
Does GOD Make Mistakes?

People often ask, deep down in their hearts, "If God makes no mistakes, why did He regret creating man?" Why must He have to take a rest after creation, 'cause one would only take a rest if something wasn't going perfectly, right?

Gilbert_Umukoro · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs


Could it be a mistake that you were born in the first place, or that you came into this family of yours, or you were even a child out of wedlock - your mother never wanted to be pregnant when she was of you - and now you feel so ashamed about it? How about those who took their own lives out of frustration?...hmm, they hated their lives, perhaps they blamed their Creator. What about the mosquitoes that bite, the serpents that bite, the beasts that kill, or the water that drowns? All these would always boil down to one asking, "Could these not be God's mistakes?"

Come with me as we walk through what a mistake is to start with, but don't get it wrong, if it's deliberate, then it's not a mistake, right? However, it could sometimes also be a mistake even when it's deliberate, due to rash decisions.

Using MISTAKE as an acronym:

*M- Misalignment/Misapplication

*I- Inconsistency/Incomplete/Imperfection

*S- Stain/Stigma

*T- Taint(a mark of shame or disgrace, especially on one's attitude or character)

*A- Abomination

*K- Kibosh(nonsense)

*E- Error

1. Misalignment or Misapplication

To align is to adhere oneself with a group or a way of thinking. That's to say, you deliberately cleave or attach yourself to the way a group of people behave, think or act, in order to be exactly as them.

However, misalignment is simply not being able to align or apply oneself appropriately with the rules or ways or manner as required of oneself - mistake.

2. Inconsistency/Incomplete/Imperfection

When you are inconsistent, you are incomplete, and when you are incomplete it means you are imperfect.

The quality of not being able to maintain a dependable nature - way of doing things or thinking or implementing - is what inconsistency is all about...mistake.

3. Stain or Stigma

This is a blemish on one's character or reputation. Which is to say, a person's character has something people could point at and say, "This is not accurate or transparent." Then that's a mistake on that individual's life.

4. Taint

If a person's reputation or image is being tainted, it means it was tarnished. So, taint, is a contamination, a putrefaction, an infection or deprivation. It's just like a stain as already mentioned...mistake.

5. Abomination

A despicable habit, a disgusting vice, an odiousness, a detestation, and so on. When something is done against a certain tradition, culture or lifestyle, it is then seen as a shame by the people in question. That is to say, the doer has gone contrary, which is an abomination, judging by their own precepts and protocol...mistake.

6. Kibosh (nonsense)

If it is a nonsense, it doesn't make sense; if it doesn't make sense, it clearly shouldn't have been spoken, done, executed or performed; and if it shouldn't...then that was a mistake.

7. Error

A fault, failure, faux, fluff, flub, fuzz, and so on.

No matter how little a command is wrongly given to the computer, it would always reply with a message - error message - to show a mistake. This message keeps on popping up until it's perfectly corrected.

From the above descriptions, we could discover that mistakes are unintentional or uncontrollable occurrences perpetrated as a result of inexperience, inability, overconfidence, inevitability, and imperfection.

Since these occurrences are not on purpose, no victims should actually be criticized or castigated, on the one hand. Also, on the other hand, what someone judges as a mistake, could just be a perfect act, judging by another person. This is as a result of differences in people's points of view, religions, policies and cultures.

"One man's meat is another's poison", so they say. The same kind of meal recommended for you by a doctor, could be harmful to someone else's health. However, in this book, I am referring to what's strictly right and what's absolutely wrong by nature, alright?

This would then draw your mind to 'Imperfection'.

Imperfection is a function of the following: Incompletion, Malfunction and Misinterpretation, Predicament, Entanglement, Reluctance, Fear, Errancy, Confusability and Tiredness.

To start with, someone once said, "One fact that makes us humans is imperfection."

*We are 'incomplete', that's why we can't survive on our own; we always need someone in our day-to-day life; no matter how beautiful, strong, smart or talented we think we are, we would always find someone better, and that someone would always find another better than them; and just the moment you think you've got it all, you then realize something is missing, and it would keep missing as long as we remain humans.

*Humans would always 'malfunction' and 'misinterpret.' You know why? We easily lose it when we get angry, and we go off the line when we get too excited. We judge by what we see, what we hear, what we feel, and what we perceive, then we draw out a false conclusion.

*One word synonymous to human's life is 'Predicament'.

"Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble."(Job 14:1...KJV). No one has it all without ever experiencing any challenges. Have you ever thought about that? There's always a 'but' in every one's life...it could be health challenge, or finance, or emotional, or relationship, and so on. You might have outlived it, or outrun it, however, it was once a part of you which you can't erase. Paul (once Saul) had one. Though he prayed for others and did so much miracle, yet his challenge (thorn in the flesh) remained with him till he went to glory.

*The state of being intricate, perplexed and confused involution, is 'entanglement', which is a critical aspect of imperfection.

*Hesitancy to take certain important actions; unwillingness to do something, especially a beneficial kind of activity... 'reluctance.'

*Humans have been living in 'fear' from the beginning of time. I don't know what exactly you think about me, and so there's an amount of fear inside of me: hope you aren't going to stab me in the back, or betray me, or sell me out to the enemies?

*'Errancy'. This is simply the state of erring, or being in error. Humans err in their thoughts, motifs, actions, reactions, responses and so on.

*The world is 'confused', people don't know what they need, that's why they crave for things that do not matter; they fight over power, position, prestige and penny. If their lives go for whatever it is they desire is none of their concerns. They just want it by all means. Now, as if that was all they wanted, whenever they eventually get it, it no longer become enough, they would still dive into another. They really are full of confusion!

*...the spirit is willing but the body is weak...so says the holy Bible. Man is naturally weak. However hard he tries to fight it, he always finds himself suffocating in the heat of tiredness, and he can't help it 'cause he's not strong enough to fight nature...'tiredness'.