
Doom: Punisher of Dc

death is final is what we’re told but it wasn’t for me.I was brought back in my Favorite game and it was hell no it was worse then hell and i come to hate the very line i thought was so cool Rip&Tear.It became me it was the only thing i could think to keep straight and not break.it was my duty and i wanted it to end it all of it for good but it end me to.I lost it and was on auto-Pilot that what i believe how i fell just wanted it all gone so i took it the hit that end ever thing the war the demon this fight and me it was over i was finish and the it happen again.I was back but this time it was how i asked for no short end deal this time but i did have to wait to reawaken but i had dream as i did and a Trauma that was branded on to my very soul that brought a need to punish those demons and now even those who have sin greatly. “this not my own it a fanfic watch and see how this story goes should be fun work something out for this”

6BigBoneMeat9 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter.3[First contact & headaches]

~The UAC guy, pulls the door all the way open as Portman and Goat make their way though (*beeping rapidly*) as Portman takes out a PCE-MPC 320 (late tech made of airborne particles-counting hygiene meter) to check the air quality for any Toxic Particles a few seconds in and it reads~

[Portman]{Magnesium, chromium, lead... it's all normal.}Goat give the go ahead to the rest[Goat]{It all clear.} ~Sarge walk in with the rest arrive at monitor that been installed into the wall in the tiny room~

[Sarge]{Pinky, give us a schematic.}[pinky]{Uploading to you now.}(*beeping*)~as the schematic for the building pops up, as the door shuts Samantha lock it secure the doors defense

[Pinky]{Carmack's lab is isolated from the rest of the facility. the airlock is the only way in or out.}~give a once over to the schematic displayed on the monitor,Sarge gives his order~[Sarge]{Goat, Portman; genetic.

kid, duke; Carmack's office where the he sent a mayday from. Reaper, keep Dr.Grimm here safe on here salvage job.Destroyer and I will take the weapons lab,make sure all the the hardware's secure.Be safe, gentlemen.} ~as the Sarge end off with his commands warn to be on guard, john

zoning out due to the increase in discomfort now go to his follow up with a headache that has him, bite the inner-side of his lip as he thought~

[John]{(this headache is getting worse should took Sarge offer, but i can't help but feel that thing are going to go to shit really quick and the need to fight or run and hurry like back then,*Dazed memories*better keep her close she all i have left.funny it takes an Emergency to get me this close to her again)}

~look to his sister realize this is Probably the longest time he's going to be face to face with her -(*hisses*)- being snapped out of though john Readies up for anything as well for everyone else~

~Rushing out and checking their six; Goat and Portman Proceed to walk out further checking the surroundings •through a long Corredor the pipes lining the walls airy black shadows stretching around the walls as the Occasional rattling of the pipes can be heard•Continuing forward Sarge follows behind them after they said~

[Goat]{Left clear}

[Portman]{Right clear}

~look though the Corridor "with very little lights to the point you can't see a meter infront of you even with flash lights" focusing their flash light forward Progressing forward while making sure they don't miss Nook or cranny~

[Portman]{Five bucks says this shit ain't nothing but a disgruntled employee with a gun.}

[Sarge]{Fluorescent marking as rooms are cleared.Go}

~john staggering on his side for a sec as he feel mass spike in pain as if he was just stab there not let it show on his face, he rolls his Shoulders as Samantha glance at his side think to herself~

[Samantha]{(why are hide that john, mmm it does seem to To serious i'll have to ask later)}

~as they walk down a hall with a few turn john is follow close end of the wall as he check Corners

making sure to keep his sister with in arm reach

"with the Lingering feeling of being watch settle in on him" he Continues forward cautiously watching every step as he approaches the lab's door after enter he say~

[john]{lock it.~Samantha locks the doors and then whichs the light on, "he" Continues go through look around the lab for saying~it's clear. ..How much time are you gonna need?}

[Samantha]{30 minutes top.}

-(tapping keys)-

~ as she tapping away pull up the reach files looking around for the research she came to Retrieve she as about his Condition~

[Samantha]{How are you feeling noticed you weren't that comfortable.}

~*look over the computer to take a quick glance at his facial expression*~

[John]{I'm fine just a headache here and there}

[Samantha]{really your side says Differently.I can tell the difference when your use you poker face or not and you been use it the whole time i was here, John what happen?}

