
DIRT - Chronicles of Æstherfall

Welcome to Æstherfall, a cyberpunk metal planet where humanity's struggle for survival meets the enigmatic embrace of a world born of metal and electricity. Embark on a journey where the boundaries of technology and nature blur, and the very essence of what it means to be human is called into question. This is the chronicle of a world where soil is currency, and life blossoms amidst the metallic symphony.

Babazam · Fantasi
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14 Chs

Trip to Nowhere

Aideen conducted extensive research on the New Pavo Reserve 013, the designated location of the nathkin village where the elder they seek resides. Her findings reveal that the reserve is located in a remote area, requiring a three-day drive from their home.

Reserves are renowned for their controlled ecosystems, which are maintained by the government to serve as a vital source of oxygen for the humans residing in the metal world of Æstherfall. However, rumors have circulated regarding peculiar incidents and inexplicable phenomena within this specific reserve, thus earning it an ominous reputation.

Matthew's supervisor, Liam Reynolds, had no issue approving his leave. What's more, he granted him an unrecorded leave, which is a testament to his understanding and empathy towards Matthew's situation.

「 Matthew 」

"Tomorrow's the big day."

"Come and give a hand with the Gears."

"We need to make sure they are good to go."

「 Aideen 」

"Sure, honey."

On the day of their departure, Matthew and Aideen bid farewell to their community. Their friends and neighbors gather to offer support and wish them luck on their journey. The couple is ready to set off towards the New Pavo Reserve 013 after loading everything they need into their magnaCar.

「 Seggra 」

"Best of luck."

「 Aideen 」

"Thank you for everything."

"You have been a true friend, dear."

「 Seggra 」

"Don't mention it..."

"Oh, and before you go."

"Take this."

「 Aideen 」

"What's this?"

「 Seggra 」

"A nathkin emblem."

"You need this to enter the reserve."

「 Aideen 」

"What would I do without you, hun."

Before Matthew and Aideen headed off, Seggra handed Aideen a nathkin emblem which she obtained from the local nathkin council. Aideen thankfully accepted it and stowed it in the car's glove compartment.

Matthew and Aideen begin their journey to the New Pavo Reserve 013 in their trusty magnaCar. The car hums smoothly as they navigate the winding roads that will lead them to their destination. The landscape outside their windows transforms from familiar townscapes to vast stretches of open æstherfields and rolling hills.

As Matthew drives, Aideen reflects on the extensive research she conducted about the reserve. She delves into the reserve's history, its unique ecosystem, and the legends surrounding it. The tales spoke of strange occurrences and unexplained phenomena, heightening her sense of intrigue and apprehension.

Matthew glances at the map on the car's dashboard, ensuring they stay on course. They rely on Aideen's research to guide them through the unfamiliar territory, following the winding roads that will bring them closer to their goal.

The magnaCar, like a Gear, draws power from æsther, thus eliminating the need for traditional fuel. As Matthew and Aideen continue their journey, they rely on the uninterrupted power supply from æsther, ensuring their magnaCar remains fully operational throughout their trip.

「 Matthew 」

"I need a break."

"I'll put the car on auto."

「 Aideen 」

"Yeah, me too."

In auto-drive mode, a magnaCar has a maximum speed of 20 km/h to ensure the safety of the passengers. That is why most people rarely opt to use them unless it is a long journey. After an arduous three-day drive, the couple sees a tall forest beyond a gated facility on the horizon. A green and white holo-display writes, New Pavo Reserve 013 flickers on its walls.

As Matthew and Aideen approach the entrance to the New Pavo Reserve 013, they notice a sign indicating that magnaCars and Gears are not allowed beyond this point. This is because the absence of æsther within the reserve will render them useless.

Matthew realizes that he must park at the designated parking area near the entrance as he carefully brings the car to a stop. The couple gathered their belongings, ensuring they had everything they needed for their journey into the reserve, and made their way toward the guard house.

With their supplies in tow, they bid farewell to the comforting hum of the magnaCar, knowing they would have to rely on their own two feet to explore the reserve further. They approach the guard stationed at the entrance, presenting their identification and the emblem provided by Seggra.

「 Guard Collins 」

"Reason for visit?"

「 Matthew 」


"We are seeking an audience with the village elder."

「 Guard Collins 」

"Which village?"

「 Matthew 」

"There are more than one?"


"The nathkin... village?"

「 Guard Simmon (giggle) 」

"Stop pulling their legs, Col."

「 Guard Collins 」


"Just kidding."

"Of course, there is just one village."

"THE village."

The guard examines their documents and nods, permitting them to enter on foot. Matthew and Aideen express their gratitude and step beyond the gate. The couple takes a moment to gather their thoughts and acclimate to the stillness that surrounds them.

