
Don't touch me Mr. J

Stolen at birth, abandon by her fake family and friends, Emilia has to face everything head-on without backing down. She begged Jason the most richest man in the world to serve him in exchange for the betrayal of her family and friends.

flobabe9090 · perkotaan
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60 Chs

Chapter Twenty-four: Welcome Home Young Master and Young Madam

The servants and butler stop at the entrance of the house to welcome Jason and Emilia, "Welcome Young Master and Young Madam". The Butler Mr. Abel Eden was crying when he saw Jason "Thank God you are alive, I keep praying for you since I heard the news, welcome home your parents and grandfather are waiting for the both of you in the living room." "Thanks Mr. Abel." Jason smiled at him. He took Emilia by the hand, he instructed some maids to move the things from the trunk of the car before walking into the house.

"Is that our young master or someone else using our young master's face?" a maid asked. Everyone of them where thinking the same thing, "Maybe it's a face because our young master never smile or talk to anyone unless to give you instructions." another maid said out loud.

"Keep quite everyone of you or you wil be fired. The young master has always been like this so stop saying things that will put you in trouble with the young master. Everyone go back to your duty post. " Abel reprimanded all the servants.

Inside the living room, Jason and Emilia where welcomed with open hands, Linda took Emilia to sit with her. Grandpa Gavin was not happy he took Emilia to sit by him asking her a lot of things about herself while studying her, he saw that Emilia was a loving and caring person that love without restraint, "my grandson finally did something good this time. no one can snatch my granddaughter from me." he vowed to himself.

The family gave her a lot of gifts as welcoming gifts to their home. Emilia was sad that she couldn't give them any gift but they said she shouldn't worry since she has brought laughter to Jason's life.

Linda took Emilia to her room, Emilia wept when she saw everything inside the room, "I....I don't no what to say ma thank you very much ma" Linda hug her saying, "no no no you made my son feel again this is the why you are special to us in this house." She kissed her forehead, "make yourself at home" after that she left.

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