

Two men walked up the steps to the Ministry, they had flasks in their robes with enough potion to last the day.

Their mission was simple. Infiltrate the Ministry, access the National Floo Hub and destroy it. It would have been preferable to take it over, but that was no longer possible.

It had been two days since they had any contact with their Ministry operatives and spies, they had checked the safe houses and holding cells and found most of the prisoners gone. It was safe to assume that the operatives had been discovered and the prisoners freed.

The Dark Lord wanted to begin actively moving on the mudbloods and blood traitors. The first step was to ensure they had no means of escape. They knew how to erect wards to prevent apparition and portkeys but there was still the floo.

They weren't expecting to have too much trouble getting the job done. Security was a joke and anyone who opposed or tried to stop them would find themselves on the bad end of an AK, not that there was a good end to that curse.

They were therefore, very surprised when they were stopped by aurors and asked to present their wands and swear an oath regarding their intent.

"A wizard's oath is not something to bandy about lightly boy." The first Death Eater, Jonas, frowned. He was an older wizard of 85 years, the young children in front of him should have bowed to his wisdom quickly.

"We are well aware, sir. We don't write the oath, we merely ensure it is taken by all visitors to the Ministry." The young Auror explained with a slight conciliatory tone. It wasn't the first time someone had objected, usually an explanation of why they were asking and sometimes the occasional demonstration of another Auror taking the oath was enough.

"Regardless, even requesting an oath is a slight on a man's honour! I could challenge you to a duel for suggesting it!"

"I have been granted immunity from duels. Any duel issued against a Ministry Auror for requesting someone take the Oath will be answered by Lord Hogwarts or Lord Gryffindor." The Auror paused to allow that to sink in, which it clearly had if the mans pale face was anything to go by.

"Nobody has the right to interfere in a Wizards Duel!"

"The Ministry has decided otherwise."

He pulled his wand and pointed it at the Auror. "And if were to choose to duel you here and now?"

"You would be considered a terrorist and you would likely die on the spot." He stated calmly. Kingsley Shacklebot was chosen by Xander personally for this job because of his calm demeanour in the face of danger. "My understanding is that Lord Gryffindor would personally see to my health whilst Lord Hogwarts decides whether or not you are worth the time. If they do manage to revive you, it is likely you will be missing several appendages."

"Think you and your boys are that good?" The man sneered.

"No, but, it was explained to me that the men that are concealed around us are." Kingsley pointed to a cluster of red dots moving like insects on the man's chest. "I've seen these weapons at work. They will kill you before you can form a thought." Kingsley remarked in an almost bored manner.

"Maybe we should leave an return another time?" The man's companion suggested nervously.

"I'm afraid that is not possible. You have threatened an Auror. That is a criminal offence. You will need to surrender your wands and yourselves to our custody for interrogation."

'Interrogation': not a word a Death Eater accepts. Unless it is from the Dark Lord.

Kingsley was a trained Auror. A Senior Auror. He had sized the man up and established a minimum baseline for the man's abilities.

Bottom line: The man could kill with a non-verbal spell.

Fortunately the man's eyes gave away his intentions and Kingsley dodged to the side as a spell left the man's wand.

The other man barely had a hand to his wand before the sound of several whipping noises filled the air. The younger man felt several stinging sensations but ignored them for a moment as his older partner slumped to the ground with a sizeable whole out the back of his head.

That was when he noticed the wet drips rolling down his face as his partner's blood covered him.

He suddenly realised he couldn't breathe. Looking down he realised blood was pouring from several holes in his torso and chest.

He looked up in confusion from his knees to see the large Auror aim his wand. A burst of light and that was the last he knew.

"Xander, you owe me a drink!" Kingsley demanded as he stomped moodily into the Apartment.

"I do?"

"Having had two Death Eater wands in my face today because of the assignment you gave me? Yes, you do."

"Two? What happened?" Harry asked as an Elf appeared with a bottle and glasses.

