammer pressed hard into his palms and left calluses, but he gripped it extremely firmly.

Taking a deep breath and turning half around, he suddenly swung, putting all his strength into the blow and in an instant brought it down on the anvil. A flash and sparks lit up the forge.

- Bam!

The mercury in the column jumped sharply up. Mo Fan rubbed his eyes to make sure of what he saw. At this time, the result was displayed on the screen.

An electronic voice spoke.

-The impact force is 215 kilograms. Lan Shengling and Mo Fan were just stunned.

He was only seven years old and had such physical strength, it was beyond the scope of a normal person. It was just an ordinary blow, who would have thought that a seven-year-old child could strike with a weight of 215 kilograms.

Mo Fan also knew the ability of his first spiritual ring, which doubled his physical performance. If he had used this skill, then his strike force would have been 430 kilograms.

Mo Fan, trying to calm his emotions, said.

- And now with your right hand.

- Bam!

The whole room began to shake. Mo Fan frowned slightly at the ringing.

- The impact force is 343 kilograms.

Mo Far was at a loss. He assumed that the boy had remarkable strength, but he had no idea how huge it really was.

At the age of seven, the strength of his two arms combined was more than five hundred kilograms. He was like an inexplicable phenomenon.

Even a Spiritual Master cannot always achieve such power.

-<<After all, this is a Divine Power! But how he got it, there are only two options, the first was given to him by fighting spirit and second his bloodline can be linked someone at God level. With such strength, enter Shrek Academy!>>

"Old Man Fan, can I really learn the Thousand Kilns technique?" Lan Shengling asked in advance.

Mo Fan recovered a little and nodded affirmatively.

- I didn't realize how much yours had increased. Let's go to the anvil soon.

When they returned to the room where Lan Shenglin was working, Mo Fan took a piece of silvery-white metal.

- I've already thought about what kind of material is suitable for a Thousand Kilns. It's a piece of Heavy silver. It has excellent plasticity and has great spiritual power. Only with the help of the Thousand Kilns technique can all the amazing properties of this metal be revealed.

- For example, in your hammer, tungsten was used, which underwent this treatment. After a Thousand Kilns, the mass decreased three times, and the power doubled! The strength has also increased by thirty percent. In comparison with other types of tungsten, only with the help of this processing method can the maximum effect be achieved.

-The processing of tungsten steel is basically very simple. Conventional roasting gives a good effect during processing, but only the Thousand Roasting technique gives the best. Before you start processing, you need to inspect the material to understand what effect you need to achieve. As a result, you will get a metal whose efficiency is a thousand times higher than the materials processed by the usual technique of a hundred kilns. Only after you learn the Thousand Kilns technique can you be considered a real blacksmith

The correct execution of the Thousand Kilns technique depends not only on strength, but also on understanding how to apply this force. This means that you need to be able to feel metal.

"Old Man Fan, what kind of technique should be used during a Thousand Kilns?" Lan Shengling asked

Mo Fan raised his head and replied.

"You don't need techniques for a Thousand Kilns.. All I can tell you is that during the firing, you need to merge with the metal. You have to feel for yourself how to contact the metal when you forge it. Only with the best understanding of metal is the best result possible

- Uncover his secrets, find his source of power. A thousand Kilns are called the basic blacksmithing skill. Each time, the result of a Thousand Burns is different. They are all unique. Think with your head and feel your heart when you forge. Go and try to understand my words.

- OK. Lan Shengling said

In the beginning, Lan Shenglin expected Mo Fan to show him how to make a Thousand Roasts, but it turned out the old man had something completely different in mind. Now he'll have to figure it out for himself.

Opening the blacksmith's furnace, he put Heavy Silver in it and began to heat it.

The silver was about 30 centimeters thick. It radiated a soft silvery sheen. After it was placed in the blacksmith's furnace, Lan Shengling began to ponder the words spoken by his mentor.

Heavy Silver is a relatively rare metal that can only be found on the seabed, underground at a depth of up to one kilometer or on special planets for the extraction of consumables.

Regardless of where it will be used, in construction or in the manufacture of machinery, it is a very unusual metal.

However, this kind of silver also had its drawbacks. It was very heavy. For example, this piece of metal, less than a meter long and 30 centimeters thick, weighed more than 200 kilograms, even about three hundred kilograms.

Lan Shengling picked up the hammer made using the Thousand Kilns technique, at the same time going over in his head everything he could hear about the precious ore.

The cool metal of the powerful sledgehammer in the boy's hands calmed him down, instilling in him confidence in his own strength and, like a whirlwind, driving away extraneous thoughts. At that moment, there were only two words left in his head, "A thousand Burns"

Only half an hour later, after the boy put the heavy silver in the oven, it finally heated up to the right temperature and was ready to perform a new technique that was still unfamiliar to him.

