
Domination, have you heard of it? [SCP|SI]

Have you made a deal with the devil? Just some random sap realizing he lives in the SCP-verse.

TheFalling12725 · Lainnya
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28 Chs

Omake #5 - 7

Omake #5

Dr. Bright and I were hanging out at an 'Are We Cool Yet?' exhibition. The Anart was mostly harmless, if we ignored the painting that grew arms and started dragging people into itself. Some had obviously alive beings inside of them. I think I heard one of them singing.

"So" I begun, "did you really fuck with 1471?" He did a spit take so hard, the coffee he was mid sip on shot away with a bit too much force and stained one of the paintings.

"What!? Where did you hear that? How would I even do that!?" He sounded pretty offended. Unfortunately for him, I knew him enough to know he was not offended. He was either trying to get me to explain something in the most uncomfortable way possible, or he just wanted the name of the poor agent that started the rumor. RIP random agent.

"What? You didn't do it? Too afraid of the wolf girl?" Now he looked a bit confused.

"SCP-1471 is a girl?" I… I actually didn't know. If we follow the idea that everything I read about SCP stuff in my past life was true because the multiverse was infinite, then it was a possibility that 1471 was fuckable in this reality.

Another painting grew legs and gunned it down an aisle.

"I don't know Jack. You should test it out though, for science." The amount of expressions Bright was showing at the moment was something that made me glad I couldn't forget stuff anymore.

Then suddenly he had the mad gleen in his eyes that he had when he was about to make an especially stupid idea. He seemed giddy about the idea. "For science! Of course we need to test this out. We must find a way to enter the digital world, we could even go on a digi adventure!" Was that a Digimon reference? Did that thing even exist here? A lot of the media was really different from what I had back home.

Meh, it doesn't matter. "Onwards Captain Bright, we must surf the digi waves and find the treasure all men look for!"

"Yes, we must go steward Gabriel!" And so, we completely forgot we had to deal with the anart as we left for our quest for some SCPussy.

Later we were reprimanded for trying to ram Jack headfirst into a computer haunted by 1471.

Omake #6

The Deer College was much bigger than what it looked from the outside. Something clearly had been done to the space inside the building. It felt like I was at a generic college campus. How it managed to look like an open space instead of the inside of the building it was is a mystery to me. You could even look at the sky if you glanced up.

There were a couple of 'outdoor' classes going on about being inspired by nature to create. And there even appeared to be some dorms to my right.

The GOC had asked me to come to the American branch of the college to meet a professor. They were convinced that if they could replicate my type of 'reinforcement' the amount of SCPs they could eliminate safely would increase by a large margin.

I doubted they would even come close to replicating domination though. I wasn't even worried about their chances of accomplishing their goal.

Even if they managed to somehow scan it, find how it worked, managed to create a spell that would try to bring the concept of domination into something, and found someone that had enough mana at hand to do it. It wouldn't be worth it for them, any soul would strain too much with just one use of whatever spell they try to use, any enchantment they managed to create would rapidly deteriorate, and the cost-effectiveness ratio would be horrendous.

So, I was just using this visit as an excuse to tour a magical school. Maybe I could even learn something, find a way to improve my use of domination.

Some owls flew past me and into the dorms.

Maybe I could get my own version of Hedwig. And a wand. And some robes. I also want a magician hat.

Unfortunately it seemed that sorcerers/magicians were more connected to modern times in this universe. I mean, they dressed like 19th century doctors, y'know, those who used big black coats, fedoras an shit.

Maybe they still dress like medieval age generic mages in the English branch?

Omake #7

SCP-343 looked at me disapprovingly. "You did it again Gabe."

As a former atheist, talking with God was a weird thing. I mean, I still did not worship any god, but when you live in SPC verse, denying their existence is just not possible.

We sat inside his containment cell, I appreciated the homie feeling it gave. The fireplace was warm, the sofas were comfy, everything was very beautiful.

the cell was somehow was a very big house in the inside.

"Well I couldn't let Dr. Clef do it on his own." I whined. I never whined, why was I whining right now? Because when 343 is sad you did something you either apologize, cry, or whine.

The old man wasn't even mad at me for taking the principles of domination. He was just displeased because he thought I could be doing better things with it. But how could I let Dr. Clef charge by his lonesome into a group of reality benders. I obviously had to help him!

"No you did not have to." I felt like pouting. This was embarrassing. Why did he make me feel like I was a child being reprimanded?

"But, but, they are reality benders, he could have been harmed!" Type greens are a serious thing!

"No he wouldn't have been, you know that for a fact."

SCPs and others mentioned:

O #5: Dr. Jack Bright, Are We Cool Yet?, random anart, SCP-1471.

O #6: Deer College, The Global Occult Coalition (GOC).

O #7: SCP-343, Dr. Clef, Reality Benders (Type Greens).