
DIRT - Chronicles of Æstherfall

Welcome to Æstherfall, a cyberpunk metal planet where humanity's struggle for survival meets the enigmatic embrace of a world born of metal and electricity. Embark on a journey where the boundaries of technology and nature blur, and the very essence of what it means to be human is called into question. This is the chronicle of a world where soil is currency, and life blossoms amidst the metallic symphony.

Babazam · Fantasi
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14 Chs



Aideen's piercing scream echoes through the room as blood splatters over her, her terror reaching its peak. The sudden and gruesome event shatters any sense of safety or hope they have left.

Her mind whirls in disbelief and horror, struggling to comprehend the unimaginable. The metallic scent of blood permeates the air, intensifying the sense of imminent death. Aideen's body trembles uncontrollably as she processes the harrowing reality unfolding before her.

Time seems to slow down at that moment, each second stretching into forever—Aideen's heart pounds in her chest, its rhythm matching the frantic pace of her thoughts. Fear and despair threaten to consume her entirely as her instincts scream at her to run, to escape this nightmare.

Tears stream down Aideen's face as she struggles to regain her composure, her screams giving way to gasping sobs. She clings to Matthew, seeking reassurance in his presence even amidst the chaos and despair. His confession, once so significant, now feels like a distant memory as the immediate threat to their lives takes precedence.

But as Aideen looks up at Matthew, her world comes crashing down. Matthew's lifeless body rests in her arms, and a profound stillness settles upon her. Devastated, it leaves her momentarily paralyzed. Her husband's eyes, once filled with life, now seem calm, and a faint smile lingers on his lips. 

Everything around Aideen blurs as she struggles to comprehend the devastating loss. The room becomes a haze of pain and sorrow, her mind desperately trying to grasp the magnitude of the tragedy that has unfolded. In this moment of utter despair, Aideen is left to grapple with the overwhelming grief that engulfs her.

Aideen's gaze shifts from the lifeless body of her beloved husband to the grotesque creature before her. Its presence threatens her, its claws still stained with Matthew's blood. The sight sends a chill down her spine, mingling with her overwhelming misery.

Fear plies with her anguish as she stares into the creature's eyes. It seems to revel in the agony it has caused, its features contorted with a malevolent satisfaction. Aideen's heart pounds in her chest, torn between paralyzing sorrow and the instinct to survive.

The creature's multifaceted, insect-like eyes lock onto Aideen, its stare cold and remorseless. Its twisted, chitinous body menaces over her with malevolence, its sharp claws ready to strike and rend flesh. The very presence of this abomination threatens to suffocate all hope.

When all hope seems lost to Aideen, a swift swoosh sound interrupts the suffocating silence. Aideen's gaze is drawn to the creature's head, cleanly separated from its body. It falls to the ground with a thud, revealing a person standing behind it, clad in dark attire. The person's face remains obscured, concealed by a hood, but an air of resolve and skill emanates from his presence.

The hooded figure retracts his weapon, a sword that glistened with a magical radiance, its blade seemingly forged from starlight itself, its edge stained with the dark, viscous blood of the creature.

The figure stands tall and poised as he turns towards Aideen. Their eyes meet, Aideen's eyes shining with reassurance amidst the chaos. She finds the flicker of hope reigniting within her, as she locks eyes with her mysterious savior.

「 Cloaked Figure 」

"I am truly sorry..."

"I was too late to save your husband."

Aideen feels a surge of comfort as she absorbs the person's words. She takes a tentative step forward, her fear gradually giving way to a newfound trust. The cloaked figure pulled his hood down, his revelation took Aideen by surprise.

「 Aideen 」

"Mr. Cole?"

Aideen's voice trembles with disbelief as the cloaked figure nods solemnly, revealing himself to be Mr. Cole, the school bus coordinator. His expression carries sorrow and determination, mirroring Aideen's own emotions. Mr. Cole steps closer to Aideen, his voice is gentle yet tinged with a weight of responsibility.

「 Mr. Cole 」

"I believe I need to explain myself."

Mr. Cole, the school bus coordinator, had rushed to New Pavo Reserve 013 upon hearing about Aideen and her late husband's quest yesterday. He had intended to stop them from venturing into the dangerous unknown, but by the time he arrived, it was too late. Regret fills Mr. Cole's eyes as he recounts the series of events.

「 Mr. Cole 」

"Mrs. Carmen, I tried to reach you and Matthew in time."