[John]{just Cramps i'm good just focus on get those research file}

~Samantha looking over to her brother says~

[Samantha]{you don't look good.}

[John]{I'm ok now leave it at that!}

~ John walk around look at some of the stuff in the lab but get but get Anxious as if something might happened, in settle down on pacing back and forward as he wait~

—few mins later—

[Samantha]{So,Reaper as in "Grimm"?}

~says Samantha as she try's to get a Conversation with her brother going~

[John]{They're Marines, Sam, not poets. —holy shit.}

~John says as he lay eye on a Skeleton of Parent and child with the ladder of the two being Protected in the cradle carry position as the other arm shield's them~

[Samantha]{Oh yeah, meet Lucy.Lucy, this is my brother John,another creature from the long lost past.}

[John]{You found human remains.}

[Samantha]{Humanoid,Lucy and her child where are first major find.We're bring out more every day.

[John]{You reopen the dig?}

~replied a little upset,Sam not want it to end on a bad note says~

[Samantha]{I know i should of told you, but I didn't figure it was the sort of thing I could jot down on a yearly birthday card.It been stabilized.}

~feeling more upset with the her Reassurance and his weird Premonition feeling getting stronger like a pulse in a Detonator waiting for right time to break it's pattern~


~Samantha being Irritated at him rejecting her Decision because it's a bit dangerous brings up his~

[Samantha]{You wanna talk about safe?Like you took a desk job... I'm a Forensic archaeologists, John.I go where the work is.}

~not like her reason for being here he ask~

[John]{Is that your only reason for being up here.}

[Samantha]{Well, want to know why I'm up here.I'll show you.Come here.~ Sam says while pull out a Computer chip~This is Lucy's chromosome profile.Notice anything?}

~walk up to see what was on the computer, he said~

[John]{My molecular genetics is a little rusty.}

[Samantha]{What's is the first thing dad taught us to look for?}

~look at the the screen he see the genome base gaid identifier compare the two strand of DNA and says~

[John]{She's got 24 pairs of chromosomes.}

[Samantha]{Humans only have 23.}

[John]{So, what does the extra pair do}

[Samantha]{Makes her superhuman.Extra pair makes her super strong, super-fit, super-intelligent.Her cells divide 50 times faster,meaning she heals almost instantly.Fossil record indicates these people had conquered disease.We found no genetic disorder, no viruses, no cancers.}

-(loud beeping)-

~ walk of to where lucy is to collect some samples from over there as she finish what she was say while john lean a get the glass container to relief some of the pain that starter to increase rapidly as his headache continues with the pain he feels in the center of his stomach feeling like his side might give way he asks~

[John]{So what, They were just naturally superior?

[Samantha]{No, not really.See, the earliest remains we found only had 23.We suspect this extra chromosome maybe synthetic.}


~mock john for use a big word as types in the the data info a download the files~

[Samantha]{That's a long word for marine.Does it ever bother you could of spent your life look in a microscope instead of your sniper scope?}

~not feel like he need to answer the Question he change the subject still feel the pain increase ~

[John]{If they were so smart, how come they're so dead?}

[Samantha]{We don't know.Maybe they just went with time.}

[John]{You don't shield a baby from time}

*[Portman]on radio* {We've got movement up ahead.}

[john]{You stay here okay?Lock the the door.}

~rush to the positions report john run though the hall as he check the corners and surrounds move every step with urgency~

*[Goat]on radio*{Contact!Moving east,Through east Corredor's fast!Confirmed contact moving fast from the south Corridor!}

~john pick up the pace as start running faster try to Intercept the target but meet with his team mate~


[John]{Hold your fire!}

~ regroup they move forward with john in lead as they search Quarters for the target move down slowly as a dimly lit walls turn leaving many place to be flanked continuing down the hall reaching a open door John approaches and give fair warning ~

[John]{If you have a weapon drop it}

~(*Metallic clanking*)-(snarling) they come face with a man shaking and Down throttled as their can be seen tear a cross his lab coat that seem to be turn yellow even green a the edges, he stands hunched in a corner covered in blood and serious injuries holding a Severed hand that seem to have lost all color while weaseling, grunting, and on a occasions snarling stare the back at them as john warn him~

[john]{Don't move}

~Sarge cutting on the light walks over to get a better view what is love dealing with see man

very broken hold a holding a hand Severed at the forum arm, as all of them gather around him with the gun risen and aimed at him Unsure of his threat level~

[John]{Sam, I told you to stay!}

~Sam Struggling you pass a group of men circled around the man she says~

[Samantha]{He knows me, John. Dr.Carmack, it me, Samantha. where are the others.}

~letting the hand for to the ground Sarge looks at it strangely, but john get the nagging feel to take it with him as his continues to talk to Dr.Carmack~

[Samantha]{Steve, Hillary?

