
Divine Evolution(Chaotic Wish)

After several year's, The god's of myth once thought to be non existent and a bunch of fairy tails suddenly reemerged on Earth. Moreover with the long passage of time their presence on earth had diminished, the god's had grown bored with their thirst for entertainment reaching an insatiable level. To quench their thirst for amusement, the god's decided to bestow several humans with systems but their gifts came with a catch for all those bestowed systems became monster's Known as EVO'S and like all monster's they were seen as a threat by all of humanity. As expected the two sides started waging war against the other while the supposedly benovelent god's sat back and watched. Ten years later the cruel god's grew bored of the supposed battle and in turn created a new breed of creatures later known to be Black card EVO'S to destroy all of creation in other for them to rebuild the world again. But unfortunately 4 Black card's thought otherwise, With them having lived a frustrated life where they were opressed before their rebirth. They decided to go against all three races, The god's, The Evo Beast's and humanity. Now being faced by all three due to their unwillingness to submit, a chaotic adventure awaits the 4 Black card EVO'S.

Lord_GrimX101 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
44 Chs

Chapter 10, Of all the Guys out there it had to be you huh..

Chinonso stared silently at his brother who was chuckling to himself, several thoughts fleeting through his mind because of what he'd just come to know.

' Just what on earth is going on here..., first Zara grows a savage taste for blood and now Ebube and Kosi too?...' 

' It seems as if their humanity is slowly being overpowered by their new Beastly instinct...' Chinonso clenched his pincers with worry.

' At this rate they'll soon become nothing but cold blooded beasts who would kill without a second thought?' They maybe hunting simple game and poultry right now but later on they would start to go for larger prey and the prey he was most worried about them going after was...


To an animal there really wasn't any difference between a human and other prey, so long as it was edible and available it was free to eat in a beast's eyes.

' if mom and dad were still alive to see this....am sure they would be devastated dammit!, Just what is this shitty situation we've gotten ourselves into!!' he cursed inwardly, he felt as if an intangible pressure was slowly suffocating him at the thought of his siblings becoming true monster's.

' is this the price we'll have to pay for power?, To lose our selves completely?'

' No way!, that's just Impossible!' he firmly disagreed, his scarlet eyes glowed brightly as well with both his pincers clenched tight.

' There's no way I'd ever let that happen!" He reassured himself.

' if their going to become full beasts then I'll make it my mission to keep them all in check!, Even if it means becoming worse than a beast myself....there's no way I'd let my siblings reach such a State...'

' And if the only way to make that happen is by seeking even more strength then that's what I'll do!' Chinonso's aura surged fiercely like a dangerous flame threatening to burn anything in it's path.

Ebube who was by his side teasing him earlier instantly leaped several meters backwards in haste as if by instinct, his eye's filled with a bit of fear as he looked towards the seemingly fiercer black scorpion.

"Woah!, what's got you all fired up?!, I was just messing around honest!" Ebube pleaded with a nervous smile, trace's of cold sweat dripping down his forehead.

Chinonso felt apologetic on scaring him by accident but before he could speak he suddenly saw a new string of notifications appearing before him.

Ding!«[Your heartfelt words of solemnity has touched a certain dark soul who feels the same way you do]»

Ding! «[Congratulations you Acquired one follower]»

Ding! «[Follower +1]»

' Wait what!!!' Chinonso stared wide eyed at the string of notifications he'd just received, his eye's quickly moved towards Ebube but to his confusion he noticed that he was still apprehensive towards him because of earlier.

' Wait can't he see these notifications?' 

«[No my Liege he cannot]» The System assistant's appeared in a timely manner.

«[Before you ask, It's a sort of safety measure put in place Incase they decided to turn against you in the near future]» 

' Betray me?, no way that's gonna happen...' Chinonso shook his head in disagreement.

' Hey Assistant, Did you read the new notifications just now, it says I got a follower?!' Chinonso sounded bewildered and excited at the same time.

«[Yes my Liege I saw^^]»

«[Congratulations on acquiring your First follower^^]»

"Oh uhh thanks...." Chinonso thanked back with a warm glow in his eye's.

" What are you thanking me for?" Ebube raised his brows in confusion, only then did it occur to Chinonso that he had spoken instead of thinking.

" My bad, I was just talking to my Assistant" he replied nervously.

"....Okay?" The black wolf stared at him strangely.

' What's up with him all of a sudden?' Ebube thought before walking away, heading towards the lake where Zara was.

