
Domination, have you heard of it? [SCP|SI]

Have you made a deal with the devil? Just some random sap realizing he lives in the SCP-verse.

TheFalling12725 · Lainnya
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28 Chs

Chapter 14

Y'know, I have always hated visiting museums. I heavily disliked just looking at old stuff or having to walk around a giant building to learn something I could have learned on my couch with my phone, but I have always loved walking around.

I didn't particularly care where I was walking around, or when. I just liked walking around. It made me remember the times when I used to walk with my parents after school, or during trips. I always liked remembering my first life.

I was walking around Yellowstone. I had always seen it as a dangerous place till I asked around and realized it was actually a national park. I blame movies for teaching me we would all die from supervolcano eruption.

I was on my way back to Lake Village, I visited the Grand Canyon in the morning. I stayed there for a while. Nature helped me concentrate on my runes, well, no, that is a lie. I just didn't have anything else to distract me when so far out in the wild.

I had worked on a rune that I was trying to connect the meaning of 'clean' to. I had all the power I wanted, I did not need runes to be stronger. So, I decided to use them for more… mundane stuff.

As I was about to arrive at the little villa I noticed there was a food truck outside that wasn't there in the morning. It had horns on its sides that gave it a viking vibe.

'Nice' I thought to myself, I would finally have something to eat that was more 'streety'. Restaurants were nice and all, but I wanted some of that homemade style food.

I walked up to the truck and read the menu it had on its side. It had a lot of things, but the best part was that The Turkish Walhalla, the name of the truck, smelled amazing. I started salivating a bit. I had not been able to have any decent food in a while.

"Hey!" I called out as I began walking towards the truck. "What is your best plate?"

A very tall blond man, with a full beard, stuck his head out of the truck's counter. "We have delicious kebabs!"

Ohhh, I had never had kebabs before, I had eaten meat stuck on a stick before, but never something I could proudly call a kebab.

"Give me two!"

"Alright boyo." Boyo? I had never been called that before. The giant of a man turned around and screamed "They boy wants some kebabs!"

"Why are you screaming!? I am right next to you! I can also hear him perfectly fine!" I heard a woman complain from the inside.

"Well, if I don't scream how will he know I told you he wanted some kebabs!?"

"By telling him they'll be ready soon you dumbass!"


He turned around back to me and raised his hands to cup his mouth. He took in a big breath and opened his mouth.


"Okay." Did he have to scream at me too?

"Would you like something to drink?"

"Just some water." He looked at me weird before he reached around to his left and retrieved a bottle of water from somewhere.

"Here you go."

I thanked him and the conversation died.

I opened my bottle and took a sip when I noticed he was staring at me.

"You need something?"

His stare intensified and then he glared.

"... You good?"

He huffed and turned around. "The pansy didn't want beer!"

"I told you not to criticize what customers want! I also told you to stop screaming at me! I am right next to you dammit!"


Who the hell are these two and why are they so weird?

The blonde turned to me once more and frowned again.

"You are not a god." I spit my drink. I'm pretty sure I'd be hacking and coughing if I could still drown.

"What?" How did he even know I was not human? Maybe I could act dumb?

"We came all the way over here just to meet the new god, and you turn out to be something completely different." Okay maybe I couldn't gaslight him into believing he was crazy.

He sighed and turned back to the woman inside the truck. "Sif! He is not a god!"

"What do you mean he is not a god!? Then why did we come here!?"

He turned back to me and his eyebrows pinched in concentration.

"His nature is closer to that of Jotuns. He does not have any divinity, but he has a connection to a concept. Wait, that is wrong, it's like he owns the conception. He is also too damn old to be a new god!"

The woman poked her head out of the truck and looked at me. "Hmmm, you are right about him not being a new god. Let me finish his kebabs and I'll join your conversation." She went back into what I could only assume was the kitchen inside their truck.

"So, what are you?"

"I am not actually sure. An embodiment maybe? What do you think I am?"

"Well, you are not a Jotun. You are not ugly enough to be one." He hummed for a moment before pointing his finger at me. "I don't know what you are either!"

I sighed and leaned back. Sif and Jotuns? Don't tell me this blond wall of a man was who I thought he was.

"So, who are you? And what do you mean by coming 'all the way over here' just to meet me?"

"My name is Thor! We just felt you come into your powers a couple of weeks ago and wanted to meet the new deity. Unfortunately, you are not one, my friend." … He really was Thor. Damn that's cool. Still, keep your cool Gabe.

"I did not come into my 'powers' a week ago. I've had them for over 2 months."

"Truly? And you kept your soul so tied up all that time? Impressive."

"Thank you." I worked really hard at not suffocating the mortals around me. Even here in the park, it was filled with life that would die pretty fast if I wasn't careful.

Sif walked to the window and leaned over to give me my kebabs.

I took the styrofoam plate and looked at the kebabs. They looked delicious. If I ever got to visit the Food Wars universe, I think this would compare to their food.

"This looks amazing." I looked up to Sif. "Thank you."

She puffed up. "Of course, you can't get this kind of meat in Midgard. Enjoy."

Still, as much as I wanted to eat the beauty in front of me, I still had more important stuff to deal with.