"They came in like normal visitors, we challenged them like everyone else. They refused, the older one even threatened to duel me. Basically we arrested them and discovered they were sent to sabotage or take over the Floo System. Part of a larger plan to cut off escape routes whilst Riddle starts attacking magicals."

"Is there any way we can use their plan against them?" Neville asked.

"No, they don't know where the attacks will be, just that they are to prevent escape through the floo."

"We need to do something." Harry frowned thoughtfully.

"Is that a plan I see percolating in that brain of yours?" Nym grinned.

"Two options. One, we use the imperious or mind control on the Death Eaters to get them to lead us to Voldemort. Two, we find another piece of his soul and I might be able to use it to track him or hurt him."

"Like a voodoo doll?" Xander asked.

"Not a clue, I'm just grasping at straws… whatever that saying means." Harry shrugged.

"Option one is easier, but morally repugnant." Minerva commented with distaste. "But option two seems impossible, where would we begin?"

"Albus." Godric stated without hesitation. "He had theories and the like on Harry being one, and that Riddle had made them in the first place. For all his evils, the man was working to take Riddle out. We interrogate him with veritiserum and pump him for all he is worth."

"Right, then I'll start hunting them down." Harry added.

"Like hell!" Xander objected. "You have classes to teach. This is not a one-man show. We have armies of goblins and werewolves just waiting for orders. They can handle this."

"We should push back the trial of Albus and Snape, that way less people will know that we are using truth serum on them." Hermione suggested. "The start of the holidays would be best."

"And ruin Christmas?" Nym argued in horror.

"You want to have it later and start the New Year off with destroying everyone's illusions?" She retorted.

"Or we could have it a week or so before the holidays." Neville suggested diplomatically.

"I would advise following Hermione's timetable." Godric spoke up. "That way everyone can attend and see for themselves."

"Or we could go with Neville's timetable and hold the trial in Hogsmede." Harry suggested. "We could even contract with the French or British governments to televise the trial."

"Ok, we'll run it through the ringer and get it sorted. Meanwhile the goblins will pump Albus full of serum and we'll look for more horcruxes for Harry to play with." Xander summarised.

Over the following weeks the goblins would extract various pieces of information from a very reluctant Albus Dumbledore. Each session usually involved having to force veritiserum down his gullet.

They had several leads. Each time Harry was informed he was subsequently told that he was not allowed to go and help. He needed to learn to delegate and trust others to do their jobs.

His classes were going well. Hermione had opted to drop out and take her OWL's and NEWT's independently so no one could accuse Harry and her of being improper. It was apparently bad form for a student to date a teacher. Xander wished someone had told Miss French that.

Harry put his seeming invulnerability to the test by allowing the fifth, sixth and seventh years to duel him. He was often beaten when only using standard spells and techniques, but the spells rarely stuck. Anything that got cut off was easily replaced, Neville spent most of the lessons vanishing bits of Harry from the classroom and cleaning up his blood. But the students loved it.

Harry also put a new spin on his lessons regarding werewolves, on the day and night of the full moon, he would take his class out to the werewolf village were they would enjoy a day relaxing and then observing the werewolves.

"Harry, is this your way of getting yourself fired?" Hermione asked with a stern look.

"No, why would I do that? This teaching thing is great!" He told her happily. It was obvious Harry enjoyed teaching, he had various stories he told the family every evening.

"If people find out you are exposing the students to werewolves on the full moon, they will demand you are fired." She argued.

"You are forgetting one important fact my beautiful girlfriend." Harry grinned as he grabbed Hermione and dipped her backward.

"Wha- what's that?" She stuttered. The blood flow was not conducive to coherent thought. But she very much loved it when Harry let loose and had fun like this.

"The government likes me very much, they also like my dad very much. They wouldn't do anything to upset us like that! Besides, they approve of all of this." He said as he pulled her upright and spun her in a dance move causing her to squeal.

