
DIRT - Chronicles of Æstherfall

Welcome to Æstherfall, a cyberpunk metal planet where humanity's struggle for survival meets the enigmatic embrace of a world born of metal and electricity. Embark on a journey where the boundaries of technology and nature blur, and the very essence of what it means to be human is called into question. This is the chronicle of a world where soil is currency, and life blossoms amidst the metallic symphony.

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14 Chs

Ohm My God

As Liam Reynolds, the Lumitech Industries expert in advanced security systems activates the device designed to exploit the vulnerability window in the Guardian System, a sudden disruption ripples through the air. To everyone's surprise, the machine halts abruptly, its lights flickering, and its circuits emitting sparks. The ÆRST team looks around, trying to understand what has just transpired.

Amidst the confusion, a series of ethereal figures materialize before their eyes. The translucent beings, known as the Ohms, hover in the air, emanating an aura of otherworldly energy. Their appearance is beautiful yet unsettling, their forms shifting and shimmering like dancing lights.

Captain Maya and the ÆRST members hesitate, unsure of the Ohms' intentions. Often seen as meddlers and troublemakers for intervening in human and nathkin affairs, their presence only brings fear and distrust, as their motives have always remained a mystery.

Inadvertently, they have interfered with the ÆRST's rescue operation. The team looks at the Ohms with suspicion, unaware of the true nature of their intentions.

「 Captain Maya (curious) 」

"Who are you?"

"What do you want?"

As Captain Maya takes a step forward, hoping to interact with one of the Ohms, a sudden burst of crackling energy shoots out from the closest one, forming a swirling field of electrical energy. The field expands rapidly, enveloping the bio-dome and preventing the entire ÆRST rescue from getting close.

Captain Maya and her team are startled, their attempts to approach the Ohms thwarted by the impenetrable field of pure æsther energy. They watch in awe and concern as the field grows, isolating the bio-dome from the outside world.

The Ohms remain silent, their ethereal forms hovering near the bio-dome entrance. Their intentions remain unknown, leaving the ÆRST members puzzled and anxious. They exchange worried glances as they witness the current predicament unfolding.

Captain Maya, determined to understand the situation, tries to establish communication with the Ohms.

「 Captain Maya (assertive) 」

"What is the meaning of this?"

"We are here to save the children!"

"Please let us through."

The Ohms, seemingly uninterested in Captain Maya's words, maintain their enigmatic silence. The crackling energy of the energy field intensifies, casting an eerie glow across the bio-dome and its surroundings.

The ÆRST team begins to assess their options, searching for a way to disable the energy field and regain control of the situation. They examine their equipment, looking for any tools or technology that might help them breach the barrier. Meanwhile, their concern for the children trapped inside the bio-dome grows with every passing moment, realizing that time is running out.

「 Major Stone 」

"Step back, captain."

"It is within the army's jurisdiction now."

"GOD will take over from here."

The scene is tense and chaotic as Major Morgan Stone, a high-ranking officer from the military, arrives with his contingent of soldiers known as the Global Defense Force (GOD). The GOD soldiers are an elite force specially trained to handle extraordinary situations and protect humanity from supernatural and unknown threats.

They are dressed in advanced tactical gear, indicating the severity of the situation at hand. Major Stone, with his no-nonsense attitude and piercing gaze, commanded respect from his soldiers and the other teams present at the scene.

As he surveys the situation, his eyes narrow, assessing the energy field and the lingering presence of the Ohms.

The atmosphere is charged with tension as Major Morgan Stone takes over the operation from Captain Maya without consulting her, causing tensions to rise within the ÆRST team. Captain Maya, a capable and respected leader, felt undermined by the major's decision to assume command without considering her expertise and experience.

The GOD soldiers set up an army line around the energy field, prohibiting anyone from crossing. The ÆRST team members present at the scene are ordered to leave the area forcibly, adding to the already tense situation.

Frustration and disappointment clouded Captain Maya's expression as she observed Major Stone giving orders to the team without seeking her input. She had been leading the rescue operation and had developed a plan in collaboration with her ÆRST members, only to have her authority disregarded.

Suppressing her annoyance, Captain Maya approached Major Stone, her voice tinged with dissatisfaction as she asserted her position. The tension between the two was palpable, as Captain Maya expressed her frustration at being disregarded, and Major Stone defended his decision to take charge.

