

"Princess Eudora Azmik Dacre and Prince Ivan Caesar Dacre of Xylem enters!!"

The servant announced as I walked into the wedding hall to meet my groom. But you might be wondering how and why I'm in this position so let's rewind a bit.

Xylem and Tatum are two kingdoms that rule the land hidden within the Bermuda triangle. It's where mythical creatures reside. These two kingdoms have been at war since the beginning. After a few years of bickering and a few wars, they have decided to sign a peace treaty.

The heirs of both kingdoms were to marry a princess from the other kingdom.

As the only princess to be born to the royal family of Xylem in two millennia, I was chosen as the bride of Crown Prince Arthur Fitzroy Astley. My oldest brother, Ivan Caesar Dacre, was getting married to Arthur's sister Nefeli Cadence Astley. However, the difference between our marriages was that Ivan and Nefeli were getting married for love as they had been in love with each other for over a decade whereas I haven't even seen my groom!

What if he was ugly??

Or a player?

My parents cried the whole way here. They couldn't let go of their baby girl but I assured them that I would be fine. I was marrying this total stranger for love. But not because I love my soon to be husband. Oh no.

I was doing it for my lover. Most wouldn't know but I had fallen in love with a knight.

My dear Zelion was assigned to the border and all I wanted was for him to come back in one piece and live a happy life. In order for that to happen, I need to marry Arthur and help Xylem keep their end of their bargain.

As I walked over to the altar holding Ivan's arm under the watchful eyes of thousands of nobles, I felt myself choke up.

I was getting married.

I was wearing my dream wedding dress. An off the shoulder wedding dress with a short puffy sleeve that reached my elbow made of embroidered lace along with a large layered skirt. A heavy diamond necklace adorned my neck and an even heavier diamond crown rested on my head and on top of my veil. My fiery red locks peeked through the sheer veil material.

Ivan gave away my hand to who I presume was Arthur. I still couldn't see his face but his warm hand gave me a sense of relief.

The wedding went on as normal. We offered tea to our parents and we bowed to our partners before we exchanged rings. I felt Arthur's warm fingers slip a wedding ring. Traditionally, an engagement ring was a simple yet expensive band with small diamonds. The main focus on the ring finger was the wedding ring. The stones on the wedding ring were the couple's birthstones.

When I looked down at my ring finger, it dawned on me

I'm married now.

I don't love my husband

But that was fine.

I'm doing this for Xylem…

" I announce the pair as husband and wife and the future rulers of the land!"

….and Zelion.

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