I'm not going to hurt you.~as she got closer to and close as he final break like a dam with too many cracks, he fell to a Crouch (*huff in deep breaths*)as if free of the of fear that held him a float ~ I'm not going to hurt you.}

~ -(screams)-as he rases his as if slap a way but rip his ear off instead (the sound of cardboard be ripped) as the sound of the ear ripped off his head reach them, they're shocked Sam jump back~

[Samantha]{Oh, holy christ!!!}


[Samantha]{get a medkit.}

-(Portman chuckles)-

[Portman]{Oh, nice}

[Sarge]{Get him to the medbay. Portman, Kid, go to the airlock and dig in.Anything trying to get a way from us will get driven straight to you.Now let see if we can find a body that goes with that arm.}

~every moves out to handle their objective~

after walk some distance John and Goat reach the stairwell looking around a bit from ceiling above to the ground below, As they continue to walk (*rattling*) noises can be heard from the pipes.Continuing down the long stretched stairwell shade and cloated in shadows as the go further down.As Goat knocked over a small barrel -(*banging loudly*)- it roll down the steps as he Curses of to himself ~

[Goat]{Goddamn it.}

~ as the barrel reach the Bottom of the stairwell.

Goat rolls up a sleeve to cuts himself for the error while John look at him little Expectly ~

[Goat]{I took his name in vain.}

~john not want to Question his belief he continues on forward but get a sharp pain to the front of his forehead

and almost topples over but catch hisself look back to, Goat "who looks a bit concerned" and ask~

[Goat]{ Are you alright }

~ still with his knife at his point at his arm mid-cut~

[John]{It just a headache}

~John continue to move forward is disgruntled yet calmly down the stair, feel as if he was in a lion he get his hand ready on the trigger while Goat continues to cut across into his arm~

[john]{Stay on my six, I'm getting a bad vibe down here.}

————— With Samantha —————————

~As they separated from the group they had to the med bay with Duke carrying Dr.Carmack he look ahead to Samantha as he following her lead to the medbay as they Approach which seems to be a solid wall,it's confirmed to be nano-wall as duke says a pond arrive at the said wall~

[Duke]{I don't do nano-walls} [Samantha]{Yes, you do.}

~Looking a bit dissatisfied Duke makes his way through the nano-wall and checks surrounding area making sure it's clear before signaling it's good let them come-forth And prepping up Dr.Carmack to get first-aid and shutting the nano-wall, Duke with little assistance from Dr.Jenna"who came to provide medical attention" as he lay Dr.Carmack on a Operating cot as he counted to so they be *INSYNC* when lift him~

[Duke]{3.. 2.. hmm!}~turn around to check on them~

[Samantha]{You okay?}

[Dr.Jenna]{Did they find the others yet.}

[Samantha]{Not yet.~ Realizing what that meant she tried to reassure her Husband safety before moving on to the matter at hand~ i'm sure Steve's fine.

Dr.Carmack, I'm gonna take your blood pressure.-(Gasps)- hey, hey! It's okay, it's okay.}

~Hi Samantha tries to calm everything down at the suddenness of Dr.Carmack's launch as he try to say something while grabbing a hold of her she tries questioning him~

[Dr.Carmack]{I can feel it.}

~he says wide eye Shiveringly Almost Convulsively as Panic is present in his voice he quietly State his warning~

[Samantha]{What happen in there?}

~ Still shakening and very Distraught and he continues with~

[Dr.Carmack]{Shut it down, (*shivering*and *huffed breathe*)shut it down, shut it down!Shut it down it's- - it's inside.}

————— With John —————————

~ Approach a lab he get a massive headache his Stomach turns as he feels the Danger present. Aim his gun looking around at the Bloody guts and Entrails of Intestines freshly dripping trails blood on top the cages That have been in tangled and dent to open, the floor Bloodied and staining the walls and ground surrounding the tables foot prints lead about as if someone walk through it~

[John]{Looks like we missed the party.}

[Goat]{We were just here! ~little shock at the lab, He previously marked off~What happened to all the animals?}

~Looking through the Ramage room only to see the leftover remains of the animals that once were in the room ripped and teared to pieces and scattered throughout the room only leaving the gutted intestines showing or even recognizable.