"They know?" She asked breathlessly.

"Sure, I tell Liz loads of stories, she even wants to come visit one day."

"Harry! You really shouldn't call her that."

"Why? We have a rule, 'only in private'. You don't think Philip calls her 'Your Majesty' all the time?" He scoffed. "Actually, you should come and meet him, he's a hoot! But I'll warn you, he tells some very dodgy jokes."

"Philip? The Prince?"

"That's it, you are definitely coming to the next briefing, then we can all have dinner together."

"I am?"

Harry just grinned at her and twirled her again.


"My Prince."

Harry looked up from his grading to see Longtooth, the goblin in charge of the horcrux search standing at his office door with a box.

"We believe we have found a horcrux." He declared reverently as he placed the large metal box on the floor in front of Harry's desk.

Harry frowned. "That's great, but why are you bringing it to me? I thought I was supposed to stay clear and delegate."

"Your father's orders. There is no one more capable than yourself for dealing with these… abominations." He spat the word in disgust.

"Ok, I'll get Neville to help take up the slack on my marking then." Harry sighed. "So what was the horcrux?" He asked as he came round his desk to stand next to Longtooth.

"A ring, my Prince."

"A ring… as in a hula hoop or quidditch goal?" Harry asked as he eyed the box dubiously. The box was actually bigger than his school trunk.

"Jewellery, My Prince. A ring as worn upon your finger."

"You put a tiny little ring in a huge box?"

"Again, the King's orders." Longtooth suppressed a smirk as he opened the lid.

Harry looked in and saw it was a lot like Moody's trunk with a pit like room several feet below.

"The King explained your last encounter with one of these things and instructed us to make sure that precautions were taken. He also ordered that you not perform any experiments without Lord Longbottom present."

"I swear, you get staked in the heart one time and you get coddled for life." Harry muttered in exasperation.

"Xander was struck most deeply when he found you in the graveyard Harry." Came a new voice. Both turned to see Ragnok standing in the doorway. "Since then he is overwhelmed with fear and grief when he sees you hurt. When you were, 'staked', as you put it, he came to Gringotts and fought three trolls on his own as he wrestled with his emotional turmoil. Nym and Fleur were most distraught." He said sadly.

"Why didn't anyone tell me?" Harry asked in distress.

Neither paid any attention to Longtooth who respectfully slipped away.

"It is the nature of a parent to want to protect a child from the evils of the world. Xander knows he can't protect you from everything, but he refuses to burden you with his own fears and worries."

Harry scowled. This was ridiculous, he had already told them all that he didn't really feel pain anymore. He knew it was there, it just didn't bother him anymore.

"Well… why are you telling me then?"

"Because there comes a time when a parent must accept that their children are their equals in every way, even accepting that they have surpassed them. Xander needs to accept that he doesn't need to protect you. As long as you accept that you should not do some things alone."

Harry ruminated on Ragnok's words silently for a few moments. Ragnok was always particular with his words. He didn't say Harry couldn't do some things alone, but that he shouldn't. And he was right. It all came down to ego.

Harry kept his own ego in check with regards to his seeming invulnerability by training in Rowena's room. Except most of his fighting scenarios involved the people he loved and he had to ensure he didn't hurt them. Rowena had torn into him when he kept trying to save everyone, his job was to make sure he didn't injure them, not save everyone.

But thinking back on Ragnok's words, Harry picked up what he was trying to say.

"Dad needs me to assure and comfort him?"

"To an extent. The graveyard devastated him. He shut himself down completely whilst there, acting like a golem, no emotion. If not for both Nym and Fleur, he may not have recovered. After the death of Luna, he didn't suffer as badly, but that was mainly due to the painless death she suffered, but he still suffered, it wasn't until Luna's Will Reading that he started to heal."