"So, you tracked me down? How did you two do that? I don't want to be tracked by everyone who has an interest in strong beings."

It was Sif who answered. "Yeah, I'll teach you how to hide your presence better. Though I can't do much for magical tracing, I can do enough so you don't go around announcing where you are all the time."

"Thank you."

This time Thor talked. "We were in Poland when we felt you. Were you in danger? What made you have to use so much power? The midgardians getting weirder?"

I sighed heavily at that. "I was a human once."

He blinked at me and smiled. "Well, midgardians really are becoming weirder. It does explain how you are so old. Also, hah! I told you so, Sif!"

She looked demurely at him and then back at me. "You were in danger? Some cultist got to you? Or maybe some of the zealots in white robes?"

"Nah, I guess I got myself in danger. I wanted to stay on the good side of some humans. They have this powerful organization that basically fights off powerful entities to keep the public safe. Like some kind of guardians."

"Oh, we have met some of those too." Thor said, stroking his beard. "Annoying little humans demanding information."

"Yeah, we probably meet the same guys. I wanted to at least have some sense of decorum with them, but they just threw me at the wolves. Apparently they didn't know how to deal with me and decided it would be better to kill me."

Sif scowled. "Humans are getting too sure of themselves again."

I looked down at my kebabs and decided I wanted to try them before they became cold. I took a bite and savored the absolute goodness it was before I looked up at the pair of Nords again.

"They try their best to keep their kind safe. Bouts of insecurity and fear are to be expected of them. Unfortunately I couldn't keep allowing them to have their way with me, so I just left."

Thor nodded. "Good. Now, about your powers. How are you talking to them? Mortals with this kind of power usually have issues."

"Mentaly pretty well, all things considered. On the other hand, my experiences with my power… I don't know. I am happy I am not powerless anymore, but I am not sure what to feel about them. "

"And why is that?"

"Well, that time where I let myself go all out, probably what you two felt, I lost all of my emotions. I remember it very clearly, I hate what I remember."

Thor blinked at me. "What do you mean you lost your emotions?" I noticed Sif also frowned a little.

"Well, I just stopped feeling everything, from fear, to anger, to happiness. It all just went away. You guys have never experienced that?" Damn, was I really so unique?

Sif hummed. "Maybe you are not just very connected to a concept but actually are part of one. I guess that when you accessed more of your power you just became more concept than yourself. It would explain your absence of emotions. Why would a concept need feelings?"

… I hadn't thought of it like that. Maybe I could find a solution.

"Thank you for the new perspective. I'll keep it in mind if I ever find myself in a dire situation."

"You are welcome. We came here to help the newbie."

I smiled for the first time in what felt like a long time.


Pov - Sif

"He was nice." He really was. Most mortals who became more than the rest of humanity usually had some kind of mental issue.

"Yeah, I am glad he didn't develop any complex. He would have been annoying to put down." I sighed, did he really have to think so extremely? Once a warrior, always a warrior I guess.

"I am just a bit worried over how he lost his feelings."

"Definitely someone to watch over. Someone that strong not being able to empathize with the living always ends up causing issues."

"He seemed to really dislike the experience. I do not think he will let himself go again."

Thor's eyes harden. "Hopefully not."

He relaxed and then sighed. "He would have been perfect if he just accepted to try mead."

"Let it go Thor, he just doesn't like alcohol, that is actually a good thing. He won't do stupid things by accident because he is drunk."

"What do you mean that's a good thing! The poor lad has no idea what he is missing!"

"And I've told you to stop shouting at me when I am next to you!"


Walking back to Lake VIllage I pondered about my interaction with Thor and SIf. I knew gods existed in the SCP verse, I just didn't think I'd meet some so soon.

I walked up to the building I was staying at and went inside.

The tips Sif gave me were really good. Who would have thought I didn't need to seal my soul? I just needed to make something like a soul place. The closest comparison to what that was I could think of was Bleach's zanpakutos, or soul worlds.

I entered my lodge room and threw myself at my bed.

I didn't need to bring my soul into reality and make a weapon with it, but it would help contain it if I gave it a physical form. Alternatively, I could just sort of create an alternate dimension my soul could reside in.

Not gonna lie, making a weapon out of my soul sounded cool as fuck. It also sounded dangerous to have your soul become something physical so I wasn't sure I wanted to do that. Plus, I'd still need to make a small pocket dimension to store the weapon in, I couldn't just go around waving a giant axe.

I decided I would think about it later and tried to get some sleep. I didn't need it anymore, but it was so relaxing I couldn't stop doing it. Something about sleeping more than 9 hours daily made me happy.



Thor and Sif really do exist in the SCP verse, which I think is really cool. They are called SCP-190-DE by the Foundation.

Also, weapons, I don't feel are necessary at all. A being on the power level of gods has no need for a weapon. They are kind of neat though. What do y'all think? I could totally not give the Mc any weapons and everything would be fine. I personally don't care much, but I do want some opinions.

If any of y'all finds a spelling mistake, has questions, has some criticism, or whatever, please leave a comment. I enjoy reading them.

Thanks for reading.