
Crescent Borne Academy Exam part 1

Don and the others decided to wait in the stadium for the results to come in. While they were waiting, they saw a lot nobles and merchants and many flamboyant sitting around them.

Don looked at the humble shirt and pants that he was wearing and could not help but feel out of place. It did not help that once other people saw their group, they would not hide their surprise and disdain. 'It seems like Crescent Borne Academy is not one of the biggest academy in Magnolia city for nothing.' Don thought.

Don and the others ignored the stares until the results of the test came in. All 800 or so participants were placed in a large screen powered by Fay energy.

Since only the top 256 people came pass, Don crossed his fingers as he started to search for his siblings name from the lowest up. He breathed a sigh of relief after not seeing their names before 260.

Suddenly he saw his sisters name, 207. He could not help but smile when he saw that his sister had passed. As he looked for his brother's name, he could not help but sweat. 200, 150, 100, 50. As he scanned the screen he could not find his name until finally, 21.

"21!? Was our son always so smart?" His parents could not help but exclaim. Don shook his head and smiled as he saw this. 'That brother of mine is always going off about being so great, if he did not get at least this, I would be disappointed'

Although the Finches wanted celebrate, they were stopped by teacher Zen. As they looked around, they saw that many of those smug parents were now looking at them with a dark expression. The Finches quickly calmed down as they saw this.

After the results were seen by the parents and guardians, they were told to go back to their seats while the participates got a chance to see their results. As soon as the participates saw the results, you could easily tell who had passed and who had failed. More than half of participants had failed the most important test. This included poor Lucas who kept a strong front as his mother hugged him. He could only blame himself for not spending enough time studying for the exam. After seeing how the two siblings who he thought only fooled around; pass on their first tries, he could not help but sigh.

After the wave of sad teens and young adults were forced to leave the stage area, only 256 preppy and excited children were left. Of course in between these happy faces, there were some people who were unsatisfied with their scores and how they did.

This included Maryline who had felt like she could have done better. It did not make her feel better that her brother kept gloating in her face saying "I your father is a smart boy" or something else even more pretentious.

These expressions of dissatisfaction quickly disappeared as they saw 4 huge stages began to appear from the ground. The quicker teens realized that this was being created by an earth master. After they looked around, they soon spotted a women wearing a white and blue robe with a crescent insignia on it. Although her face was hidden by a hood, many of the teens who had failed the year before knew who this person was.

"It is Paulette Valentine." One teen said quietly to another in fear. Many of the new teens gasped as they heard this name. Maryline and Elijah who were new to this area did not know who this person was. As they asked around, they finally got to know that this person was the vice principle of the academy and was very strong. No one knew exactly what rank she was in but she was a level B alchemist.

The flame siblings were shocked when they heard this. From their knowledge, after level E, it becomes harder and harder to level up your strength. Most normal people would stay their whole lives at level G and if they worked and they may reach Level F by the time they are an adult. Even the majority of veteran adventurers are only level D or maybe C in strength. People like Paulette are seen as Ace adventurers since they are able to break past the levels that most would never be able to reach in their lives.

As Paulette climbed onto one of the stages, all the children on the ground bellow quieted down. All the people in the stadium also looked the lady with respect and waited to listen to what she was going to say.

As Paulette saw that everyone was quiet, she took off her hood to reveal her black hair and almost comically circle glasses. She cleared her throat before she started to talk.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today what you are seeing are the top 256 people to have made it to this point." Many of the kids were shocked at how loud this woman was but continued to listen to her every word.

"Although they all have passed and will be accepted into the school, their rankings when they enter the academy has not been decided. " A lot of the young adults from smaller towns like Maryline and Elijah did not know this and showed faces of confusion.

"As some of you may know, this school is for the elite and to was made to foster knew talents. Although we have quite the bundle of resources, this world cannot just hand it to you like candy. You will have to fight for your place in this academy. If you can't succeed now, then don't even try to get on my good side!" Sweat dropped as the kids heard the lady speak. It seems like she only likes people who give a lot of effort and won't give favors to those who she doesn't think are worth her time.

"The physical tests are very simple. First you will all be tested for your talent. The results of your test will add points to your current score. Level D talent will gain 5 points. Level C talent will gain 10 points and so on. Anyone below level D talent will be expelled immediately!" The kids were shocked as they heard this.

"What? We have not even stepped into the school and we are already being expelled?!" One teen exclaimed in anger.

"You! How dare you talk while I am speaking! Expelled!"

"What?!" Before the teen could say another word, he was taken away by the academy guards.

"Thank you sacrifice for being my first example." As she said this, many of the participants tightened their bodies and straightened their backs. 'This lady truly is ruthless.' They thought.

"As I was saying before I was RUDELY interrupted. Even if you pass the written exam, you will not be automatically accepted into our school. You must also have TALANT, SKILL, STRENGTH along with SMARTS. If I see that you are unfit in one of these categories, then I will expel you from the exams. You will have to wait until next year to try again.

