
Chapter 1



"Sigh, finally, I can go home!"

"Yeah, why did math have to be our last subject!"

"Hey, you son of a bitch, are you skipping out? You're part of the cleaners today!"

That's the typical noise you hear when school lets out in Quezon City and elsewhere.

But Xyrus simply ignores the noise. Xyrus is known as a good student, quiet, and smart. He's also well-known throughout the school, especially since elementary school.

He was only noticed because of his goddess-like beauty. Xyrus can be compared to a handsome man. If Xyrus had long hair, he would look like a beautiful woman with unparalleled beauty. If his hair is short, no matter the hairstyle (except for bald), he is very handsome, which is why girls and boys like him.

That's why he's so popular in school. His fame also reached other schools because whenever there's a contest, Xyrus is always the representative due to his intelligence. He was offered a scholarship but declined it.

He has been entered in spelling bees, math contests, and poetry. He was also entered in singing contests in various schools, which he won, bringing honor to his school.

Xyrus is also a favorite of the teachers and they gave him the title of "jack of all trades".

Because you can see in all his report cards that his score is always 90+. He's always in the top 3 of the smartest in the entire school.

And why can he only reach top 3? Well, there are two who are more monstrous in studying since elementary school, they are Justine Mae Hallare and John Michael Damascus.

Justine Mae Hallare is a lively and cute child. She's always laughing and cheerful, often coming home with dirty clothes because she's always roaming around, which is why her mother often gets headaches. But her mother lets her be because she knows she's still a child and always comes home on time. And it turns out, she's Xyrus's neighbor.

As for Michael, no one knows him. He just arrived when they were in grade 4 and the quiet school was like a lake that was hit by a stone, causing waves.

John Michael surprised the whole school with his intelligence and sports skills. No one has seen Michael laugh or smile, he's always serious about everything.

Michael is also quiet and always silent unless spoken to. He prefers to watch and observe his classmates in what they're doing.

Michael is also a very handsome boy, often compared to Xyrus, which causes tension between the two even though there's nothing to fight about.

Xyrus picked up his things and put them in his bag and was about to leave. But before he could leave the classroom, someone jumped in front of him from the side of the classroom.


"Wahhh!!! Justine, you scared me! You know I don't like being startled, right?"

"HAHAHAHA hilarious! If you could see yourself in the mirror, you'd laugh at your reaction! Too bad I didn't record it HAHAHAHA it would probably go viral"

"Please, don't do that again! I'm scared of being startled!" Xyrus said, almost crying

"Okay, sorry! I won't do it again now" HIHIHIHI" she grinned

'won't do it now but will in the future' Xyrus complained in his mind

"Why are you here?" Xyrus asked

"Let's go home together??? I'm craving porridge, let's go eat?" Justine invited

When Xyrus heard that he was going to be treated, his about-to-cry face quickly changed to a smile "sure, you said so."

When Justine saw Xyrus's smile, she couldn't help but blush and her heart beat faster.

"O-oh okay, let's go, what are you waiting for?"

What they didn't know was that someone was watching them from a distance and no one noticed him.


"Is it true the news? That another kid has been kidnapped?"

"Yes, ma'am, it's sad. The kidnapped child was supposed to be my student, it's a shame he didn't make it to our first day of school"

"This is the third time this has happened just this MAY, right? Aren't our students in danger? They might be the next to be kidnapped?"

"What does kidnapped mean?"

They were surprised when they heard a little girl ask from behind them.

"Ahhh!! Don't scare us like that!"

"You, is it okay to suddenly join in on adults' conversation!?" Another teacher asked.

But when they saw who asked them, their expressions suddenly changed.

"Justine and Xyrus, yes kids, there was a kidnapping just this past May, and they were both students of this school. So be careful when you're coming to or going home from here, okay?"

They thanked her and just nodded their heads and left.

"Sigh. It seems like dismissal will now be at 5PM instead of 6."

As they were leaving the school to go to the porridge place, they ran into Michael who was just standing at the school gate, looking at his watch as if waiting for something. You could see in his eyes that he was getting impatient.

Before they could approach the spot where Michael was standing, he suddenly left his spot as if he had somewhere else to go.

And they were not mistaken, Michael went somewhere else but they just let him be. They weren't close to Michael to invite him to the porridge place.

A few more minutes before they could reach the porridge place they were going to, they saw Michael eating porridge alone at his table, which surprised them.

But they just let Michael be and they ordered porridge from the vendor. They had to get their own porridge because the place they were eating at was self-service, but there's a problem.

"We don't have a spot to eat! All the tables are full, where are we going to eat?" Xyrus asked, he's somewhat introverted when it comes to public places

"Yeah, let's just join Michael"

When Xyrus heard that, his eyes widened because he's somewhat afraid of Michael "Are you sure?" he asked

"Yes, I'll handle it" she assured

They walked over to Michael

"uhmm. Michael, can we join you? The other tables are full.." before Justine could finish what she was saying, Michael answered

"Okay" was his short reply, he didn't even look at them

When they heard Michael's response, their eyes widened in surprise but it was quickly replaced with joy and they quickly sat down to eat their hot porridge.

sigh im still a newbie i hope you're still there until the last chapter.

WrathOfPoetrycreators' thoughts
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