

Walter Jones is reincarnated into the body of an insect human, a creature with the body of a human but colored stripes and antennae. When he wakes up, he finds himself in a half dead state and luckily survives only to gain the memories of himself as the crown prince of the Kingdom of Tanatonia. But there is one problem and that's the schemers who want to take him out and secure the throne for themselves and their descendants. Now he must survive, take his place as the rightful ruler of the kingdom but what else will his fate be after he achieves that? Will he forge an empire in this new world or will his goals be extinguished and made premature? However, before he can achieve such feats he must first have his Kingdom and to do that he must become the King.

Wr1_Tes · Fantasi
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67 Chs

Chapter 6 - The Market (Part 2)

“It seems they are performing another ritual,” Jugel said.

The Blood dancers wore something I would call a grass skirt danced around with spears but the spearhead was made up of some red glowing rock. I'm sure that they were called red glow stones.

Behind them was a female slave with red stripes whose hands and legs were bound and also had small cuts on her arms, giving me some vibes of a ritual.

One of the dancers then spun towards her and thrusted his spear. A bright light erupted from the red glow stone as its tip stopped close to her arm.

From her expression I could tell that she was visibly frightened but what happened next irritated me.

As the spear withdrew from her, she could only helplessly watch as the cuts on her arm quickly became red and the liquid blood seemed to evaporate from her arms and followed the red glow stone as the dancer moved around with his spear.

The second blood dancer then followed suit and I felt irritated even more.

For about five minutes, they left her while the smell of blood wafted around the crowd who seemed to be clapping eagerly at the sight.

“Why does the crowd clap at this, it's disgusting,” said Afril.

“Truly, but it seems the crowd finds it intriguing about the ability to draw blood without making the target bleed,” Jugel said with a cold voice.

“Now that I think of it, where do these blood dancers come from?” I said, trying to look unfazed.

“They come from faraway lands to do trade of slaves that they claim to purify by drawing out their blood,” Jugel replied.

He continued “To be honest even as a priest, I have never agreed with how they performed these acts in public even if it is a slave and to think the queen regent allowed them into the kingdom”

“The Queen Regent,” I muttered with a low voice.

“Why do they do this though?” Afril queried.

“They claim that they use their dance to celebrate superiority and purify the blood of slaves. Absolutely horrendous,” Demna answered as her fists tightened, it was obvious that she was angered and enraged, we all were.

“Then after this dance the slave will be claimed to be purified of their shame and sold to the highest bidder and in ten days they will come again,”

“Wait, sold and this is done once in ten days?” I turned to Demna who replied with a nod.

“What if no one buys the slave?”

“Then they'll bring her along with another and repeat the process until someone buys her,”

I remained quiet after hearing that answer and Jugel seemed to have read my mind.

“Does your highness want to buy a slave? I don't think it would be feasible to make a deal with those blood dancers,”

“Will there be a problem if we buy the slave Jugel?”

He shaked his body and I clenched my fist.

“It would be better to save that slave from her misery,”

Jugel released a sigh after hearing my reply “Very well then but my duty as a priest is pained to engage in this act,”

I'm sorry Jugel but my humanity cannot stand for this sickness.

Just as our discussion was concluded the dancers struck their spearheads into the earth and then brought themselves to their knees while holding them.

“The Slave has been purified!” They chorused as they began shouting the same phrase over and over.

It was at this moment that the crowd dispersed allowing for Jugel to make a move.

“The Crowd disperses not to buy the slave but gathers to watch, what sort of nonsense is this?” said Anton with an angry expression.

“The Price for a “Purified” slave is usually expensive, almost five times the amount for a usual slave. Your puny glow stones you saved up will be consumed in an instant,” Demna replied with a laugh while Anton glared at her.

Just as Jugel was about to make a move, his arm was suddenly grabbed. “Priest Jugel please give me the glow stones. I'll buy the slave,” said Afril.


“Priest Jugel, your position as the Crown Prince's priest does not allow you to do this, if people were to discover who you are then you might be in big trouble,”

“However, I am a mere palace guard. No one would know me if I just covered my face,”

Jugel released a sigh and said “Very well,”

He then placed his hand into his leaf pocket and dropped quite a ton of glow stones into Afril's own.