Lan Shengling took out a red-hot block of ore from the furnace. Slowly taking the hammer in his hands, the boy concentrated all his strength on it, only after that he lowered it onto the metal heated to an acceptable temperature. The sound of contact echoed through the workshop, gradually fading into a low whisper in my ears.

- Boom!

Seeing the maximum concentration in the boy's gaze, Mo Fan nodded approvingly. Lan Shenglin was a quick-witted and persistent child, possessed extraordinary sensitivity, which helped him master such a large amount of material in just five months. It was these qualities, apart from strength, that Mo Fan valued most in him.

Mastering the Thousand Kilns technique was undoubtedly the most important stage for young Lan Shenglin, as well as for every future blacksmith. Standing behind the boy, Mo Fan did not doubt for a second that his student would be able to cope with any challenge perfectly.

He will be eight years old this year. Mo Fan understood that if the boy still mastered the "Thousand Burns" technique, he would break all imaginable and unimaginable records. The last blacksmith to set a record was Tang Wulin, at the age of nine he had already learned the Technique of a Thousand Kilns!

Lan Shengling did not even know what thoughts were currently wandering in his mentor's head. All his attention was focused on the red-hot, raw and heavy piece of metal lying in front of him.

The young blacksmith took the hammer in his right hand and brought it down on the silver with a deafening crash. A rolling rumble hovered in space, but the impressive instrument did not let it subside, descending on the metal again and again.

Until that day, the boy had never had to work with such high-quality material. Although this was his first experience with precious metals, he already understood that they needed to be handled in a special way.

The hammer in Lan Shenglin's hands descended on the heavy silver smoothly and evenly, all the blows were delivered with extraordinary synchronicity. At such moments, the workshop turned into a conservatory: as if the skillful playing of a musician, the work of a blacksmith filled the space, it seemed that they were not forging metal in the forge, but playing some bizarre instrument

The young blacksmith worked only half-heartedly. He had not used up even half of his energy for forging, so there was enough strength left in him to continue forging for a long time and finish the difficult task with honor.

After one contact with a hammer weighing half a hundredweight and cast using the "Thousand Kilns" technique, deep dents appeared on ordinary metals, whose weight usually did not exceed eighty kilograms. However, the heavy silver was only slightly deformed, even though the precious metal had previously been preheated. Heavy silver, as a subspecies of rare and durable metal, could not be forged the first time.

Mo Fan couldn't help but smile as he watched Lan Shengling forge.

-≪The boy, on his own, without any advice, was able to choose the right pace to work on the unyielding silver.≫

Like a beloved woman, this metal demanded a tremulous and tender attitude, not tolerating sharpness in movements. It had to be forged carefully and carefully, and not thoughtlessly beaten on it.

Although Lan Shengling was not working at full strength and was rather slow, but it was the most effective way. The boy was concentrating more and more. Right now, the whole world was just a piece of silver for him.

Although Lan Shengling was not working at full strength and was rather slow, but it was the most effective way. The boy was concentrating more and more. Right now, the whole world was just a piece of silver for him.

Lan Shenglin had already struck silver so many times that he had lost count himself. The rhythm of his breathing and the rhythm of his blows became the same. Shenglin's spine was as hot as silver itself, and faint black and white patterns could be seen under his clothes.

After an hour of hard work, the heavy silver was only slightly deformed. After two hours, the hammer blows became more intense, although this did not have much effect.

Sweat trickled down Lan Shenglin's forehead. His body became weaker and exhausted from intense work, but his stubbornness and perseverance forced him to move on.

Even after three hours, there were no noticeable changes. If someone looked at the surface of the ingot now, they would notice only a lot of small faintly visible dents.

Having lost count of the blows, the tired and exhausted Shenglin did not stop hitting and with each passing moment, with each new swing, the character of the heavy silver was revealed more clearly.

- Dang! - This blow was clearly louder than all the previous ones. Mo Fan, who was sitting nearby, almost jumped up in place, raising his eyebrows in surprise. Increasingly powerful and loud bangs followed one after another. Shenglin clearly increased the force of the blows. After two more hours of continuous forging, the boy finally understood the nature of the non-yielding metal.

The boy's whole body shuddered after each blow. Starting from the head, the tremor passed in waves to the very heels, turning into a hammer clutched in his hands. The force of each blow already exceeded three hundred kilograms!

The flame intensity control button was located in the lowest corner of the furnace. By pressing on it, Lan Shengling increased the heat level to the maximum. The orange flames turned the heavy silver into a bright scarlet color.