Only After his brother had left to a certain distance did Chinonso let out a breath of relief. ' Good thing he didn't seem to notice ' 

«[Why so my Liege?]»

' Well I did promise to keep them all in check, don't you think it would be troublesome if he knew all my trump cards all the time?'

«[Brilliant thinking my Liege^^]» The Assistant praised him though he felt as if it wanted to remind him that he needn't worry about it.

' Hehehe I know, now mind telling me besides watching over me, is their anything I can get out of having a follower, Assistant?' Chinonso asked hoping for the latter to be true.

«[Hahaha I've been meaning to tell you for awhile now but last time you fell asleep my Liege^^]»

' Ehhh sorry about that' Chinonso blushed inwardly feeling sorry for his past carelessness.

«[No need for courtesy my Liege it's ok]»

«[I suppose I should tell you now then more about a follower]»

«[Am sure you'll be happy with this piece of information^^]»

' I hope so to so can you please tell me now ' Chinonso urged feeling a bit excited.

«[Oh sure^^ ]»

«[We've already established that the system is an Evolutionary system that increases the player's strength and prowess but it does come with a few rules]»

«[For example, regarding ones Path of evolution and abilities, Well it all depends mostly on the follower one has]»

«[ The more followers you have the more ways you can evolve but the lesser you have the lesser you can evolve, Moreover your path of evolution depends on the specific follower you have]»

«[That was the part of a follower I wanted to explain together with the use of your evolution points last time^^]»

' So in layman's terms if we don't appear appealing towards them then the chances of us getting stronger become slimmer.....' Chinonso let out a breath, As things were going he wasn't sure if he liked this whole situation at all but since it was currently in his favor he might as well go along with it.

"...I see..., Well at least it's better than nothing, since am guessing am the first among us to get a follower, it's best I make use of the Gap as best as I can" his eye's twinkled brightly as he rubbed his pincers together.

" System Assistant how do I see which sort of follower I have" Chinonso suddenly asked, he wasn't sure if everything in the system was the same as a phone so he decided to ask just to be safe.

«[Oh that's simple my Liege, Just click on the Follower option on your profile page and all your follower's will be revealed to you]»

" That easy huh?, hmm ok then, open profile page" Chinonso calmly called out, and a new holographic screen emerged before him.

«{ Profile Page }»

Name: Ekwueme Chinonso God'sGift

Following:( 3 ) Follower's:( 1 )

Specie's: [Scorpion]

Class: [ ???? ]

Rank: _[Currently Unavailable]_

Negative Bar: [50%Full]

Evolution Points: [20]


 [Physical Attributes]


Strength: Human-Level

Dexterity: Human-Level

Speed: Human-Level

Stamina: Mid-Monster-Level

Intelligence: Mid-Human-Level

Perception: Upper-Human-Level


 [Evolution Abilities]


Poison: 1 Star

Exoskeleton: O Star


Chinonso then clicked on the follower number and a whole new panel appeared before him, Though without much data on it, The name that emerged before his scarlet eyes left him stunned.

' Of all the guys out their, how on earth did I end up with him! ' Chinonso slammed his right pincer onto his face in disbelief.



[1] The Prince of Darkness: [Count Dracula]

Authors Note: Though please bear in mind that when I said a follower was a god previously I also meant to include legendary figures as well, and truthfully to some Dracula is a god to be honest so it really isn't much of a shock ok.

Hey there, hope your enjoying my book guys cause I really hope so.

Am just an upstart Author and AE who could really use the support ok, Any little help could go a long way, whether sending reviews or sharing to others, I would really appreciate any.

The more you support, the more energetic I'll feel to continue writing, I may be the one writing but you guys are the ones pushing me to get better so please let's help each other.

For those who want to contact me.

My Face Book accounts are:

(1) Antonio Silverstone 

(2) Dexter Nus

I mostly use Dexter Nus a lot more so feel free to text me on that far more ok.

My Instagram account are:

(1) Runt Wolf

(2) Antonio Silverstone.

For those who get lost because they see multiple names popping up, I usually use anime characters as my profile pictures or cool black and white teen fashion clothing or cars.

My Novels include:

(1) Artificial Divinity: I became an all powerful immortal 

(2) Second Chance: My New Life As A Phantom

(3) My Ever Persistent Luna

(4) Divine Evolution: What kind of wish is this

(5) Unorthodox Path to Divinity

(6) Fallen Prince

: I shall become the one true king 

And so much more.

My penname is always LordGrimX101 so feel free to use that when looking for me on any writing platforms ok.

A special thank you and a respectful bow to those who are willing to read through this.