Harry was respected by all who knew him as a kind and sensitive young man. This was a result of all the years of abuse and finally the love of his three parents, Neville and Hermione. The years of abuse had taught him one thing about himself: he hated people like that. Ragnok respected the young man, goblins preferred action, strength and confidence in their children, or as Xander put it, 'the Klingon way of life', but they respected Harry and his family because they sought to elevate the goblin nation in the world.

"Thank you for your advice Ragnok." Harry said with a solemn bow.

Ragnok smiled and patted Harry's hand affectionately. "I will leave you to it, My Prince. Just remember, no experimenting without Neville around."

"Hey Xander! We wanted to show you our latest, greatest invention!" Fred announced as he and George burst into the Headmaster's office.

Xander looked up from his desk. He was finishing up reading and signing whatever latest piece of paperwork Percy had stuck under his nose needed. Somewhere along the line, Percy had become his unofficial assistant. Starting in the New Year it would be official.

"Who did you mutilate?" Xander asked as he grimaced at the long strips of flesh coloured material the twins were holding up triumphantly.

"No one!" George said indignantly. "Though I can see why you would think that." He said with his own grimace as he re-examined the object in his hand. "Fred, make a note, need to make these things less gross."

"Agreed." His twin commented with a slightly green expression.

"Take a seat boys and tell me what you did." Xander said as he sat back and put his feet on his desk.

They were interrupted as Percy calmly walked in, grabbed the papers and walked out again without a word.

"One day I'm going to figure out he does that." Xander mused in wonder.

The three broke themselves from staring at the door where Percy had exited.

"Right, we present to you the Extendable Ears!" George declared proudly.

"I assume they work as named?" Xander asked with a smirk.

"Yep, perfect extension to the human ear capable of sliding under any door unless it's been charmed to be imperturbable." George confirmed. "Your two lovely ladies along with Hermione and Bill helped with the testing."

"Now we know that non-magicals have similar devices, but we also know they have ways of stopping them, so now you have a way around… their ways." Fred explained as he half confused himself.

"I think I get what you mean." Xander frowned.

"You did? 'Cause I'm his twin and completely confused!" George remarked.

"Well, it's a good device, I assume you want me to show it around?"

"Or just keep 'em on hand in case you need them."

They were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"One moment guys." Xander commented. "Come in!"

"The Almighty One!" Fred cried as Harry walked in.

"Turn your face away, George, we're not worthy!"

"What brought this recent bought of insanity on?" Harry asked in amusement.

"Well, what with you being as immortal as Neville, plus invulnerable. Can you get any closer to godhood?" Fred answered.

"Why don't I smite one of you and then you can decide?" Harry smirked.

"Promise to bring us back?" Fred asked without missing a beat.

"Depends on whether one of you is more annoying than two."

"Right, no smiting. We'll just leave the two of you alone and… go and pray for mercy somewhere." George said dragging his brother out, Harry and Xander watched in amusement.

"So my son, you have come to seek my wisdom." Xander said sagely.

"No, I am not here to discuss Star Wars versus Star Trek." Harry retorted sarcastically. "I'm here because I just had a somewhat disturbing discussion with Ragnok."

Xander sat forward and frowned. "Problem?"

"Apparently my dad is having trouble dealing with my new abilities, he's worrying about me getting hurt despite the fact that I am seemingly, un-killable." Harry said whilst examining the back of his hand nonchalantly.

Xander growled unhappily. "Stupid interfering little snot nosed-"

"And loyal, caring servant of the goblin royal family." Harry finished.

Xander just growled in the back of his throat as he stared at his desk.

"I had a lot of trouble dealing with the aftermath of my torture and dismemberment." Harry said quietly. "Those first few nights I cracked every time I tried to use my missing hand. Then you gave me hope with the concept of growing an artificial one. I then gave Igor his new arm. But I still suffered with nightmares and excessive depression. Still do." He admitted.

"After I gave Igor his arm, I realised I could replace any part of my body if I lost it. I hated the crippling nightmares of being dismembered piece by piece."