The second test will test your strength; this will also give you points. Those with level G 1-4 strength will gain 5 points. Those with G 5- 9 strength will gain 10 points. Those with F1-4 strength will gain 15 points and those with F 5 or higher will gain 25 points. IF YOUR STEANGTH LEVEL IS BELOW G, THEN YOU ARE EXPELLED. MIGHT AS WELL LEAVE NOW AND NOT WASTE MY TIME! " After saying this, A few kids hesitantly walked away from the scene. Many of the participants breathed in a cold mouth full of air. 'Isn't this lady too tyrannical?" They thought.

Of course they would never say this out loud.

After the strength trial, your next trial will be the most important, your skill trial. You will be randomly placed into 4 groups and will fight each other. each stage will have 3 experts that will score you skill. other than this, the top 10 finalist will receive a reward from the school. This will give you an extra edge once you get into the academy. I will only say this once. This is not your normal school were everything is handed to you. THIS IS SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST!" As Paulette said this, she pumped her chest and stood as tall as a tower. suddenly her back was patted by an old man. Many of the teens were stunned since they never saw this man as he came up to the stage.

"Hahaha misses Valentine, as uhh motivational as ever I see." The old man said in a gentle tone.

"As miss valentine has said, don't take this as just a competition. Once you enter the real world of Adventuring it is life or death." Although the old man had said this quietly, the people below could feel a cool chill coming from his voice.

"Ok the test will start shortly, as you can see on the screen, your scores from the written portion of the exam have already been tallied as points. Make sure to do your best." The old man calmly smiled before leaving the stage. Misses Valentine grumbled a bit before she got off the stage and allowed the mages to come and test the talents of the young adults.

The mages would appraise the talents of the teens and then give them their score. Many of the Mages did not get very surprised with most of the results. As Elijah was appraised and got a C he could not help but be a bit disappointed. Although his talent had gone up a little due to the Aegis, his talent was still very mediocre in his eyes. Once the mages got to Maryline, their eyes widened as they got her results.

"LEVEL A TALENT! TW-TWENTY POINTS!" The mage exclaimed. Many of the other teens cried in shock as they looked over at her direction. Maryline smiled confidently as she heard her results. Over the last year or so she had already come to enjoy people's reaction when they hear how great her talent was. Before she even had time to gloat to her brother, she suddenly heard an even more face slapping result.

"LE-LEVEL S TA-TALENT. TW-TWENTY FIVE POINTS" A mage from another corner exclaimed. Maryline and Elijah quickly turned to see a man who looked about their age. The air around him looked almost divine as his red hair made him stand out to the crowd.

"Who is that?" Maryline could not help but say out loud.

"You mean that douchebag?" Maryline and Elijah turned to their side to see a plump dumpling of a man eating chips. He looked as if he was in the wrong place as he smiled nonchalantly at them.

"Do you know him?" Elijah asked.

"Of course I know him. What is more odd is the fact that someone in this kingdom does not know him" He said casually as he ate another chip. Maryline blinked twice as he saw this behavior. She had never seen someone so obviously out of place.

"So who is this guy?" Maryline asked him.

"His name is Mark Magnolia. Do you understand now why he is a douchebag?" Maryline and Elijah did a double take once they heard this?

"Magnolia? like the royal family Magnolia?!" Elijah said in shock.

"Yep the only one. Such a distasteful guy. He could have gone to any school but nooo! He just had to come to this one and ruin my moment. " Maryline and Elijah watched in disbelief as this person ate chips angrily. The siblings could not help but be curious at the person beside him.

"So who are you anyway?" Mar asked curiously. All of a sudden a mage called another name.

"Drew Mars" The boy gave his chips to Elijah as he started to walk to the mage.

"Thats me" Said Drew as he winked at them. Maryline and Elijah were about to turn back to the red headed boy when they suddenly heard another surprise.

"LEVEL A TALENT. 20 points." To their shock it was that same dumpling. The siblings looked at the boy oddly as he gracefully walked back to them and took back his chips from Elijah.

" As I said that guy ruined my moment to shine. Who would look at my beautiful score after someone got a pissing S rank?" He started to complain even more to the siblings as he ate his chips angrily.

Elijah turned to Maryline as he secretly talked to her.

"This place is truly full of tigers and bears. I think we will have to become serious in this exam. Even human dumplings will crush you if you are not careful" Maryline laughed as she heard this.

"But isn't it also good to befriend these Tigers and bears...and human Dumplings?" Elijah gasped as he heard his sister. 'Has she somehow fallen for this person's odd charm? Well I have to admit that he is a little entertaining and he also know a lot about Vernia city...wait NONONO! you are falling into the dumpling soup! Get out! Get out!'

As Elijah was thinking this, Drew continued to rant about how his favorite ramen store had gotten a new owner and he did not like it. He did not even notice that the two people he was 'talking to" were not paying attention to the story. Maryline turned back again to look at the red haired boy named Mark. As she stared at the Mark, suddenly Mark stared back at her and they locked eyes with each other. Mark smirked as he looked at Maryline which made her get fired up.

Once they locked eyes, Maryline made another goal in her heart. 'I will definitely beat you and wipe that smug smile off your face' As Maryline put this into her mind and while she glared at him. Mark was also think about something.

'Eh? is this girl falling for me?'

Next chapter will be available tomorrow at 8 or 9 ish. Trying to post regularly ;)

Also what do you guys think about the new characters?

Coolspacesquidcreators' thoughts
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