
'Rabid Dog' Era

Kasper left the fresh wrecked hideout, leaving a makeshift coffin for Crocodile, with Robin tagging along.

He briefly thought about how his actions might change things. In this real world, being a 'hero' seemed like a fairy tale. He wanted to stop Crocodile because of the pain he caused innocent folks. Kasper wasn't perfect, nor did he want to be a hero, but if he could squash a bug, he could handle this too.

As he was deep in his thoughts, he remembered that the system had notified him at the end of the battle. 'System, please remind me of what I have missed'.


[Processing complete. Host has successfully defeated Crocodile and initiated alterations in the trajectory of specific individuals within this world. As a result, the following rewards have been allocated]

[Rewards: 1 x Split Soul Katana, 1 x Random Eye Card]

'Hoho, that's pretty wild. It seems the tougher the foe, the sweeter the reward. But I won't go chasing fights I can't handle... that's a guaranteed trap. I've read too many stories where greedy people end up regretting it.'

"Alright, so where next?" Robin asked, a frown creasing her brow. Crocodile's defeat had ripped a hole in her plans, leaving her feeling exposed.

Kasper scratched his chin, considering his options. "How about some food?" he suggested, spotting a quiet bar across the street. "We can talk there." Robin trailed behind him as he strode towards the bar.

Inside, Kasper grabbed a secluded table in the back and gestured for Robin to join him. He studied her for a moment, gathering his thoughts. "So, what now for you, Miss Archaeologist? Now that we've flattened Mr. 0," he said with a grin.

Robin sighed, the weight of the situation settling on her shoulders. "Not much, honestly," she admitted. "This whole mess will attract unwanted attention from the Marines and the World Government. Looks like it's time for me to hit the road again."

Kasper felt a surprising urge to help. "Hey, why not come with me?" he blurted out before he could stop himself. He knew it was a big offer, but a determined glint flickered in his eyes. "I'm pretty strong, strong enough to handle anyone except the top dogs – Warlords and maybe some Admirals. They wouldn't mess with you if you're with me."

Robin's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Why? I'm a walking target. You wouldn't gain anything from this, but I'd be getting a major safety upgrade."

Kasper chuckled. "Let's just say I could use some company on my ship. Haven't exactly had a lot of friends, unless you count two giant dudes who argue more than a bickering couple," he added with a laugh, a memory of Dorry and Brogy surfacing.

"Plus," he continued, leaning forward conspiratorially, "I'm curious about this world and its secrets. We'll probably run into even tougher opponents along the way. But listen, this isn't some charity gig. I do what I want, when I want. Most importantly, I want to have a good time!" He flashed her a wide grin, waiting for her answer.

Just then, their food arrived, filling the table with a tempting aroma. "Think it over while we eat," he said casually. "Let me know when you decide."


As they dug into their food, the mood lightened. Kasper steered the conversation towards Robin's past, already familiar with the broad strokes.

Suddenly, Robin set down her fork, her brow furrowed. "There's something I should tell you before I decide," she said. "I have this feeling we've crossed paths before. Like, nine years ago? You looked different then, though."

Kasper's brow shot up in disbelief. "No way," he scoffed. "I was stuck in a lonely bubble for ten years, no contact with anyone. Until a few weeks ago, that is." His mind whirred. What game was Robin playing?


*POV: 9 Years in the past - Robin*


Totally wiped and frustrated, Robin clung to a tiny raft, its sail a flicker of hope on a vast ocean. The starry night sky offered little comfort as she prayed for escape from her recent troubles.

"Just anywhere far away," she whispered, longing for peace.

An unsettling calm settled over the water as a thick fog rolled in, swallowing her tiny vessel whole. At first, it crept slowly, but then engulfed her completely, blotting out all sight. Robin sat frozen, senses tingling in the eerie darkness. Time crawled by until, finally, the fog began to lift, revealing a lush island ahead.

As if by an unseen hand, the wind picked up, propelling her raft towards the shore with surprising speed. It slammed into the sand, tossing Robin onto the beach. Dazed but determined, she scrambled to her feet, ready to explore this unexpected haven.