-(*deep haze breathing*)-

Looking over to the sound only to see a lab coat what seems to be a man hunched over a cage not knowing what to think at this Confusing sight he tries to lower his gun down but get the ablaze feel of danger and step back rise his gun at his head whilst still say~

[John]{Sir, we're RRTS we're here to help.Sir, are you okay?okay.}

~ the man turns around to face while grab a mouse then rising it to his mouth Chomping down like it was a Twinkie in-front and Greatly disturbing them he suck up-(*Shush*)-the tail still sticking out of his lip before smiles and picks up a blood strained blade~

[John]{Oh no no no no.

Sir, put it down!-(*Gargled screams*)-No!}

-(*Rapid gunfire*)-both john and Goat fire on him when he went to charge-

(*[Sarge] on radio*){Contact report!Damn it.~(*[John]Radio in*)~We found another one of the scientists.Some weird shit going on here, Sarge.}

[Sarge]{Can you ID him?}

[John]{We got a Dr. Olson.He rush us. Crazy, just like Carmack.}

~After confirm his ID he, asked about if we should bag and tag him And relocate them getting the go ahead, he and Goat then Prepare to get the stuff needed to do so when something drops down and draws their attention to a bigger threat as john headache blurs at him getting stronger by the second.As they open fire on it.~


[John]{Go go go, move, move!I got him, clear. Go go go!}(*[Sarge] on radio*){Reaper what are you got?}~not knowing what was but feel that Urgency to kill that thing goes in Pursuit~(*[John] on radio*) {We're chasing something}

(*[Sarge] on radio*){What do you mean, something?}

(*[John] on radio*){Something big.not human.}

(*[Sarge] on radio*){Goddamnit can you come Confirmation what you see, Reaper.}

(*[John] on radio*){It's in the sewers}

(*[Goat] on radio*){All units, all units, southeast Corridor, near the med lab.}-(water running)-

[Portman]{ I thought "being in the shit" was a figure of speech.}

[Sarge]{get in the goddamn hole Portman.}

~as every one make their way down the hole to Continue to search whatever it was that was running~

—————— With Samantha ——————

~in the medbay; Samantha is taking a Blood draw of Dr. Carmack after having calmed him down with the help of Dr. Jenna Noticing the difference in the blood almost immediately upon drawing it she says~[Dr.Jenna]{ Oh my god !} ~shocked at The visible difference in his blood As it looks like red sludge and black beans had been mixed together~[Samantha]{what the hell is that in his blood?} after get the sample she put in the The DNA gene-gnome identifier to see what it in his blood —30mins— the result are almost done as tell Talk to Jenna~

[Samantha]{You should go rest.}

[Dr.Jenna]{But i want to stay.}

~lightly with a Tinge of tiredness she said~

[Samantha]{Go home and get some rest}

-(door control panel beeps)-

-(door whirrs shut)-

[Samantha]{What's going on?}

~Not understanding why she's not getting a match or read on the bloodstream~

-(clicking keys)-

[Duke]{No blood match.Can't be good, right?}

[Samantha]{this is crazy. Oh my God!}

~She says as she tries to go and check on Dr. Carmack only see that he's already gone.leaving a trail of blood and Shredded cloth behind him.~

~Walk through the sewers and then Suddenly getting a radio in from pinky~

(*[Pinky]on the radio*){Tunnel ahead is the main juncture.It leads back under the lab complex.}

[Sarge]{destroyer, cover the exit.}

~As Jon continues walking on with the group gets this anxious feeling when his headache spikes up and his stomach feels as if it's notting up Preparing rush at anything at a moments notice John tight his grip on his gun Not liking eerie feeling the sewers are giving him as there circular long Corredor's stretch out the shades of the shadows I was blending in couldn't even see that clear pass a few feet. After walking further in checking the ceiling of the sewers and the walls As they walked into a lab coat floating in the water~

