


"According to the map, the Ore Mine should be about 2 kilometers southeast from the city, we'll get there tomorrow noon if we travel non-stop using the horses." Gwen said as she lead her fellow disciples towards where their horses are kept.

The other people behind her just nodded and followed her lead. Once the keeper saw them, he gave them a respectful bow and escorted them towards their horses. After paying for the rent, they rode their horses outside the city.

They decided to not waste any time and finish the quest as soon as possible. Sieg informed them that since Luo Clan knew about that mining ore, it is highly possible that other people would know it too, and conflicts might arise because of that. They absolutely can't allow to have anyone interfere with them, if they could use diplomacy in resolving the problems then everything's fine, after all they only need a Jade Annulus nothing more, but if in any case that it won't be resolved by that, then they could only use force.

Their horses galloped at full speed, night already fell but it didn't matter to them, they just want to arrive at the location as soon as possible. They barely noticed the cold night winds that hit their faces as they travel, this is because everyone of them cultivated Ki Manuals that have innate Ice Element in them. This goes specially well for Sieg, these winds are actually warm for him.

Despite all of this, Sieg is a bit apprehensive, for some reason he felt that something weird about the 'dew-like' thing in the middle of the illusory moon he created inside his dantian. He felt a strange power emanating for it but can't wrap around his thoughts about it. It was definitely something mysterious and strong but Sieg knew he can't harness this power yet. He have no idea how, when, or what happened, he wanted to ask questions but the people around him won't be able to give any answers, that is certain for him. Thankfully it isn't dangerous according to his instincts.


Time passed and the four are already inside a very dense forest again, compared to the last one, the trees inside this forest are thicker and taller, the amount of trees are also denser compared to the previous one. The sunlight almost couldn't penetrate through the forest because of the sheer density of leaves and branches inside.

Despite of the forest being like this, Sieg and company were surprised that there is a man made pathway inside the forest, this path looked like one those you see in farms and mountains, it was about 5 meters wide and lacked any sort of plant like the rest, making it look incredibly different.

Sieg and company followed this path since Gwen told them that it is the safest way and closest to where the Ore Mine is.

After searching for a while, they finally saw the landmark that Luo Cao informed them earlier. The Ore Mine is located deep within an auspicious cave inside the forest, this cave is surrounded by dead trees and grass making it look a bit 'sketchy' to approach. One of Luo Clan member saw this and went inside because of curiosity, then he ultimately saw the medium grade Ore Mine inside, this person didn't go any further since he knew that there is a beast guarding the cave and went back immediately to inform Luo Cao about this.

"This should be the place but what's with this eerie atmosphere though?" The chubby guy said, some his hairs stood on end because of some unknown reasons.

"We will know that once we go inside, let's go." The spiked hair guy said an went ahead first. It wasn't until he heard someone called him out.

"Don't take another step or you will die." The spiked hair guy heard Sieg's warning and he was alarmed, his body froze immediately and looked nervously at Sieg.

"Don't look at me, look at your feet."

The spiked haired guy did what Sieg said and looked at his feet. Although it was barely unnoticeable, he still saw an almost transparent thread underneath some fallen leaves. He unconsciously followed the thread on it's end and saw that there is a massive log that's full of sharp spikes waiting for him to make a careless mistake.

His heartbeat went faster, his face paled due to fear and his back is drenched in cold sweat. He carefully retracted his foot and raised his awareness at it's peak. For the second time in this journey, he almost died.

"T-thank you Junior Brother." He said awkwardly. Sieg didn't mind him and said:

"Gwen, there's one trap three steps ahead of you be careful. You too fat guy, look directly forward and don't let that thread touch even a hair of yours." Sieg calmly said.

The other people looked at the directions that Sieg pointed out, they almost fainted when they saw those hidden traps located close to them. Gwen's trap lead to a hidden spike trap that would emerge underground if she tripped on it, while the chubby guy is faced with deep pit fall trap.

All of them were instantly terrified, they could already imagine what would their fates be if Sieg didn't pointed these things ahead of time.

"I'll take the lead, watch where I step and follow it closely or else don't blame me if you die." Sieg stated as he stepped forward. The three followed him closely behind and made the same exact steps that he made.

Gwen couldn't help but say: "How did you notice this already?"

"I lived inside a jungle before, and used to make these same exact traps before." Lies, Sieg noticed these traps because of his enhanced danger sense using the 'Deer Stance' and the 'Eagle Stance' which enhanced his observation skills.

Gwen and the other couldn't help but be amazed hearing his answers, they don't even want to go out of the sect and yet this person who is younger than them lived and survived inside a jungle. And as usual, Gwen being the talkative and curious one asked again:

"How many traps have you seen so far?"


"THAT MANY?" All of them blurted out at the same time, they were absolutely shocked by his revelations. How did he already saw that many traps when they couldn't even see one if he didn't point it out?