Sticking to the safety of the shoreline, Robin avoided the dense forest looming ahead. Gathering twigs, she built a small fire to chase away the night's chill. Exhaustion finally won, and she drifted off to a restless sleep by the flickering flames.

A thunderous *ROAR* ripped her from sleep. A massive beast bellowed from the depths of the forest. The peaceful night shattered into chaos as the earth rumbled with the clash of titans. Two enormous creatures, locked in a territorial battle, roared and stomped through the unseen trees.

Heart pounding, Robin stayed close to her raft, prepared to flee at a moment's notice. Suddenly, a monstrous shape hurtled out of the darkness and landed with a crash on the beach. It was a giant golden bear, its razor-sharp claws glinting in the firelight. It lumbered towards her, wounded and bleeding, a broken leg trailing uselessly.

Fear choked Robin as the bear raised its remaining paw for a final blow. But the attack never came.

Hesitantly, she peeked open her eyes to a bizarre sight. A young boy, barely taller than her waist, stood between her and the beast. His arm was buried inside the bear's chest, his hand gripping its pulsating heart. With a practiced motion, he ripped it out and tossed it into the ocean.

The boy turned towards Robin, his clothes soaked in blood, wounds visible on his body already starting to heal. "Thank you," she stammered, but her voice trailed off as his gaze met hers.

His feral grin and glowing red eyes sent shivers down her spine. Like a cornered animal, she felt exposed, vulnerable.

Forcing herself to remain calm, she continued, "Thank you for saving me. The bear attacked so fast..."

The boy remained silent, his expression unreadable.

Robin studied him, a shocking realization dawning. Was he alone on this island, forced to survive like the wild creatures around him?

Unsure how to approach him, she decided to start simple. "What's your name?" she asked gently.

The boy hesitated, brow furrowed in thought. Then, in a rough, distant voice, he spoke. "K..." he started, then stopped. "Kasper," he finally finished.


*POV: Present*

"You saved me. But you weren't really you, were you?" Robin said, her brow furrowed. "Like your mind and body went wild to survive on that island."

Kasper stared at her, completely lost. What was she talking about? 'System, what's she on about? I don't remember any of that,' he thought in a panic.

A soft chime echoed in his head. [Confirmed. Upon arrival on the island, Host began exhibiting animalistic tendencies as a result of adaptation. The child-like mind of Host prompted a transition into survival mode, activating primal urges and instincts. Host's cognitive faculties gradually normalized over time as the mind adapted to the circumstances.]

'This is messed up, right System? Shouldn't I have adapted right away?'

[No, Host. The mind is a complex system, and as Host was young, the adaptation process required time to optimize. Host's intricate thoughts and emotions were in stasis during this progression. This phenomenon will not reoccur.]

Kasper didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This explained his weird amnesia and that crazy encounter with Nico Robin. "So why'd you leave the island?" he finally managed. "Or take me with you?"

"Couldn't," Robin shrugged with a smile. "You were barely talking, and when I tried to bring you along, you just grunted and hid. Escaping the Marines was hard enough already, but adding a feral kid with no voice to the mix? Nightmare for both of us."

"Yeah, makes sense."

"Anyway," Kapser continued, "besides meeting me during your 'rabid dog' phase, any plans for the future? I'm thinking a nice, slow trip to Water 7. Sounds like fun!"

Robin, with nowhere else to go, took a deep breath. "Sure, I'm in. But first, shopping. Need some new books," she said, a real smile finally breaking through for the first time.

Kasper shot up like a kid on Christmas, a huge grin plastered on his face. "Let's do it!" He tossed some money on the table and practically skipped out the door, Robin trailing happily behind.


Kasper sat on the seating outside of the bookstore, staring dazed at the blaring sun. 'So booooooored, why do women take this long?!' 

Lamenting at the poor foresight, he turned his mind to the system inventory, looking at two new toys that he won thanks to Crocodile.

'System, tell me about the Random Eye Skill Card'.

[Upon the host's directive for utilizing the item, you will be granted the corresponding eye. It is essential to note that the reward is not imposed upon the host; the decision to merge with the eye will be confirmed beforehand.]

'Please use the skill card', Kasper commanded before closing his eyes in excitment. 


[Host has recieved: Eyes of the Lord]

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