
Divine Evolution(Chaotic Wish)

After several year's, The god's of myth once thought to be non existent and a bunch of fairy tails suddenly reemerged on Earth. Moreover with the long passage of time their presence on earth had diminished, the god's had grown bored with their thirst for entertainment reaching an insatiable level. To quench their thirst for amusement, the god's decided to bestow several humans with systems but their gifts came with a catch for all those bestowed systems became monster's Known as EVO'S and like all monster's they were seen as a threat by all of humanity. As expected the two sides started waging war against the other while the supposedly benovelent god's sat back and watched. Ten years later the cruel god's grew bored of the supposed battle and in turn created a new breed of creatures later known to be Black card EVO'S to destroy all of creation in other for them to rebuild the world again. But unfortunately 4 Black card's thought otherwise, With them having lived a frustrated life where they were opressed before their rebirth. They decided to go against all three races, The god's, The Evo Beast's and humanity. Now being faced by all three due to their unwillingness to submit, a chaotic adventure awaits the 4 Black card EVO'S.

Lord_GrimX101 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
44 Chs

Chapter 9, Prick of a younger brother.

" Well you both sure took your sweet time"

" What happened, I thought you said you found her earlier?" On returning a Fearsome black wolf walked up to Zara and Chinonso, it's scarlet eyes glowing brightly like that of a true predator.

On seeing the wolf, Zara stared at it in awe, a silver of saliva dripping down her jaw, Ebube who was acting all so cool instantly shivered involuntary, his body coming to a halt not daring to take another step towards her.

" Don't even think about it!" Chinonso said sternly, his eyes glaring coldly at her, he had also noticed her strange reaction as well.

When she heard her Older brothers stern voice, Zara quickly shook her head in an apologetic manner before scampering off towards the lake.

Ebube who was still a bit stunned suddenly turned towards Chinonso with a bewildered look" Wait?, Is that Big crocodile Zara?!!"

" Who else were you expecting?" Chinonso replied in a matter of fact way.

" B-But she's so big!, are you telling me she started off at that size?!" Ebube asked with widened eye's.

" Nope not really, let's just say she had a big meal while we were out" Chinonso gave a helpless smile but since he was still a scorpion Ebube felt it looked far more ferocious than helpless but still he couldn't help but ask.

" Just how big of a snack are we talking about here?!" 

" A pack of wild dogs...."

" The F*ck, your saying she was attacked?!!"

" Hey haven't I told you to watch that language of yours?" Chinonso scolded causing Ebube to calm down a little.

" And no she wasn't attacked, more like she was the one doing the attacking if you ask me but that's not relevant right now..." 

" What do you mean?" Ebube wanted to keep asking but on hearing the latter's ending words he scrutinized Chinonso with his gaze.

" I mean it's time we start getting serious about this new situation of ours..., it doesn't take more than that holographic panel to tell you that we aren't humans anymore..."

" Yes so what?" Ebube stood straight, showing of his incredible Wolf stature.

"it's not like we had much back then anyways" He creased his brows in discomfort when recalled their past lives.

" I for one prefer this new change in setting" The black wolf smiled lightly revealing his sharp fangs that glistened underneath the sun's rays.

" You sure about that, cause from what I've gotten to know recently, I don't think so" 

" how is it better when we're now going to be hunted by everyone!" Chinonso voiced out his voice filled with concern.

" Again so what?, We've got systems now which in turn means we have the power to fight back!" The black wolf snarled fiercely, it's eye's taking on an even more Fearsome glow.

" We don't have to hide away anymore or just keep quiet when hit, now we have the power to hit back!, I don't understand why you aren't happy about this‽" he added, Clearly displeased by his big brothers attitude.

Chinonso didn't seem bothered by his brothers brash attitude, instead he just waved for him to calm down with his pincers before speaking again.

"...I see what you mean but let me remind you that now unlike before we could actually die, I know you don't seem to care about it but what about Zara and Kosi, at this rate if we aren't careful then one of us might get killed "

Ebube who was powered up prior suddenly calmed down once more, What his Big brother just said was undoubtedly right, Even though they now had strength it also meant that their lives were now far more dangerous than ever before.

" Then what do you suppose we do?" The black wolf stared closely at the huge scorpion before him.

Chinonso waved his pincers again, This time signaling for him not to be worried.

 "Sadly I wished we had another alternative but it seems like we'll just go with the only option we got"

" Getting Stronger...." He let out a breath as he paused before continuing.