Sieg didn't answer them, he just crouched down and picked up a rock, he gently threw it in front of them. What happened next nearly cause them to run out of this forest immediately.

There was a clear snapping sound that was heard and right after that, a giant guillotine fell directly where the stone landed and sliced it in half. This guillotine was so sharp that it even went directly through the ground like hot knife through butter. And Sieg isn't done yet, he threw another rock on his left, there was that snapping sound again and then a huge metal cage emerged like jaws of a crocodile, it was full of rusted spikes that was also doused in poison. This is like killing a person multiple times, if they didn't die to the spikes then they would die from blood loss, infection or poison, what a sinister trap.

And finally, Sieg threw another rock on his right, there was that snapping sound again and then a compartment hidden inside a tree opened, there were tons finger sized daggers that flew out from it and all of them are also rusted and doused in poison.

"Those are just three of them. As you could see, someone already planned to monopolize this place. Let's continue, follow me carefully and you will live." Sieg said.

'How about we go home instead?' All of them yelled inside their head, they wanted to voice out their protest but Sieg is already moving forward leaving them no choice but to follow him. Even though they wanted to retreat, they can't because Sieg isn't there to guide them.

They moved forward step by step, and from time to time Sieg would crouch down and throw a rock in front of them to trigger some traps that are on the way. The more Sieg do this, the more terrified his companions were, they've seen one sinister trap after another that could kill even a person at Heavenly Foundation Realm unaware. Behind this fear, admiration and respect for Sieg grew inside of them. Right now, Sieg became the core of this team, all of them had nothing but respect for him and awe because of his survival skills., they kept on moving forward in a constant pace until they finally reached the front of the cave.

However, instead of breathing sighs of relief, their faces tightened up and their awareness were peaked like never before. The reason is because they immediately sensed danger in front of them. Their guess were even confirmed when Sieg said:

"This place is very dangerous, we are also not alone." Sieg frowned, there was a rare serious expression in his face as he said this.

All of them could faintly hear some clashing sound in front of them, there were some pained screams and muffled groans echoing inside the cave. Sieg signalled them to keep their head low and proceed quietly. They made one silent step after another towards the source of the clash.

There they saw five grown up people facing a giant Millipede.

A Millipede is a mutated species of a centipede, the mutation made them bigger in size and gave them 1 million legs allowing them to move faster. Just imagine a normal sized centipede and make it as big as a normal sized house. It's also extremely grotesque to look at that Gwen, who's originally not a sensitive person, had goosebumps all over her body. She felt a strong desire to take off her heels and smash this thing to nihility while also screeching on top of her lungs saying 'Eeew! Eeew! Eeew!'

Millipede's could also spit acidic breath which could reduce someone to nothing in just seconds.

Gwen almost screeched in panic and fear upon seeing this monstrosity. The spiked hair guy and the chubby guy also couldn't help but to pale in sight of a Millipede, they're starting to regret their decision's on entering this cave.

"H-hey, how about we retreat instead? We can't face that thing you know!" Gwen whispered to Sieg.

"She's right! Screw this mission! The rewards aren't worth it at all!" The spiked hair guys said in agreement.

"I have a plan." Sieg understood their fears very well, in fact he is also a bit scared by what he saw but a plan surfaced inside his mind that could make this easy for them.


"Martial Brother! I-I can't hold on anymore! Save me!" A middle aged man shouted, he is furiously defending using all of his remaining strength but the attacks of the Millipede is relentless. His body is full of cuts and bruises right now, he also lost a lot of his blood in this battle.

"Hang on just a bit more Martial Brother! I could almost see the death of this evil spawn!" Another middle aged man said, he kept on using his techniques and slashed away at the Millipede.

It's been quite sometime since they started fighting this thing and since there's five of them here, they damaged the Millipede considerably already, but compared to the injuries they have their efforts are nearly negligible, the Millipede's skin is almost as stuff asa tempered steel. Even though they're all at Mortal Foundation Realm, the Millipede still give them quite a beating.

Their Ki Reserves are almost out, all them are hanging on by a thread and kept on pushing themselves. In their minds, if they could just grit their teeth and persevere a bit more, then their clan's future would be bright, if they die here, then consider the clan extinct.

Knowing these, their desire to slay this beast ignited even more.

But it seems like the Millipede is also done playing with them.

It suddenly halt it's attacks, it moved so fast and climbed up to the ceiling of the cave, it emitted a few gargling sound and reared it's head a bit downwards.

Upon seeing this situations, the five people could only smile wryly and cry. They knew what's about to happen already.

"My wife, my child, people of the clan, we're very sorry, we failed."

After the middle aged man said this, the Millipede raised it's head and spewed a huge wave of acidic spit inside the cave.

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