"Godric told us he was never happier that he didn't dream himself. He had trouble coping with your nightmares and trying to protect your mind." Xander told him.

Harry nodded slowly. "I spent my time alone cutting off my diamond hand and then re-growing it."

Xander's head snapped up.

"I was desperate to get over my fears, I figured that was a good way to do it. There was no pain as I used the medical numbing charm. But it helped. Hermione caught me once and nearly flipped out. But when she saw how easily I did it she simply refused to let me do it alone."

"Your gruesome and highly disturbing point would be?" Xander asked as he shifted in his chair, uncomfortably.

"That you need to try and accept my abilities and that I am perfectly safe."

"But we don't know the full extent of your powers or if they are permanent." Xander countered.

"We also don't know if a country is about to set off a nuclear bomb, but we shouldn't keep worrying about it!" Harry retorted. "Look, let's spend some time, just the two of us. We'll fight each other full out, come and see what we've been doing in Australia, it will give you an idea of how much damage I can take."

"What do you mean?"

"Tonight dad. We'll head over to Melbourne and you can see what I am talking about."

"Wakey wakey!"

Xander was feeling groggy. Someone was prodding him, he was sure it was Harry.

"Wha' 'appened?" He mumbled.

"You fainted." Came the amused voice of his son.

"Why'd I do that?" He asked as he shook his head to clear the cobwebs.

"Seems that you don't handle the miracle of birth as well as you handle the grim spectre of death." Harry chuckled.

Xander shivered as the memories of seeing Harry assist a live birth came rushing back.

Since they had arrived in Melbourne several hours earlier, Xander had witnessed Harry perform all manner of procedures. Including the removal of a healthy liver from a healthy man for donation to a muggle hospital and then saw him re-grow the organ, all whilst Harry and the man chatted away happily.

Then they found out that Xander had an exceptionally rare blood type. They practically begged him donate his organs.

By the time Harry was done, Xander had donated five hearts, three kidneys and sixteen livers, apparently Australia was heavy on the drinkers. It was the most surreal time of Xander's life as he watched his son cut him open and remove each organ all whilst explaining what he was doing.

Then it got worse. Harry took a seat in a bed, raised it into a sitting position and proceeded to open himself up and start removing and re-growing his own organs. Xander did his best to sit there and not panic and throw up. After a while he got used to it.

Australia no longer had an organ shortage and they were working on supplying organs to surrounding islands and Asia.

To end their day, Harry had wanted to enjoy the favourite part of his time working in Australia as he did every week. Working the labour ward.

This had resulted in Harry approaching one couple explaining who he was and asking if they didn't mind an underage but qualified wizard who hadn't even had sex yet delivering their baby.

Twenty minutes later and Xander was passed out on the floor along with the new father whilst Harry and the brand new mother glared at them.

"I can't believe that Nym and Fleur want to go through that!" Xander exclaimed as Harry handed him a cup of water.

"There's no pain if the birthing is magical." Sarah, the new mum explained as she held her baby boy.

"The human body should not be able to do that!" Xander argued.

"Ya big baby." She giggled. "I have a personal question, Lord Hogwarts."

"You can ask if you drop the 'Lord' and stick with 'Xander'." He grinned.

"When you fainted-" she ignored the indignant snort "-your wolf like eyes faded and you had an eye-patch."

Xander clearly looked uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry, forgive me. I'll say no more." She said hastily.

"No, it's ok. It's hard, but… what was your question?" Xander assured her.

"I… I was just wondering why Harry couldn't heal your eye."

Harry and Xander kept looking between each other and Sarah whilst gaping like a pair of guppies.

"You've never tried?" Michael, the newly revived father asked in amazement.

"Well, in our defence, he always walks around with his wolf eyes! It just never seemed to come up." Harry sputtered.

"It's true." Came a familiar voice from the doorway. "Harry James Potter! Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" Hermione demanded irately. "You know I love helping out with the babies." Her voice becoming shriller and sounding more baby-ish as she saw the new born in Sarah's arms.

