
Do not mess with her!

Aimi is MC's little sister. Boys chase after her because of her beauty but one of them has a hidden ulterior. How will MC protect Aimi? "Guys, watch out. You mess with my sister, you mess with me!"

Salam01 · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

The arcade centre

"Should we hang out after school together?"

"Yeah, that sounds nice. It's been a while too!"

I enjoy listening to them talking rather than me doing the talking. They are best friends. No one can separate them. Everywhere they go, they always go together. Friends stick with each other, they said. As I watch them, one of the girls suddenly glances at me for a second before continuing to talk.

"Let's go to that cake shop!"

That's right. She just gave that suggestion. They are similar to my little sister. They got a sweet tooth. Their fondness and craving for sweets are too strong.

"Senior should come with us too! Hehe!"

I heard that 'hehe'! Even though she lowers her voice so I won't hear her, I can still hear it! Once she said that I feel a chill all over my body when all of them turn to me with an excited face. I inch away from them a little because their face is too close to mine. My little sister has been giggling all this time. She probably enjoyed seeing me in distress.

"Sorry, I have club activities. Plus, I don't like sweets."


Their face shows disappointment. It's true. I do have club activities. I'm glad I have a reason to say no this time. Fuh~ If I come with them, these girls and especially my little sister will force me to eat sweets and I don't want that!

"Hey, girls. What are you girls talking about?"

A group of male students suddenly interrupt our conversation. They are students in this class which mean they are also Aimi's classmates. I knew they would approach us sooner or later because they have been watching Aimi from afar. I don't like how they stare at her!

"Huh? Aren't you senior Shun? What is senior doing here?"

Please, don't talk to me. That is what I wish but I had to pretend to be friendly with them because they suddenly mentioned me. If only they didn't, I would have stayed quiet and acted as a tree stump.

"You fool! It's because Aimi is here. These two are siblings!"


"You knew senior's name but you don't know senior's sibling?"

"I only heard about senior from my childhood friend, Hiro. He never mentions them being siblings!"

Ah, that nosy Hiro. He must have talked about me behind my back. I will ask him what they talked about me later. That's weird, I have known Hiro since elementary school but he never mentions to me that he and this guy is childhood friends.

"Hey Aimi, that looks delicious. Did you cook it yourself?"

"Hm? Yeah."

Aimi had to stop eating because one of these guys suddenly interrupt her. What comes next is shocking to all of us even to Aimi. He pulls Aimi's hand with food and feeds himself. How dare he!

"Hey, Akihiko! Eat it yourself!"

Aimi's female classmate scolds him. She stands up from her seat to hit his head but he avoids her. His friends are all mouths open not believing their eyes after seeing their friend's bold action. This Akihiko guy, I knew him. I met him last year after I was done with my club activity and saw him fainted in the hallway. All my club members had already gone home so I had to carry him to the infirmary and get the nurse to check on him. My little sister was worried sick after I told someone to tell her that I will be late because I'm at the infirmary. I had to explain to her that I was fine and it was not me getting hurt.

"Hey, Aimi. After school, how about we go to the arcade centre?"

"Sure, if my friends can come too! We promised to hang out together."

"Of course. All of them are invited."

He always smiles when talking to my little sister. Watching him carefully, I know he only acts nice in front of my sister. There must be a reason behind that smile. He can fool others but he cannot fool me. Especially those eyes, they aren't smiling at all.

"Tch, I can't focus!"

I am here at my club activity while Aimi and her friends went to the arcade. Aimi said she will walk with her friends and go home on her own but there's no way I'm happy with that. I'm worried. Especially when she's with those boys from her class.

"What's wrong, Shun? Is it about your little sister?"

"Yeah, she went playing with her classmates."

"Hahaha! Stop worrying. She knows how to handle herself."

"But, she's with the boys from her class."

"Eh? Um... That's fine, this is the time for her to get herself a boyfriend don't you think?"

What did he just say?

"Ah... Maybe not. Your face is scaring me! Geez, you sis-con! Let her have fun, will ya? How long will you stick by her side? She can't get married if you always scare the boys away from her!"

"Tch. None of them is worthy to be by her side."

We continue training and I run faster than usual in rage. Thinking I couldn't be with them is frustrating. I'm worried if the boys treat her badly. Yeah, I'm worried. That's why right now, I'm cycling there. I almost hit the cat but the cat is fine because it manages to avoid me. Here I am. In front of the arcade centre. I lock my bike at the nearest pole and go inside. The person in charge of the store welcome me with a smile the moment she sees me. There they are. I push Akihiko away from Aimi. He's too close to her!

"You guys seem to be having fun."

"Eh? What about your club activity?"

"It ended a few minutes ago."

My little sister looks at me in disbelief. She knows I'm the type to take club activity seriously. I never ditch club or go home early but today I lie to her. I leave earlier than usual.

"Now that senior Shun is here, how about senior play too?"

"No. I'll only watch."

I did rather not having fun all by myself. I'm here only because I want to keep a watch on these guys.

"Senior~ Come play with me!"

One of the girls pulls my arm by force. I had no choice but to play with her. At the same time, I'm watching out for my little sister.

It's now gotten late and we all had fun playing. My wallet is safe because Akihiko invited all of us. That means he pays for everything. We part ways and say goodbye to each other but one of them is following me and my sister. He is Akihiko. He said he want to walk Aimi home but I told him she got me so there's no need to walk her home. He is stubborn and insists on walking together so he can spend more time with her. Two of them chat happily while I space out looking at my surrounding.

"Bye, see you at school."

"See you tomorrow!"

Aimi bid goodbye to Akihiko once we reach our apartment and he walks away.