
Doting husband, loving wife

Love at first sight, I don't believe in such things, they don't happen in real life may be in movies. Like most of the love stories where the male lead and female lead don't believe in love at first sight, both Eva Williams and Andrew Thompsons don't as well, but as their journey began, they realized they felt something for each other at first sight but are too proud to confess their love. Who will be the first to confess their love? Will it be a smooth journey or a rocky one? The female lead is a successful businesswoman who started her company at the age of 21 and a single mother to a beautiful daughter. After finishing her first degree in business management at the age of 19 with first-class honours she got scholarships to further her education which she did International business and HMR and also finished with first-class honours. After being satisfied with her education, she decided to go on a holiday just to have fun and celebrate. “Hey beautiful, it seems you are getting drunk slow down” Marcus shouted into Eva’s ears “It’s fine, I have a high tolerance. One or two more shots should be fine “ Eva replied The following morning Eva sneaked out of Marcus room and went to her room to shower and packed her things and head to the airport...not knowing that she was already pregnant. The Male lead Andrew is the only child who is the heir and CEO to the biggest company in the country. He doesn’t believe in love at first sight or date as he feels it a waste of his time. “Do you know since we met I couldn’t stop thinking about you?” Addy said “Me too, it feels like I’m not alright if I don’t talk to you in a day “ Eva replied *************** “I promise to protect you and our daughter, with everything I’ve got “ Addy replied ************** Hi guys, SarangLove here, I’m the author of this novel and I hope you will enjoy this story. This is my first time writing a novel and I hope you support me by reading it, commenting, adding it in your collection, voting and rating this novel.

SarangLove · perkotaan
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54 Chs

Chapter 36

Addy looked at his staffs after talking on the phone and gave them a threatening look.

"If I hear a word about this outside this room, I will make sure you pay for it" his cold voice sounded across the room, his staffs shiver in fear as they understood what he was trying to say. If they spread the rumour about him, they might not know what will happen next.

Leo coughed to ease the tension in the room.

"That's all for now, you all know what to do with your teams" Addy continued. The meeting consists of the CEO, his assistant, the vice-president of the company, managers and team leaders.

The morning meeting ended smoothly, and the day went on quietly, until Clara stormed into his office, while Leo and Ella were trying to hold her back.

"I thought you said you were busy during the weekend, but you went on a date with a woman, are you cheating on me?" she spoke with her voice raised.

"How dare you speak to Addy in that manner" Leo spoke

"Are doctors not busy?" he said with a straight face

"Answer me," she said in a commanding tone, ignoring Leo. She looked so angry

"Are we dating?" Addy asked. He was so angry, who is she that shes feeling entitled, it seems he would have to spell it for her.

"Yes, we are. Your mother must have told you"

"Did I ask you out?" he looked at her

"No, but your mom...our family has acknowledged our relationship" she was short of words and was already feeling embarrassed.

"Yeah so you are dating my mom, not me is that clear. I didn't know doctors have this much time"

"Erm...I own a hospital and I have hired a lot of experienced doctors" she was embarrassed.

"Whatever. And don't ever barge in here like you own the place," he said as he continued his work as nothing happened

Leo showed her the way out and Ella gave her a disgusting look. She was thinking 'how can a woman downgrade herself to this level because of a guy

Clara was about to say something else when she saw his face and decided to go. She was so angry that every time Addy embarrasses her, especially in front of his staffs.

She went to the toilet to cry when two staffs came in. They didn't know someone was there already.

They were both in the meeting this morning, and since they were not allowed to talk about it in front of other staffs they decided to talk in the toilet.

"What was that call about" Girl A said.

"It seems the boss now has a girlfriend, cos the way he spoke like someone in love" Girl B replied giggling.

Clara got interested in the conversation and she wants to listen to everything they say. She leaned on the toilet cubicle to listen well.

"Maybe it was that business lady that came about two weeks ago, cos boss was smiling like he won the lottery" Girl A said curiously.

Clara thought to herself so that bitch is a business lady.

"Or it might be the other one that claimed to be his girlfriend" Girl B chipped in.

Who the hell are they to say I'm claiming to be his girlfriend, I am his girlfriend. Clara mumbled to herself trying to keep quiet as possible as she can.

"It definitely can't be, because our boss doesn't even give her face, so do you think that one would make the boss pick up his calls during morning meeting?"

"Oh yeah that's true, and the boss always says no phone must ring out in the meeting room" Girl B agreed with her colleague.

"I honestly want to see the lady, who has stolen our boss heart, hopefully, he would be smiling more now" Girl B continued

"I hope so too" Girl A agreed

They both of them finished freshening up and both left the toilet.

Clara was even angrier after hearing their conversation. She definitely needs to do something about this other lady.

She immediately left. As she got in her car, she called her eldest brother who is the director of the biggest national secret (spy) agency in the country. Their company work alongside with all the security system in the country, like the police force, army and all other security forces.

Her brothers adore her a lot and would do anything for her since she is the last child and only girl.

She was fake crying over the phone when her brother picked up. He sensed something was wrong, he immediately got worried

"Are you crying? what happened? who hurt you?

"Big bro, I caught my boyfriend cheating yesterday and I confronted him today, and he won't even apologise.

"Oh ok, do you know her" her brother knows Andrew Thompsons true colour, he knows he's someone to fear?

"No, I don't know the bitch. Can you help me search who she is please?"

"You know I'm not allowed but I will see what can be done, but you need to stop crying." He can't say no to his baby sister but at the same time couldn't say yes, because the person that she's involved with, can make sure all of their family are erased.

"Ok big brother," she cheered up a little bit before hanging up.

Immediately she got off the phone, she stopped pretending and told her driver he can drive. A few minutes later, a call came in, she doesn't recognise the number but she picked up.

"Hello, I'm I speaking with Dr Clara" A female voice came through

"Yes speaking, how can I help you? She replied calmly

"Great, this is Sara Stokes, can we meet up?"