The situation remained tense as the two leaders tried to come to a resolution and work together to solve the problem at hand.

「 Captain Maya (firmly) 」

"Major Stone, I have been leading this operation from the start and have valuable insights into the circumstances we are facing."

"It would have been prudent to consult with me before taking over command."

「 Major Stone 」

"Seems like you didn't hear me the first time."

"Sergeant Paine..."

"Please escort the captain away from here."

「 Sergeant Paine 」

"Right away, Major."

「 Captain Maya 」



As Captain Maya is escorted away from the scene by Sergeant Paine, frustration and concern grip her. She knows that time is of the essence, and the children's lives hang in the balance. Being removed from the operation feels like a setback, but she remains determined to find a way to assist in the rescue.

Meanwhile, inside the bio-dome, the children grow restless and anxious, unaware of the unfolding events outside. They look to their teacher, Ms. Torque, for reassurance and guidance. Despite the added layer of armor and the mysterious presence of the Ohms, Ms. Torque remains steadfast in her commitment to protect the children and find a way out.

Ms. Torque takes charge of the situation inside the bio-dome, organizing the children into smaller groups and assigning tasks to keep them occupied and distracted from their worries. She maintains open lines of communication with the administration and the parents, providing them with updates and words of encouragement.

Back outside the energy field, Captain Maya, still accompanied by Sergeant Paine, paces back and forth, her mind racing with ideas and strategies to regain control of the situation. She knows that she needs to find a way to communicate with the Ohms and understand their intentions. Their appearance and the disruption caused by their presence might hold the key to resolving the crisis.

Drawing on her experience and intuition, Captain Maya formulates a plan. She approaches Sergeant Paine, her voice filled with determination.

「 Captain Maya 」

"Sergeant Paine, we need to gather as much information as we can about the Ohms."

"Find out everything we know about them."

"Their history, their interactions with humans and nathkins."

"We need to understand their purpose here and why they have intervened."

「 Sergeant Paine 」

"I'm sorry, mam."

"I don't take orders from civilians."

Captain Maya exhales deeply, her frustration mounting as she realizes the limitations imposed upon her by Major Stone's authority. However, she refuses to be deterred. Recognizing the need for information, she decides to take matters into her own hands.

Leaving Sergeant Paine behind, Captain Maya makes her way to a nearby vehicle where the ÆRST team had set up their mobile command center. She accessed the database they had compiled on supernatural entities and beings, hoping to find any relevant information about the enigmatic Ohms.

As she sifts through terabytes of data, Captain Maya discovers that the Ohms have been documented throughout history, appearing in various cultures and mythologies. They are known to possess an inherent connection to æsther, the life force that permeates the world.

According to ancient texts and accounts, the Ohms have been described as protectors of Æstherfall, stepping in when the harmony between the natural and supernatural world is disrupted. They possess immense knowledge and power, often intervening to restore equilibrium.

Captain Maya's eyes widen as she connects the dots. The Ohms' appearance and their disruption of the Guardian System might be a response to the bio-dome's tampering with the planet. The artificial environment created within the dome could be seen as a disturbance to the delicate balance they strive to maintain.

With this new information, Captain Maya formulates a plan to communicate with the Ohms and negotiate a resolution. She gathers a small group of ÆRST members who are not afraid to bend some rules, explaining her insights and the potential implications of the Ohms' presence.

Armed with this knowledge, Captain Maya and her team sneak past the army line, making their way toward the energy field surrounding the bio-dome once again. They hold their breath as they step closer, hoping to establish a line of communication with the enigmatic beings hovering beyond.

With cautious determination, Captain Maya raises her voice, addressing the Ohms directly.

「 Captain Maya (respectfully) 」

"Ohms, we are aware of your purpose and the balance you strive to maintain."

"We understand that the bio-dome might disrupt the harmony you protect."

"But within it, innocent lives are at stake."

"We humbly request your assistance in ensuring the safety of the trapped children."

"Let us work together to find a solution that honors both the balance and the lives we seek to protect."

As her words hang in the air, Captain Maya anxiously waits for a response, hoping that her understanding of the Ohms' nature and her plea for cooperation will resonate with them. The fate of the children and the resolution of the crisis rests on the decision of these ethereal beings, and Captain Maya can only hope that her efforts will lead to a positive outcome.