
Divine online: path of the patron

my name is itsuki .Ever since I was a child I would read only a few types of novels but my up-most favorite was god protagonist. I all ways hoped to be transported to another world to become a god and build a religion. So when the game divine online Released. I was the first in line. Divine online offered the players a place to explore and be them selves. Because the game was a game of gods If the player wished to rule over kingdoms or even intergalactic empire. In the world of divine anything is possible as long if the play has enough faith points to do so. ‐---------------------------------------------------------------------------- But what would happen if the players of the divine online was chosen to gods in the real world of divine online? But most importantly, what would ituki the top player in the world that has played 17520 hours(3 years worth of hours) do If his dreams came true. ‐---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [USER has created 6 lesser divine cores from users own divine core. would user li,like, to give birth to lesser deities] [USER has Created 6 lesser deity] [USER has created a fay court in the fey wild ] [USER is beinging summoned. would user like to answer the summons] [USER has gained 10,000 followers] [your followers have started a holy war in your name would user like to bless his armys]

Trueone_king · Fantasi
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22 Chs

contracts ch 5

[Cultists grant you benefits depending on how far the Cultist has given you control of its own soul. In your contract you may request that the creature grant you any of the following benefits:

Psychic Window. You are immediately made aware of

anything the sworn creature sees, hears or perceives

from this point on.

Limitless Memory. You have complete access to the memories of the sworn creature and may choose to recall any event. You gain the total experience points that creature has accumulated thus far. You may use this experience to gain Experience boons or elevate Cultists if you have the Maesters of the Occult feature from this class.

Unending Service. The sworn creature must follow

your commands without question even if it is against the

command. It however cannot be forced to do something

that would directly harm it. ]

[In all three cases the creature may try to suppress this influence however you are immediately made aware of it. When this occurs and with the creature's soul in your hands you may react to this indiscretion in one of the following ways:

Psychic Stab. you force the creature to suffer one indefinite or long-term madness it will only end if you choose to end it.

Sleepless Night. you force the creature to suffer nightmares beyond comprehension, either making the creature relive events of tragedy or pain from its own life or by incarnating the creature's deepest fears. Only you may remove this affliction.

Take what is given (only for your Warlocks/ witches). you suppress the benefits of the Warlock Class that you have granted them and do not regain the benefits until you choose to grant them back. You can also with draw your power that you have granted them.]

That's interesting so patrons can give Consequences to their cultists. I can even also Deny them my power completely

[User has three gifts that have been awarded]

[User will has been give a gift by the will of existence: 1 wish. Because you where ten people who truly thanked the will of existence.]

"Then how did I get the other two gifts"

[User was gifted two gifts by the system it's self for being the top player of the game known as divine online.]

[The gifts have been that have been given are:

1 wish

1 grand temple coin

1 divine core/ spark ]

[User must now use your wish before user inters the world. please make hast because all other users have all ready have descended upon the material plane.]

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