“This should do,”

Seeing that no one was coming forth, the Blood Dancers then walked towards the slave and one of the two carried her by putting her on his back.

“I would like to buy that slave,” said a voice.

The Blood Dancers turned to see an antoid dressed in leaf clothing with his head covered by what resembled a re.

Of course the figure was none other than Afril “How much will she cost?”

“45 small glow stones,’’

“That's quite a huge hike in price, how about 5 medium sized glow stones,” he said.

“5 medium sized equals 15 small ones, that's a ridiculous drop,” The Blood Dancer holding the slave glared at him.

I who heard the barter from afar could only shriek at the hack in price while eavesdropping. “Why does this feel like those marketplaces in movies where they barter things for more than half the price making me have sympathy for the traders themselves?”

“What's the matter my prince?” said Demna, who I knew had seen the little shivering I was doing.

“From 45 to 15 small glow stones.”

“Your highness. It is necessary that he barter the price. If he bought it for 45 small glow stones at that instant then he would be in trouble because word would spread to many slave traders who would see him as a potential customer who lavishes his money on slaves,” She said.

“Oh I see,”

Demna's eyes then began accessing me.

“Why is she looking at me like that?” I thought.

She then pointed out something that surprised me“How come you are hearing the price and we can't?”

True, how could I?...

“Must be the effects of the bloodline.” Jugel claimed.

“Doesn't the bloodline only heighten magical traits?”

“Yes but in some cases, the physical traits are also enhanced. The Prince seems to be one,”

I was about to say something but my heightened hearing dragged me back to the barter.

“8 medium sized glow stones,”

“Bring 12,”


The Blood Dancers and Afril remained in deadlock stare for a while.

“10 it is,” he then carried the slave to Adril.

“For this slave, I would like it if you at least gave her decent clothes” Afril squinted his eyes.

“Very well,” The Blood Dancer said while grumbling as he and his comrade walked into what seemed like a tent but it was made of leather and from there untied the slave before putting on a bigger leather cloth on her and then tied her hands again before bringing her out.

Afril put his hand into his leaf pocket before bringing out glow stones and started counting the stones before giving them to the blood dancer.

These stones were much bigger than the one Jugel had used to buy from the grubs seller.

A vine was then passed to Afril for him to hold the Slave.

“Please come back to trade,” The Blood Dancer smiled.

“I hope I don't,” Afril thought before turning away from the duo and walking towards us.

“Your highness,” he bowed.

I took a closer look at the slave, her legs and arms were bruised and the cut marks that were used to draw out her blood were still visible.

“What is your name?” I asked.

She remained silent at my question,

“Do you not have a name?”

Her lips parted open and that was when I knew,

“Where can we get water?”

“I have a water bag, your highness,” Anton reached for the leather bag that he had tied to his waist and carried with him.

The female slave then drank the water bag, nearly drinking away all of its contents.

“Now, will you answer my question?” I said softly, trying not to sound harsh.

Her lips parted away as she replied “My name is not worthy of being mentioned.”

“Prince Anthart, slaves cannot retain their original names from the time they are captured and branded,” Jugel whispered into my ears.

It seems the former prince really didn't know a lot of things. I looked closely at her and found some strange marks on her right arm.

“118,” I recited the number I saw into memory.

Does that mean that she was the 118th slave that was ‘purified’

“Very well then, since you don't have a name I shall give you one,”

I placed my hand on my chin and pretended to be deep in contemplation.

“For now Melanie will do,”

“Melanie?” Eyebrows were raised.

Oh shoot, I forgot that I'm in a new world and ended up giving earth names.

“That's a rather odd name your highness but your choice,” Jugel shrugged.

“If I may ask, please who is my master?” She asked with a low voice.

Everyone pointed to me immediately.

“I will ensure to serve you well,” Her head lowered as she was still shaking.

“My Prince, should we return to the palace right now or should we go to t

he southern farms?” said Demna.

The eyes of the female slave widened and she started trembling “Are you really from the palace?” She thought.