
Domestic Love Story

{ MATURE CONTENT} Zaisha is a teenage girl who is turning 18 soon with no worries of life enjoying and hanging out with friends who doesn't know what's goanna happen next........... her father is a famous businessman and her mother was the daughter of the king. She fell in love with the businessman and gave birth to a child....... not so so long she died of an illness leaving 3 kid and his husband alone. although she has 2 elder brothers but only she has to handle the family business with her father................ While handling the business she has to meet the mafia boss and the CEO........... what she diddn't know that what was gonna happent next.............

zayra_shane · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Discharged day:02

<p>She suddenly realized that something was wrong she felt something was crawling on her back she instantly rushed towards the mirror to see what is was she saw that Antonio the spider<br/><br/>was on her back she screams Ahhhhhhhhhhh<br/>all of the sudden all of the members came out her father rushed upstairs to see Zaisha screaming<br/><br/>Ahmed rushed towards her and took the spider off her back and said easy Zaisha its a very rare specie of spider (Cerbalus aravaensis )<br/><br/>{Cerbalus aravaensis is a huntsman spider found in the southern Arava Valley of Israel and Jordan.}<br/><br/>due to Zaisha had a fear of spider's she fated <br/> <br/>they try there best to wake her up but they had to took her to the emergency after an hour of treatment she finally came to her sense<br/><br/>when she opend her eye she say that she was in a hospital ward and see's her brothers were on the sides of her bed desperately waiting for her to wake up...<br/><br/><br/>Ahmed saw Zaisha opend her eyes Ahmed rushed and said Zaisha Zaisha can u hear me Zaisha nurse came and said easy the patient just woke up and she is still under the medication which we ha given her its really a dose of medication becaz of that she can only hear u but can't say anything she'll be fine after some rest ☺️<br/><br/><br/> After 2 Hours <br/><br/><br/><br/>She Woked up and see's that her dad was on the left side of his bed<br/><br/>Zaisha: dad! im okay u don't have to worry anymore..<br/>Dad: sunshine u scared us to death your blood pressure got too low that it couldn't b controlled did u know how much i was worried about you i even slab Ahmed for have that thing in our house and i also warned him if u didn't woke up I'll kick him out of the house<br/><br/>Zaisha : dad dad im okay it's just that im was too scared i didn't realize when i was out...<br/>sorry dad to make u this much worried <br/><br/>As father daughter talk was being held her brothers came in and after seeing Zaisha talk Ahmed started crying<br/>Ahmed: im so so sorry zee i didn't realized that how much you were scared of spiders im so so sorry i should have kept him somewhere else.<br/><br/>now i have put him somewhere from where he won't be coming out from again this won't be happening again sorry<br/><br/>Zaisha: its okay brother i wasn't your fault all along so don't blame it on your self for no reason please don't make me embarras..<br/><br/>ohh i forget about our trip 😖😖<br/><br/>i hate it when something happens right before our trips its so sad that we won't be able to make it there....<br/><br/>everyone started laughing<br/>HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA <br/><br/>ohhh our sweet zee don't worry we can go on that trip after u get discharged..<br/><br/>hmm okay Zaisha smiled and everyone else started laughing again <br/>HA HA HA HA HA HA HA<br/><br/>ohh zee what we gonna do about u 😅😅😅😅<br/><br/> <br/> TO BE CONTINUED<br/><br/>ohh sweet zee all she thinks about is eating or outing 🤣🤣🤣🤣</p>