Two hours of non-stop forging were coming to an end. The metal suddenly burst into flames, but Lan Shengling persevered in his work. With each powerful blow, emitting sparks and flames, the silver steel took the desired shapes.

When his arms started to hurt, heat streams of energy radiated from his spine, penetrating into every cell, relieving the aching pain. Lan Shengling unknowingly used his spiritual power to maintain his physical strength.

Gradually, the piece of heavy silver became smaller and cleaner.

I must say that the density of silver is very high. It took a lot of effort to forge and refine it, not to mention preserve its pristine texture.

When the silver reached almost perfect purity, the price increased almost three times!

In Lan Shenglin's eyes, the sparks grew brighter, and the hammer seemed to become an extension of his hand. Each beat became more and more like the sound of rhythmic music, rather than metal forging.

The boy's eyes were burning more and more, and the blows were getting stronger by the second. All his strength was directed at the hammers he was holding in his hands.

The heavy silver became cleaner and shrank more and more, reduced by five percent, ten, fifteen… It soon reached the limit of its density. Despite the fact that it could no longer shrink, Shenglin continued to strike. With each stroke, the lines on the silver became more graceful.

The dark red light from the fire flooded the entire forge. Shenglin's clothes became wet with sweat. Even Mo Fan, who was watching from the sidelines, had a sweat on his forehead. A thousand punches, Shenglin landed a thousand punches!

Mo Fan originally wanted Lan Shengling to get his first glimpse of heavy silver and only then be able to finish his first "Thousand Kilns" at any time after school. He did not expect at all that Lan Shengling would start his "Thousand Roasting" as soon as he touched the heavy silver. Moreover, he had already entered that "special state".

This could be explained not only by his strength, but also by his extreme intelligence! Such a child is destined to become a great master!

Throughout his life, Mo Fan dreamed of becoming the greatest blacksmith in the world. Looking at little Shenglin, he warmed in his heart the hope that the boy would be able to make his dream come true.

Three hours have passed. Lan Shengling had never worked for such a long time, especially with such intensity.

- Almost done. I'm almost done. I can't stop now. If I stop now, then all the efforts I've put in won't be of any use!" the boy thought to himself

Due to the deep connection that had arisen between him and the metal, Lan Shenglin gritted his teeth and endured the pain, continuing to beat again and again.

Mo Fan unconsciously clenched his fists, looking worriedly at the boy. In fact, he was more excited than Shenglin himself.

Suddenly, under the impact of Shenglin's hammer, the piece of heavy steel trembled. A blinding silver radiance burst out of it, and the entire hall shone with silver light in an instant.

Lan Shengling raised both hammers and struck with all his might with both hands, which made the silver light even brighter.

Quick as lightning, Mo Fan ran up to Shenglin. Suddenly, he had a knife in his hands, with which he slashed the wrist of a tired boy.

Blood splattered all over the surface of the glowing piece of silver.

The drops of blood instantly turned into smoke.

The piece of heavy silver became even smaller than before. Its fiery red color was turning back to silver

The dazzling silver color was already more like gray. Patterns similar to sea waves became noticeable on its surface, but soon the sea waves became like a vortex consisting of two parts. The gray heavy silver was beautiful. Its quality was really fantastic! This was the "Thousand Burns" effect

- A true blacksmith! Shenglin, you must remember the feelings that have awakened in you today. Of course, this is just the beginning. Mo Fan was genuinely delighted with the kid.

Unfortunately, the time he spent at the blacksmithing table had completely used up his strength, but Lan Shenglin no longer heard anything, he just closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Lan Shengling accomplished the impossible, he was able to forge the metal of a Thousand Kilns, at the age of seven. It was a miracle!

Although Lan Shenglin's fighting spirit was weak, but even so he was a genius.


When Lan Shenglin woke up, he was already in his bed.

Lan Shenglin felt that he had already fully recovered.

He felt a strange sense of comfort. A satisfied smile appeared on his face -≪A thousand Kilns, finally mastered!≫

At that moment, he saw Lan Xiao, who was holding Lan Xuanyu in his arms.

Lan Shengling instantly jumped off the bed and jumped towards Lan Xiao like a monkey. Lan Xiao couldn't help but smile.

- You seem to have gained weight, son!

- Dad! Shenglin said in a voice full of joy.

Nan Cheng walked up to them and hugged them with red eyes.

- I'm sorry for making you worry. Lan Xiao said in a warm voice.

It was painful for Lan Xiao to be so far away from his family, on an unfamiliar planet.

That evening, Shengling and Xuanyu did not cultivate, they spent this time with their family.

That night, their house was filled with happiness and warmth.