" But in this case that means we'll each have to learn to kill to survive....." He said in a Grim tone, his expression turning darker than before.

' Luckily for us Zara seems to have already gotten a hang of this, with her child like tendencies I doubt she thinks more of killing considering she slaughtered that pack of wild dogs from earlier....., Ebube is already on board with it so since that's the case the only one left is Kosi....' He thought before glancing towards the lake.

He turned towards the lake, What came into view was Zara who stood quietly beside the lake, silently staring downwards.

" Where's that chubby little helper of ours been anyway" Chinonso suddenly asked when he didn't see anything else.

" Who?" Ebube stared at him in confusion.

" Oh you mean Kosi!.." Ebube quickly came to a realization, he turned his gaze back to the lake before speaking.

" To be honest I don't really know, his been in there ever since you left to go look for Zara, I guess he hasn't come up because they was no reason to" Ebube shrugged his shoulders, he didn't look all that worried.

" Then did you see any disturbances in the lake while I was gone?" Chinonso asked.

" No, not really, just some ripples on the surface every once in awhile " Ebube replied.

"....I see, you sure there was nothing else?"

" Hmmm...." The wolf pondered with his right paw placed underneath his chin.

" Now that I think about it, I did see a few bird's land by the lake, uhh I think they were ducks"

" You mean mandarin ducks?" Chinonso answered all of a sudden.

" Yeah Yeah those ones, how'd you know?" Ebube raised a brow feeling a bit curious.

" Well we are in Jiufeng national park, those ducks are common here"

" Huh?, and how do you even know this is Jiufeng national park?" 

" Oh on the way back I saw the iconic two vulture like peaks–, but that's not important, what happened to the birds you were talking about?" He returned back to the subject at hand.

" Oh yeah, I almost forgot hahahaha " The wolf chuckled lightly only for his lips to arch into a sinister grin.

" They were all eaten hehehe " he said calmly 


" What do you mean they were eaten?!" Chinonso asked feeling a bit dumbfounded as he struggled to register what he just said.

" I think it's my turn to call you an idiot" Ebube stared down at him, his voice filled with ridicule.

" Stop acting all smart and tell me what happened!" Chinonso glared daggers at him, it was obvious he felt irritated by his words.

" Fine, I guess I could spare you some brain cells" The black wolf patted him on the head only to swiftly retrieve it's paw when he sensed chinonso's deadly glare.

" F*ck you!" The scorpion cursed angrily.

" Hey hey weren't you the one who was talking about watching their language earlier?" Ebube replied calmly, a smug grin still etched on his lips.

" Tsk!, Just shut up and tell me already!"

" Fine Fine, no need to get all agitated geeze" The black wolf waved for him to settle down.

"It's just that several ducks kept landing here where a shark and a wolf were placed, what did you expect to happen " 

' ....!' Chinonso felt his body stiffened as he stared at the lake in shock, though his eye sight wasn't the best once he payed closer attention to the lake he was finally able to see several bloodied feathers floating aimlessly atop the lake.

" Shocking isn't it?, I told you there was nothing to worry about didn't I hehehe"

" You say that they can't cope with this change but am starting to wonder whether it's you who can't cope at all...." The black wolf's mocking voice was suddenly heard beside his ear.

Hey there, hope your enjoying my book guys cause I really hope so.

Am just an upstart Author and AE who could really use the support ok, Any little help could go a long way, whether sending reviews or sharing to others, I would really appreciate any.

The more you support, the more energetic I'll feel to continue writing, I may be the one writing but you guys are the ones pushing me to get better so please let's help each other.

For those who want to contact me.

My Face Book accounts are:

(1) Antonio Silverstone 

(2) Dexter Nus

I mostly use Dexter Nus a lot more so feel free to text me on that far more ok.

My Instagram account are:

(1) Runt Wolf

(2) Antonio Silverstone.

For those who get lost because they see multiple names popping up, I usually use anime characters as my profile pictures or cool black and white teen fashion clothing or cars.

My Novels include:

(1) Artificial Divinity: I became an all powerful immortal 

(2) Second Chance: My New Life As A Phantom

(3) My Ever Persistent Luna

(4) Divine Evolution: What kind of wish is this

(5) Unorthodox Path to Divinity

(6) Fallen Prince: I shall become the one true king 


so much more.

My penname is always LordGrimX101 so feel free to use that when looking for me on any writing platforms ok.

A special thank you and a respectful bow to those who are willing to read through this.