"This was a last minute decision, 'Mione." Harry explained. "I wanted to show Dad what we got up to. He handled all the blood and guts well but fainted at a live birth." He snickered.


"Men!" Hermione scoffed as she cooed over the baby. "Is this your first?"

"Yep, hopefully of many."

"Many?" Michael asked nervously.

He was summarily ignored by the ladies as Xander and Harry laughed.

"Harry, just get on and fix Xander's eye." Hermione said with a roll of her eyes, despite still being fixated on the sleeping baby.

"Lose the wolfies." Harry ordered.

"EW EW EW EW EW!" Sarah squealed as she watch Harry grow a brand new brown eye in the socket. "That was faint worthy!"

"Harry why can't I see?"

"I turned off your sight so you would be less disorientated. In fact we should get you home to bed. It will be easier for you to adapt if you wake up like this and let instinct take over."

"You two go ahead, I'm going to stay." Hermione waved dismissively, not even bothering to look at them.

Harry just sighed and teleported them away.

"They really just let you hang around the labour ward?" Michael asked.

"Well, I do do some work. I'm registered as a trainee Healer, plus I'll probably go and make some donations later."

"You're rich?" He asked curiously. He wasn't sure what to make of the young girl. Very little was known about Hermione Granger as she was highly protected by her boyfriend and his family.

"Financially, yes. But by donations, I meant I would be donating my organs if they need them." She laughed.

Judging by the looks on their faces, she realised they thought she was about to go off and essentially commit suicide. She settled in to explain the transplant procedure.

Xander woke up the following morning to the familiar sensation of two very warm and very soft bodies. Ever since he and Nym had started sleeping together they rarely went to bed without Nym jumping him. Since he had married Fleur, Nym had kept them both up till midnight and beyond.

Nymphadora really managed to live up to her name.

But as exhausted as Nym and Fleur left him (and Fleur was just as insatiable), he had never been happier. The only thing missing was Luna, but she managed to affect their lives still.

If there was time of day the trio hated it was first thing in the morning. They hated having to separate and leave the comfort of their bed and each other. Fleur was the responsible one, despite being the youngest. She would rise and get washed first… which would result in Xander waking up and joining her… in order to save water of course.

The resulting loss and sound of giggling and pleasure would finally rouse Nym who would eagerly join her lovers simply because she wanted what they were having.

They were just finishing dressing when there was a knock on their door. Since they had been shown Rowena's room, they had moved in there to give them some privacy. This was fine by the rest of the family as there were plenty of adults in the Apartment to supervise the youngsters.

"Harry, come for the check up?" Fleur smirked as she opened the door.

"Yep, been any problems?" He asked as he walked into their living room. It was an exact replica of the home by the Grangers.

"No, he hasn't noticed, he even got soap in his eyes and didn't realise." She giggled.

"Excellent! Dad!" Harry called out.

"It's a bit early, Harry." Xander frowned as he walked of the bedroom buckling up his belt.

"This is a professional visit, Dad. Need to check your eyes."

"Why? Did you see an infection?" He asked worriedly as he checked the mirror in the entrance way. "Wait… I have two eyes… to human eyes."

"Is it coming back to you?" Harry asked.

"You did this yesterday?" Xander asked a little nervously. "You… you memory charmed me?"

"Yep, just so you would be able to get used to two eyes a little easier. Otherwise you would be blinking away and rubbing it and making it sore and generally messing up my work!" Harry admonished. "We do the same thing regarding all external body replacements."

Xander turned and looked at Nym and Fleur. "This is great! I can see both of you easily!" He cried happily.


"Wait!" Xander interrupted Nym as she bounded forward to hug him. Nym looked a little put out. "I just want to see you both for a few seconds."

Nym just rolled her eyes. "You can look plenty later, we'll even give you a real show." She said with a sultry look.

"And there goes my cue to leave." Harry declared before vanishing.