

And oh the dude was handsome. Yea he was really breathtaking , but I can't even think of that. I was only swinging my body, waiting for his next question "I like you !" "Oh!" I finally made a sound"thank you!" That was all I could say "Do you mind for us to sit and talk!" I wanted to decline but seeing his eyes, looks like he was pleading, melted my heart away. "Okay!" My thoughts gave me a wicked grin. How could I allow my self to feel this way. I took another sip of the liquor. I could sense he was talking to me but I was busy drinking my heart out "What's your name" he asked filling his glass "Urmmm.... You don't need to know my name" I said without even thinking of how he felt "Well..... Its just your name"he said rolling his eyes away to meet the crowd. "And I said you don't need to know my name!" I said already pissed because his attitude towards it just gave me an itch. I stood to leave. Like who does he think he is. A hand grabbed me immediately and I turned, it was the same guy "Woaw woaw!!.... I'm deeply sorry if what I said really upset you" l looked at him with his sorry ass face and my shoulder dropped "well we need to call the bartender for more" he said with a smile. I returned the smile. Even though I knew I was feeling drunk, I don't care, Felicia and her boyfriend will take me home.

Onyibor_Phina · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs


I Blinked, and stir on the bed, slowly i opened my eyes. The room smells different .... Oh kate focus! Memories of last night came flashing through my eyes . Oh! I turned sharply,trying to stay positive maybe it was a dream, but a man was laying next to me.... Was it Emeka?..... Oh my God! I jumped up immediately, oh shit! Now I knew what happened. This was real...My bras and pantie was laying shamelessly on the floor. I quietly got off from the bed, tip toed to get my bra and pantie with out making a noise. I'm so fucking ashamed of my self. I just turned to a whore last night.

"So early?" I froze hearing his voice. I wanted the ground to open to take me in, cause I can't bare looking him on the face..... How can i even look him on the face. But I had to pretend like nothing happened, i had to keep my head high, it was just part of shit that happens in human lives

"Ur mm.... I'm about leaving"keeping my head straight while arranging my bra, I have already put on my pantie. Putting on my skimpy gown, I reached for my purse, checked my money and all was there. I had sandals heels on and was ready to dash out

"Thanks for the night" he said, tossing a bunch of money towards me, seems the money was up to 50k.

"Please I don't need your money" oh really! The dude thinks that I'm just nothing but a whore. Well can't blame him. I just behave like one last night?

"Wow!! Wait not so fast"he was holding me back and glaring at me, scanning me from head to toe ,could sense he was kinda confuse. "You forgot your money" picked up the money, waving it on my face for me to smell and know the money was really. I felt something building in my stomach, and it was something like hatred. Was this guy trying to show off?. Yeah he's a rich guy blah blah blah. I do not care!. I dragged my hands out of his hold, pushed the door back and pushed myself out"couldn't even get your name!" He half yelled, trying to catch up with me but I was fast to keep distance....

"Loser!" I cursed under my breath and left the premises



The club was hell busy, Mike was looming around me only for dancing sake. He grabbed my waist carelessly, licking the back of my ear. I chuckled, Mike was always like That whenever he gets drunk, he can do anything with me anywhere apart from taking my clothes off or having sex.

"Can we lodge somewhere?" Mike asked as he bits my ear lightly, it hurts but its sexy. He just knows how to turn me on

I smiled"What about Kate." I asked , still enjoying every bit of what he was doing

"Oh kate is with another man"pointing to a corner"and as you can see, she's really cooperating" yeah kate seems not to be disturbed. And the guy with him was cute, I'm sure she liked that guy

"Are you saying we should leave her?"I was asking because, I don't know what to do

"She's an adult, she can deal with any of her shit" he said but I only laughed. Mike was kind of a naughty guy and it was one thing I like in him. Mike held my waist as we were leaving the club. I knew he was marking his territory. After a short drive, we alight from the car to lodge. Mike has already paid for the room. I'm not even surprise, it seems like he doesn't have a home cause he sleeps in a hotel room..... Well I still don't care.... Closing the door room, Mike spanked my booty.

"Oh Mike" I turned with lit face. Mike was staring and smiling. Mike was so handsome but there's nothing serious about us and I made him to know at the initial stage"we will just be friends with benefits" that what I told him that very day and he accepted. We've been doing this for a year now. I was snapped out of my thoughts when, mike pressed his cold lips on mine. I kissed back but this one, he was kind of different. He kissed so different, before, we kissed and get on business but this one is different. Maybe it was because of the alcohol.The Kiss was very hot, it was taking my breath away. I had to hold him not fall because today was different. His hand grabs my hair and yanks down, I moaned into his mouth. His tongue expertly exploring my mouth, I haven't been kissed like this, not from him, in fact not from anyone. He scooped me up gently laying me on the bed. Every of his actions was new to me because we haven't gone beyond this or still maybe the alcohol was still working. He yanked his jeans and pants off, including his shirt. He couldn't let me work on his body like I do always. He undress me too, taking out my bra and pants off. I peeked up at him through my lashes but he was gazing at me

Now we're just naked, he leaned back kissing my neck, I gave slight moan , tugging him closer. He reached for my nipple, sulking and biting. It was so hot, I was very aroused. Before I could know, I felt a hot and hard member thrust inside me. I didn't think of whether he had something on or not, I was carried away by what my body was feeling. He wasn't talking unlike him giving me a sex talk, he was only moaning. He thrust slowly, I gasped and let out a small moan. I grasp the sheets as he kept thrusting slowly, he now sets a pounding rhythm. I starts to quicken, my leg tensing beneath him. He was moaning and his breath was getting faster, his moaning alone was giving me a mind blowing. Something was building inside me as he was thrusting hard, I grasped his waist pushing him in, as I let out a small cry. He collapsed on me still breathing hard and, later on pressed a soft kiss on my lips.... He stood up and went to the bathroom, I sluggishly sat up, and touched my womanhood and gasped.

"What?"with confusion reading on my face, it has never happened, so what prompt these " Mike!" I called, raising my voice

Coming out of the bathroom, "what happened babe" looking around like he doesn't know what happened

"Why didn't you use protection" I asked not happy for what happened

"I'm just sorry, I just found out when I went inside the bathroom" he apologized

"What were you thinking for Fucking sake!.... " I half yelled not liking what just happened. He sat beside me

"It won't happen again babe. I'm so sorry" He begged but we were interrupted when my phone rang

'Hi" i responded but was very weak

"Felicia, where are you?" Kate asked sounding so worried

I didn't know how to explain to Kate, where I was" I'm with Mike,.... Babe we had to lodge somewhere" I knew she felt betrayed by me

"How could you" now she's pissed

"I thought you were with somebody babe... You can't blame me that much"

"I hate you for this" she ended the call, I knew what will happen when we will be at home.

"Let's go and get her" Mike spoke at last

"Like you don't know her.... She dropped the call, and that means she won't pick my calls if I call for now.... If she calls back, then we will go and get her" she said dropping her phone beside her as she went to the bathroom to freshen up...