

Walter Jones is reincarnated into the body of an insect human, a creature with the body of a human but colored stripes and antennae. When he wakes up, he finds himself in a half dead state and luckily survives only to gain the memories of himself as the crown prince of the Kingdom of Tanatonia. But there is one problem and that's the schemers who want to take him out and secure the throne for themselves and their descendants. Now he must survive, take his place as the rightful ruler of the kingdom but what else will his fate be after he achieves that? Will he forge an empire in this new world or will his goals be extinguished and made premature? However, before he can achieve such feats he must first have his Kingdom and to do that he must become the King.

Wr1_Tes · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
67 Chs

Chapter 2 - The Palace.

Some distance away from the village hidden away in the dense trees of the forest was another settlement where the trees were less and tall grasses were in abundance as huts dotted what seemed to be an irrigated area.

Beside the settlement was a large oxbow lake that stretched from the settlement's north, across the east till it reached the south letting the only access point be from the west.

From afar, a group of humanoids slowly approached. Many of them held makeshift spears made from wood and strapped a sharp stone to use as the spearhead.

But six of the members carried a large leaf, each of them dedicating an arm to hold it up as the person sleeping in it slowly opened his eyes, only to be jolted awake by the absence of no ground.

Anthart's scream startled the entourage as Demna looked up to check and the guards paused in their footsteps before lowering the leaf down.

“My Prince, is anything the matter?” She “Nothing Demna, my instincts got the better of me” Anthart replied.

“Please do your best to regain your energy and rest. Your Aunt, the regent will not be pleased to see the current state you are in now,” She said.

“Yes my aunt,” The smile on my face dimmed the moment she left.

From what the memories tell me, I do not like the situation one bit.

My mother had quite a number of lovers but unfortunately she died, not being able to produce enough heirs for herself which meant that I was the sole heir she had.

How unfortunate that I was too young to rule and my aunt was placed to rule as a regent after my mother died.

But from what it seems, it looks like she plans to thwart the throne from herself to her daughter.

Because apparently, bloodline and hereditary status was something that was valued even though this society prefers matriarchy. So unless I was dead or the first child my aunt had to step down for me to take the lead.

How convenient is it that I have to play game of thrones politics right? But on second thought, it isn’t fun to think of all this while I enjoy being carried like those emperors in movies.

I consciously propped myself up to see the view of the settlement up close but before that I looked at the carriers again and wondered how they were carrying me for so long or are their hands just numb?

As we approached the settlement I was astounded at the lack of defensive structures. ‘Why is there no need for this? have they thought about it or are they that primitive?’

The only thing that was made to look defensive enough was the piles of grasses made to stand as walls with a large space in beetween made to serve as the entry point.

Good thing that I learnt quite a lot of things back on earth. If not I'll still be feeling useless for being single while exchanging all of that for knowledge.

At the entry point, four guards stood firm, holding spears with some weird looking thing as the spearhead. It looks like a limb of an animal here so I'm guessing larger insects are reared or hunted for resources and value.

The moment the guards saw my entourage and the leaf I was carried on, they made no objections and just bowed.

“The Honour of a prince!” I exclaimed in my mind.

Or so I thought.

Out of nowhere, a tall muscular one appeared in front of the entry point. This one wasn't holding a spear and so I curiously searched for his weapon only to notice a green material strapped to his waist with something like a stone hilt sticking out of it.

“Leaves are sheaths for their swords!” I exclaimed in my mind, truly shocked by the primitive but fascinating technology.

I did not bother about him so I just laid back on the leaf I was being carried on.


And I was not expecting that.

“General Ranot. What is the meaning of this?” Demna walked upfront and looked at him with squinted eyes.

“You are halting the advance of the crown prince.”

Good that there's no weird title names.

“There's no need to feel annoyed Lady Demna, how sure are we that the crown prince, the next ruler of the kingdom, stays in the leaf carriage.”

I think his name is General Ranot right?

I skimmed through the memories only to feel another wave of annoyance “Another of my Aunt's supporters, this is such a pain”

“Are you saying that the person that looked at you right now is a double figure?” Demna said with furrowed brows.

“Who knows?” Ranot shrugged his shoulders.