The absence of the car's familiar hum is replaced by the rustling of leaves and the distant calls of wildlife. They take a deep breath, inhaling the crisp, untainted air of the reserve.

Setting off on foot, Matthew and Aideen are relying on their phone for directions. The path ahead is marked by well-trodden trails, guiding them deeper into the reserve's unspoiled beauty. They walk side by side, their footsteps blending with the natural sounds of the forest.

As they venture further into the reserve, they become more attuned to the subtle enchantments that make this place unique. They encounter vibrant flora, with colorful flowers and towering trees that seem to whisper secrets of the land. The air is fragrant with the scents of earth and foliage, invigorating their senses.

Matthew and Aideen embrace the slower pace of their quest, allowing themselves to be fully immersed in the reserve's wonders. They pause to observe the delicate dance of butterflies, the graceful flight of birds overhead, and the gentle trickle of a nearby stream.

With each step, they move closer to their destination, eager to meet the nathkin elder and seek the answers they long for. The reserve's reputation for peculiar incidents and inexplicable phenomena only intensifies their uncertainty.

「 Matthew 」

"It is just over the ridges, dear."

「 Aideen 」


As Matthew and Aideen stand atop the ridge, their anticipation turns to confusion and anxiety. The village they expected to find, as marked on their phone, is nowhere in sight. Instead, what lies before them is a dense expanse of untamed wilderness, devoid of any signs of habitation.

Aideen's heart starts to race as they turn back, only to discover that the well-trodden trails they had followed have now vanished, replaced by an impenetrable thicket of bushes and overgrown foliage. Fright begins to set in as they realize they are lost, surrounded by an unknown and eerie landscape.

The once-familiar sounds of nature now take on a sinister tone. The rustling leaves seem to whisper unsettling secrets, and the distant calls of wildlife transform into spooky cries that send shivers down their spines.

Matthew and Aideen exchange worried glances, their minds racing with questions. How did the village disappear? What happened to the trails they had followed so diligently? Fear gnaws at them, but they know they must remain composed and find a way out of this unsettling plight.

Drawing on their resourcefulness, they decide to rely on their instincts and navigate through the dense undergrowth. Matthew takes the lead, carefully parting the bushes to create a path, while Aideen follows closely behind. The silence is deafening, broken only by the sound of their footsteps and the beating of their hearts.

Every step feels like forever as they push forward, unsure of what lies ahead. The foliage seems to close in around them, making it difficult to discern their surroundings. The atmosphere grows increasingly oppressive as if the very forest is deliberately conspiring against them.

Suddenly, a chilling breeze sweeps through the overgrown thicket, extinguishing their hopes of finding a way out. Aideen's phone, their only source of guidance, flickers and dies, leaving them in complete darkness. They are now truly alone, cut off from the outside world.

「 Matthew (tremble) 」

"Stay calm..."

"Don't panic."

"If you panic, then I'll panic."

「 Aideen (hysteric) 」


"Now we're both panic."

"Cause I am, panic."

Terror takes hold as Matthew and Aideen realize they are trapped in an inexplicable and terrifying situation. Their only choice is to keep moving, hoping to stumble upon some form of salvation.

As they push on, their frantic movements disturb the resident creatures of the forest. Strange sounds echo through the air, and unseen eyes watch their every move. The forest seems to come alive, whispering and taunting them in an otherworldly language.

Time loses all meaning as they continue their relentless journey through the labyrinthine nightmare. Exhaustion begins to take its toll, yet they push on, driven by a desperate determination to escape this twisted reality.

Just as despair threatens to consume them, a glimmer of light breaks through the dense canopy overhead. They follow the faint illumination, their hearts pounding with hope and fear. As they emerge from the suffocating embrace of the forest, they find themselves standing on the outskirts of a clearing.

Before them stands a dilapidated and long-abandoned nathkin village. The structures are weathered and crumbling, and an eerie stillness hangs in the air. It becomes apparent that they have stumbled upon a place frozen in time, a relic of the past that holds its own haunting secrets.

Upon entering the village, Matthew and Aideen remain highly alert and cautious. The area is enveloped in profound silence, with the only audible sounds being the faint creaking of aged structures and the creepy whispers of the wind. They brace themselves for the unknown, ready to confront the mysteries that await them.

Little do they know that their presence has awakened something ancient and malevolent, something that has been lying dormant within the depths of the New Pavo Reserve 013. The trials they've faced so far were merely a prelude to the true horrors that await them in this village lost to time.

「 Aideen 」


"I'm scared."

Matthew wraps his arm around Aideen, offering her comfort and reassurance, though his own fear is evident.

「 Matthew 」

"We'll get through this, Aideen."

"We've come too far to turn back now."

"Let's stay together and be cautious."

"We'll find the elder no matter what."

What will happen to Matthew and Aideen inside the mysterious place?

Next on Dirt: Ancient Secrets

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