
Don't Believe In Being Romantic

"Let's get one thing straight. We're friends. But you're still mine. Okay?"

Lyeori · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs


The silence in the car's killing you. But at the same time, you don't want to talk. Jinhyun hasn't said a word since. At the corner of your eye, you can tell he's been giving you constant glances.

If you begin explaining now, where would you even start? He'll probably bring your dead mother up. Should you just leave him in the dark? Things might be better this way after all. You let out a sigh.

You don't want him pitying you.

He breaks the silence with a tone that's serious. "You still won't talk uh?"

All this time, you've been blankly staring at the window. Watching buildings and cars pass by. You have no idea where he's taking you but at least this way, he's driving you away from your problems. Temporarily at least. You have to go back soon.

When you don't say anything, he extends an arm, twirls a strand of your hair around his finger, and pulls. It's his way of grabbing your attention. And it hurts. You turn and give him a glare, rubbing a hand where it throbs.

"Don't give me that look. What exactly happened back there?"

"Do I have to tell you everything that happens to me?"

"Pretty much. Yeah." He sternly replies with eyes focused on the road. You know he's worried. Who wouldn't be? He literally saw you trying to run away with tears in your eyes.

You collapse back to your previous position, facing the window. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Well in that case." He steps on the gas and speeds up the car. "This is going to be a long night."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You'll know in a few minutes."

You're left speechless when you see a sign saying that you're leaving a city. Whipping your head around, you catch a huge banner that welcomes both of you into a new place. The car's still moving.

"Go back."

"I don't think I want to." He nonchalantly replies. You fumble with the seat belt. If you had paid close attention, you'd have noticed Jinhyun's eyebrows narrowing. He's keeping an eye on you while still staying focused on the road.

You threateningly grab the door and turn to him. "Stop the car."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Binna." The calmness in his voice is similar to a rainbow before a storm. There are consequences if you proceed. And you know exactly what that is. You might die or get hurt. Even though you don't want that happening to you any time soon, Jinhyun has no right to drive you away to some place you don't know all because you won't tell him what happened.

"Then you either stop the car or turn around."

"What part of 'i don't think I want to' do you not understand?"

"What part of 'stop the car' do YOU not understand? You know what? Fine. I'm out." You try to push the door.

Keyword: try.

You narrow your eyes, working your hand to open it again. It's not working. Why isn't it working?

Holy crap.

No wonder he looked too calm to be true. He installed some extension that denies me the ability to unlock it unless he allows it. What do you call those things? Child lock? What the heck. "I hate you."

"I had those installed two months ago. Glad to know they're working perfectly fine." Is he expecting you to praise him with that information or what?

"You're unbelievable." Since it's no use using your strength right now, you collapse back on your seat and let out a sigh. "You really won't bring me back?"

He shakes his head. "No. Not until you tell me everything."

"And if I don't? We still have classes you know. We can't miss that."

"Did you forget? We've got one week of break. That means you have more time to think if you want to tell me or not."

"You can't force me if I don't want to though." You grumble in complain.

"I not planning to. I'll wait for you to tell me."

There's no talking past this guy. He has an answer to everything it seems. You drag your fingers across your hair and stare at the window. You've never seen this place before. Where exactly is he taking you anyway?

One way or another, however, Jinhyun's helping you.

And you can't thank him enough for that.