

It was cold. That was all I could feel, everything was calm besides the sound of my steps as I made my way back to the carriage that was hired to bring me home. I had walked off going against everything I was warned about; the forest was dangerous they would always tell me and I would always retort to them that the guards would keep me safe. As I continued to walk all I could think about was that warning they gave me what if the guards couldn't make it to me in time or what if another blizzard struck suddenly and I lost sight of the trail that kept me on my way? That wouldn't happen I told myself, all I could do was continue walking and that was what I did I continued to walk, and my efforts finally paid off as I could see the light coming from the camp we set up, but I didn't hear the familiar chattering of the guards who kept watch during the night. I kept walking to the camp until I noticed the light coming from the camp wasn't from the lanterns that hung from the carriage but from a fire as the smell of smoke reached my nose I started to cough, the smoke was mixed with a scent I couldn't recognize. I had finally made it close enough to know where the smoke was coming from, it was from the trees around the campsite. It must have been caused by the faulty lantern that had broken the night before. What was strange was that there was no one around trying to put out the fire, even if they sent people looking for me they wouldn't have sent everyone there should have been at least someone watching over the camp. "Hello is anyone there," no one responded I went a little closer and called again, " Hello is anyone around," when I was about to call out again I heard a faint whisper, "Help," as I made my way to where I heard the voice I noticed that the smell that had mixed with the smoke was getting stronger and then I saw it, the man who had called out to me was sitting there his legs crushed by a fallen, burning tree. The smell was burning flesh.