
Doctor in ASOIAF

The reincarnation didn't go as the MC thought it would. There were some heavy restrictions originally and a fair but rather harsh ROB. His wishes were quite limited originally and he had to be smart. So in the end he somehow managed to become the best doctor, he always dreamed of. Although, he never wanted to be a mad doctor ... but beggars can't be choosers.

DaoistWDfd8h · Derivasi dari karya
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7 Chs


Essence of the Mad Doctor

- Perfect memory with infinite storage

- Beyond genius-level intellect

- Can make potions that can do almost anything, from immortality to regeneration or even cause someone to fall in love with a specific target.

- Immunity to disease and poison mundane and magicalImmense knowledge of occult and alchemical lore that updates itself should you find a way to travel to different worlds.

- Supernaturally skilled at medicine, can cure just about anything with some research, already knows how to tackle most ailments already.

- Master of life and biology, able to create homunculi that are superior to regular versions of their species in all areas including being ageless and perfectly loyal to you.

- You may also create other creatures like sewn-together Frankenstein abominations, chimaera, or other mutated beasts.

- Can conjure ingredients from thin air.