"I know of the dangers that awaited you here."

"Wish I could've spared you from the horrors that lurk in the reserve."

"But fate seems to have a different plan."

"Again, I am truly sorry..."

Aideen's gaze drifts to the ground, her emotions swirling within her. 


"How did you get here so fast?!"


"This creature."

"How did you know about these creatures, Mr. Cole?"

"Please tell me."

Mr. Cole's expression softens, empathy shining through his eyes.

「Mr. Cole」

"Mrs. Carmen..."

"I am the nathkin elder you seek."

"I was out of town, away on tribal matters when you decided to come here and look for me."

Mr. Cole lit the fireplace inside the old house and covered Aideen with his cloak. He began telling Aideen the story behind the ancient horror that she was unlucky enough to meet. She sits beside the warmth of the fireplace as she listens, her body still shivering in disbelief.

The village, known as Cardinal Edge, used to thrive within New Pavo Reserve 013 as a central hub for the nathkin community where families flourished and traditions were upheld. However, the village was struck by tragedy when reports of missing nathkins began to surface.

At first, villagers dismissed these reports as rumors, believing that those who had gone missing had simply wandered off on their own accord. But as more and more nathkins failed to return, a sense of unease settled upon the community. 

Scouts were dispatched to investigate the disappearances, but they too vanished without a trace. Fear gripped the hearts of the villagers as the authorities dismissed their concerns, attributing the stories to the nathkins' heightened sensitivity to the mystical æstherfumes that saturated the reserve.

Despite the lack of support, some brave souls refused to abandon their ancestral land while others fled to nearby towns and cities. They lived in constant fear, staying watchful and taking precautions to protect themselves from the unknown horrors lurking in the shadows.

On one fateful day, the insect-like creatures attacked those who remained in the village in swarms, almost wiping out the villagers. Only a few survived the ordeal, including the village elder, Mr. Cole.

Burdened by guilt and shame, he fled to New Pavo after the village's downfall, seeking relief in obscurity and taking up the role of the school bus coordinator as a means to support himself. The weight of his decision weighed heavily on his conscience, having to leave the ancestral lands he grew up in and loved so much.

「 Mr. Cole 」

"If only I was stronger back then."

"I could've saved the village..."

"And my people."

As Mr. Cole recounts the history of Cardinal Edge and his own personal journey, Aideen listens intently, her heart heavy with sorrow. The realization that Mr. Cole had been the one she was seeking fills her with gratitude.

「 Aideen 」

"Mr. Cole, I need your help."

"Matthew may be gone, but I can't let his sacrifice be in vain."

「 Mr. Cole 」

"You need soil, right."

「 Aideen 」


"To pay for son's medical."

「 Mr. Cole 」

"Ah, yes..."

"Little Alex."

"Zealous little chap."

「 Aideen 」

"Can you help?"

「 Mr. Cole 」

"Look around you, Mrs. Carmen."

"You are standing on dirt."

"But, if you think you can take some from the reserve, think again."

"You won't get past the security at the main gate."

「 Aideen 」


「 Mr. Cole 」

"Furthermore, they will surely bring you in for questioning if you attempt to leave the reserve without your late husband."

「 Aideen 」

"What should I do, Mr. Cole?"

「 Mr. Cole 」

"Fret not."

"I know of a soil mine with tunnels that extend beyond the walls of the reserve."

"I can go inside, no problem."

"The only problem is whether you can withstand a Gear's power surge."

「 Aideen 」

"I am used to wearing a Gear."

"No problem."

「 Mr. Cole 」

"The ones humans are wearing nowadays are mere cheap replicas of a real Gear."

With Matthew tragically killed by the creature, Aideen feels lost, unsure of what to do next. She clings to the hope that Mr. Cole, the nathkin elder, can provide guidance and support in this dark hour. However, before they can proceed, Aideen knows she must attend to the matters concerning her late husband.

Together with Mr. Cole's assistance, they carefully lay Matthew to rest in the abandoned village within the reserve Aideen says her final goodbyes, her heart heavy with grief and determination to carry on for the sake of their son.

As they stand by Matthew's burial site, Mr. Cole stresses the importance of keeping their encounter with the creature a secret from the authorities. He reveals that those who have witnessed the ancient insect-like horror in the past have mysteriously disappeared, and it is crucial to avoid attracting unwanted attention.

「 Mr. Cole 」

"Now let us go and find you a real Gear, Mrs. Carmen."