At this point, I was pissed off and raised myself to look at the General who was being difficult.

“General Ranot, what is the meaning of this? Do you mean to say that I am an imposter?” I said with a furious voice.

I sincerely hoped that it was intimidating enough. The moment Ranot saw me, he immediately lowered his head.

“My prince please forgive my discourtesy towards you. But recently there was news of your injury and so I felt that I had to confirm that your presence was indeed not a facade.”

Ughh such an obvious lie.

“Did you not see me a while ago?”

“I only caught a glimpse of your face. I am sorry,”

“Whatever the case may be. Since I have shown myself to you and spoken to you. Just let us pass already,”

“But your…”

“What is it now or did you not hear me General? or were your ears out when I spoke? Move before my patience runs thin!”

I could see shock in the eyes of Demna and the others, making me ponder “Was the crown prince never authoritative enough?”

Ranot did not seem to hold any visible expressions of grudge and so he just bowed while leaving the entrance of the gate open for us to pass.

A glint passed through Ranot's eyes as the entourage began to move.

I could smell a murderous glare being directed at me but I just didn't care and was already thinking that it would be better if I got rid of him fast. Even during those times on earth, having the audacity to block the crown prince is tantamount to treason.

“Previous body owner, what shit did you allow in your lands?”

The rest of my thoughts were interrupted when I saw the density of huts and humanoids laying around. It seems this settlement is much more lively than the one I visited.

A large burst of cheers intruded my ears as many humans with antennae who were dressed in clothes either made of leaves or leather started rushing to my side.

It was a good thing that the entourage was large enough to form a line of guards to protect the ones carrying me as they continued to move.

“Now what's the custom here?” I began searching through the memories I inherited.

I turned to them and raised my right hand to wave while putting on a smile. Well, it would be weird if some things from their culture weren't human-like despite their humanoid faces and bodies.

Some distance away from the grass gates and close to the oxbow lake was a large building shaped like a round cone, obviously what one would call an anthill except from the vast number of holes which I considered were supposed to be windows.

The anthill structure also seemed to have balconies which ignited my curiosity.

“If a structure like this exists, why are the walls in that state?” I wondered as we slowly approached the large arched entrance.

We were welcomed by a number of guards wearing loose plates of armor that looked strange but also similar to the spearheads of the guards at the gates.

These loose plates were strapped together by vines.

“Why didn't he ask?” I groaned in annoyance.

It was at this moment that the leaf I was standing on became lowered to the ground.

“Your Majesty, we're here,” I heard Demna's voice and tone of address change.

I gently raised myself up in what seemed to be leaf clothing that looked a bit dignified from others and walked at an equal pace with everyone else till we entered the large arched entrance.

As we walked in, I was astounded by the interior view of the palace.

Carvings on the mud walls and a large number of torches that were not lit by fire but a strange fly that had been put in what seemed to be transparent leaves.

“Fireflies too,”

There were a bunch of pillars around that were holding up the other floors.

‘But, where were the stairs to the other storeys!’ I turned my head left and right only to realize that the staircase I was looking for was connected to the walls.

‘The walls are circular so the steps seemed to look like those towers steps’

I looked up to the ceiling to see the rays of light that had managed to enter this dark hall as well as the view of the other floors.

I was unaware of when I sighed because of staring for too long that I missed the sound of footsteps.

As I lowered my head, I saw her, my aunt.

Queen Regent Madale, the standing ruler of the kingdom and someone that wants me dead to have her way.

While I seriously do not want to rule, it's not like I have a choice either. I was reborn into this mess so I might as well not give myself a chance to die again because I'm not interested in taking that risk.

In this world, to renounce your title as a royal is nothing more than shameful.

“Greetings Prince Anthart!” Madale greeted me with a slight nod.

Her features weren't bad but seeing pale colored skin having black stripes paired with white hair and blue eyes gave me the creeps.

And the footsteps came again, this time with a figure similar to her but with black hair.

“Greetings Brother Anthart!” My cousin welcomed me with a smile.

“Greetings to you Aunt!” I

lowered my back a bit since it was custom. “Greetings to you too Cousin Ilya, thank you both for your warm welcome” then smiled back.