

'You?' Demian asked. He was quite a bit surprised by seeing the person standing in front of him. Out of all the people in this whole world, who would have thought that Demian would meet him. In front of him was the same old man who had previously saved him from the Anyo.

'Yes, it is I, after all, I told you we would meet again. So, here I am.' said the old man.

'Let's chit chat later; first, we need to take care of him.' said the old man while looking at Cerberus.

Demian nodded. He then got back to where Cerberus was lying.

'What is happening to him?' asked Demian in a slightly worried fashion.

'His soul is suffering from a backlash. It is likely the result of its soul bond being severed from its master.' said the old man.

Demian looked at the old man in a confused manner; it was as if he was unable to understand anything the old man was saying.

'Ahhh, I see people usually don't teach the younglings till they are sixteen and now you won't be able to go to the academy to learn the ways of the weaver and the path of cultivation. But, fret not, as I am here. Right now, what I am referring to is the phenomenon of soul amalgamation. The master and the weaver, be it the primary weaver, i.e., the first weaver received by you or be it the secondary weaver, i.e., the ones you collect later on, in both these cases, the soul of the master and the weavers have to resonate and combine entirely. This results in the formation of a soul bond; it's like a bridge of spiritual power that connects the master with the weaver and enables the master to utilize the weavers' true potential. Although in some cases it is necessary for the chosen master first to learn the name of their weaver, this is referred to as enlightenment; this is where both the master and weaver learn about each other and form a bond of mutual trust.' Explained the Old man thoroughly.

Demian carefully listened to the old man as he committed each and every word to his memory.

'Now to the part of the breaking of the bond. There are only two ways in which the bond can be broken, first is if the master or the weaver willfully chooses to break the bond, which is unlikely the case in the current scenario as the resulting backlash is too strong for this approach. The second one is-' The old man abruptly stopped and became a bit serious, he turned towards Demian, his expression was solemn, 'the second way in which this bond can be severed is, if-', the old man hesitated a bit,'-if either the master or the weavers' spiritual presence disappears from the mortal world.'

Hearing this Demian was startled, he jolted up and said, 'What do you mean?'

'What I mean is, your mother has either died or has disappeared from the mortal world.' said the old man as he walked towards Demian.

'I am sorry.' The Old man softly grabbed Demian's shoulder. Demian fell on knees, his hands were shaking, and his eyes were watery. However, he suddenly got up and looked at Cerberus 'What can we do to save him?' Demian asked in a solemn voice, his face was grim, but his eyes were full of determination, determination for completing the last thing his mother asked of him, to take care of Cerberus.

Seeing this the old man nodded 'The only way to save him is him accepting a new master, and the way things have turned out, you are the only person he would accept as his master. But first, we need to find a vessel for him to bind himself to; otherwise, he would cease to exist in the mortal world.'

'But vessels for weavers are handcrafted by the gods and their heralds, how can we just find a vessel in the mortal realm?' asked Demian.

'That might be true for others, but for you, that just might not be the case.' replied the old man.

'Ehh? What do you mean by that?' asked Demian.

'In generic terms, you are special.' replied the Old man.

'Special? How? What do you mean?' Demian was flustered.

'I am afraid that you will have to learn on your own, even by telling you this much, I am putting you in harm's way. The day you gain sufficient strength, would be the day you will know everything.' said the old man.

Demian was still in a daze; he was trying to wrap his head around what the old man had just said.

'Remove your coat and shirt.' said the Old man.

Demian nodded as he hurriedly removed his coat and shirt.

'Little friend, please return to your soul state' said the Old man to Cerberus. Cerberus slightly grunted, as his body began to shrink and soon there was only a small scarlet colored spirit floating in front of the old man.

The old man then laid his palm on the center of Demian's chest 'This will hurt... A lot!' he then suddenly pulled his hand backward, a projection of Demian's heart appeared in front of Demian's chest, the projection completely resembled what a heart looked like, it was beating, in the same manner, and blood could be seen coming and going out of it.

The old man gently pushed the scarlet spirit towards the projection; the spirit gently collided with the projection.

'Here it comes.' said the old man as he moved away from Demian.

The projection in front of Demian's chest started to emit a scarlet glow, and suddenly it was set ablaze as scarlet colored flames covered the entire projection as it slowly moved towards Demian's chest, Demian clenched his fists as his rate of breathing increased. The closer it got to Demian's chest, the more excruciating pain he felt. 'AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!' Demain fell flat on the ground as he screamed in pain as the heart-shaped orb of fire entered his chest, the speed of the orb entering his chest was extremely slow, it took a minute or two before it wholly submerged inside Demian's chest. Demian was covered in sweat; he was barely able to hold on to his senses. Although the process lasted for a brief period of two minutes, for Demian each second was like a year, the pain was so excruciating that he just wanted it to end.

Demian tried to get up, but he couldn't, just as he was about to fall down the old man grabbed and helped him sit.

'What just happened?' asked Demian.

'I turned your heart into a vessel for Cerberus.' replied the old man.

'What?!! How is that possible? No mortals body can be strong enough to store the soul of a weaver.' Demian was shocked and scared at the same time. Shocked because what just happened was unheard of and terrified because he could have died.

'True, but like I said you are special, I know you have a lot of questions, but I am afraid you are not strong enough to the know anything else right now.' replied the old man with a slight smile on his face.

Demian frowned a bit, but he took it all in and accepted things as they were.

'Hey, you have been helping me for all this time, but I don't even know who are.' said Demian as he looked at the Old man.

'Oh, pardon me, where are my manners. I am Abaddon, son of Adamina.'

Demians' jaw and eyes were wide open, 'A-a-a-damina?' he stuttered.

'U-huh.' Abaddon nodded.

'The Godmother Adamina?' Demian asked again.

'Yes. How many Adamina's do you think there are?' said Abaddon with a slight smile on his face.

'You..you..you...you are a GOD?!!!!!!!' shouted Demian.





End of chapter.

Hi, I everyone. I know this is a small one, and I know i said double uploads, but I have a tight schedule right now. I am trying my best though, and I hope to get back on schedule within a couple of days. I hope you like this one, and if you do like it, then and comment about it and how I can further improve it.

Glaethielcreators' thoughts
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