~Sarge picking it up bring the name tag out~

[Sarge]{We got a Dr. Willits. Steve Willits.~Throwing it back to the water before saying~Move out.}

~John getting the eye feeling of being watch turns around but seeing nothing still having the feeling but to decides keep moving forward~

[Goat]{ Be sober.Be vigilant.Because your adversary the devil, Walketh about seeking whom he may devour.}

[Portman]{that's real comforting, goat.That ain't freaking me out at all.}

~As if on cue portman gets pulled under the water in front of everyone two shocked to realize what just happened I was there and then he was gone,as goat goes on to say something while john rush over yelling try to get to him~

[Goat]{I told ya.(praise the Lord my soul to keep and protected it As a man of the Lord from devils claim.)}

~ As he continued to think and help John get Portman up~


[Sarge]{What the fuck.}

[John]{Quick,somebody get him!Come on!Grab an arm!Damn son of a bitch is heavy!}

[Kid]{I got them!}

[John]{the son of a bitch is slipping!}


[Sarge]{Portman, what the hell happened?}

[Portman]{I fell in the damn hole. Shit!}

[Sarge]{everybody on me.watch your goddamn footing.Move.}

~After confirming the Portman was not in the danger The group disperses into teams~

[Sarge]{Goat your head, Portman your with me, John take the Kid and go left.}

~Walking down the laugh side of the pipes in the sewers John is checking along the railings ceiling as he continues Forward while the kid Continues to try to talk to him about his life Before he snapped at him more the he probably should of Due to the massive headache that's assaulting him right now (Snarling)Turning around quickly he looks back and see nothing but continues to look then still not see anything Decides to turn back around and keep moving forward, but now what is instincts telling him to move forward that he needed to move forward speeding up his pace he continue going forward after telling the kids off~

[Kid ]{You lost your folks right?}

[John]{Shut up.}

[Kid]{Small world.I mean, I lost my parents too.Yeah,I woke up one morning and everything was gone.I mean, the only thing left with me.They want the TV more than they wanted me.}

~John grabbing the kid by his collar and slamming him against the wall telling him (gagging)~

[John]{Every time You open your mouth you give away our position. ~Tight his hold on him he as he speaks Before looking into size I realize something as he asks~Wait a minute, -(Breathing heavily)-Your Pupils are dilated. Are you high?}

[Kid]{What?-(Giggles)-No, I got this condition.}

[John]{I don't give a damn.If you take one more shot of the shit, I'll blow hole though you are we clear?}


~ as he lay off the Kid he stops for a sec before bolt off not knowing why him self he rush the point his body his Urging him towards pull the kid with him in full sprint~

[Kid]{What's going on i say i wasn't!}

[John]{No time just follow on my tail.(*radio in*) Goat the target is moving towards you.}

[Goat]{I don't see anything.}

[John]{Just stay there I'm coming to you}

~push To go further he starts to increase speed as he gets lightheaded dizzy I said that headache starts to increase in pain like it was Slam by a sledgehammer and he was deal with the throbbing that happen after word~

[John]{ Goat, watch out behind you}

~he say as Goat look at The approaching John as some kind of creature comes up behind him as John tells him to get out the way and start laying down fire *gunfire*but it's too late as a creature takes a big whopping bite out of goat's neck -(yelling of pain )- when he come face to face with it, Goat firing on it to as it Retracts its mouth but leaving which seems to be its tongue; The Kid opening firing on it to, as the thing just throws Goat a side to try and after roar *A botched like screech* is heard everyone Gathers and attacks but stop as it drops.~

[kid]{Is it dead}


~every one look at the now Unconscious John who is spazzing out in the water as if he was hit with a seizure.blooding down his nose getting pale by the second, his eye rolls up~

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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Creation is fun but hard without support ,so cheer me on and VOTE for me! it helps.

On another note this is we’re the chaos starts it’s about to get a lot more crazier then the movie.

happy it was enjoyable.

thx to everyone reading and hope You’re all doing ok and a even better tomorrow!

6BigBoneMeat9creators' thoughts