
DIRT - Chronicles of Æstherfall

Welcome to Æstherfall, a cyberpunk metal planet where humanity's struggle for survival meets the enigmatic embrace of a world born of metal and electricity. Embark on a journey where the boundaries of technology and nature blur, and the very essence of what it means to be human is called into question. This is the chronicle of a world where soil is currency, and life blossoms amidst the metallic symphony.

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14 Chs

New Pavo Elementary

The bus coordinator, Mr. Cole, stands at the door of the school bus, welcoming each child with a warm smile and ensuring they board safely. As a caring and responsible individual, he understands the importance of his role in the lives of these young students.

Mr. Cole's presence brings comfort and reassurance, establishing a bond of trust between the children and their journey into the unknown of Æstherfall's educational realm.

Excitement fills the air as Alex and Sheena step onto the school bus. Their eyes are wide with eagerness swirling within them. Their colorful backpacks and the shine of their new school supplies reflect the thrill of the first day at school.

Alex, his small hand clutching his backpack tightly as he steps onto the bus. His eyes dart around the bus, searching for a familiar face or a friendly smile. Spotting his card game buddies, a sense of relief washes over him, accompanied by a bright smile that illuminates his face as he makes his way toward them.

「 Alex 」


「 Dustin 」

"Hey, Alex!"

「 Paul 」

"Faster, dude."

"We saved you a spot!"

「 Bobby 」

"Yeah, you slowpoke..."


Sheena, unlike Alex, does not have any other acquaintances except for him. On the bus, she makes her way towards the back, and alone, sits beside the window. The cheerfulness she displayed earlier suddenly vanishes the moment she boards.

Mr. Cole, the bus coordinator, warmly greets each child with a smile and words of encouragement as the children settle into their seats. The air is filled with a symphony of youthful voices, a chorus of laughter and chatter, as the children find comfort in the presence of their friends.

As the bus smoothly lifts off the ground, the children's enthusiasm reaches new heights. Through the large panoramic windows, they catch glimpses of the sprawling metallic landscape and the neon lights of the town, accompanied by the ever-present hum of the bus's propulsion system.

Alex expresses wonder as he gazes out of the window, taking in the breathtaking view of New Pavo. The futuristic architecture of the townscape captivates his imagination, fueling his curiosity about the world outside.

Meanwhile, Sheena looks out of the window with a blend of awe and contemplation. As a Nathkin, she has a profound connection to the planet and its energy. The swirling currents that flow beneath the metallic surface of the planet have intrigued her since she was little.

Due to being a Nathkin in a predominantly human neighborhood, Sheena frequently experiences isolation. Although her unique perspective and connection to Æstherfall set her apart, she yearns for acceptance and comprehension from her human peers.

After half an hour of travel, the bus arrived at the destination. New Pavo Elementary School. Its sleek, modern architecture seamlessly blends with the surrounding metallic landscape, creating a harmonious fusion of ingenuity and the natural essence of Æstherfall.

The school's exterior is adorned with large, energy-efficient windows that allow an abundance of natural light to filter into the classrooms and hallways. The windows' special tinting adjusts to the intensity of the sunlight, ensuring a comfortable learning environment for the students.

Upon entering the school, a spacious foyer welcomes the children with a vibrant mural depicting the rich history and cultural diversity of Æstherfall. The mural serves as a reminder of the unity and inclusivity that the school strives to foster among its students.

The hallways are adorned with colorful artwork and displays showcasing the students' creative endeavors and academic achievements. The walls come alive with a tapestry of colors, showcasing the young minds' imagination and talents.

Classrooms within New Pavo Elementary are designed to nurture a collaborative and engaging learning environment. Each room is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, including interactive whiteboards and holographic projectors, which facilitate innovative teaching methods and encourage active student participation.

The school's bio-dome serves as a gathering place for students during breaks. Lush greenery and carefully designed seating areas create a serene atmosphere, providing a much-needed respite from the fast-paced academic environment. It also features small æsther-powered fountains, their gentle cascades creating a soothing background melody.

At the heart of the school, the library stands as a treasure trove of knowledge. Its shelves are filled with an extensive collection of books on various subjects, catering to the diverse interests and curiosities of the students. The library also houses advanced computer terminals, enabling students to access digital resources and expand their learning beyond the confines of the physical world.

Guiding the students through their educational journey is a dedicated team of teachers and staff members. Their passion for teaching and nurturing young minds shines through their interactions with the students, creating an environment where curiosity and intellectual growth are celebrated.

As the bus doors open, Mr. Cole stands at the entrance, bidding the children farewell with a smile. With backpacks slung over their shoulders, Alex and Sheena step off the bus, ready to experience the first day as students of New Pavo Elementary School, where friendships and boundless possibilities await them.


「 Ms. Torque 」

"Good Morning, class."

"My name is Ms. Torque"

Ms. Torque, the homeroom teacher of Alex and Sheena's class, is a Nathkin with an air of grace and wisdom that emanates from her. Her tall and slender frame stands with a gentle poise, her movements fluid and deliberate.

She possesses an otherworldly beauty that captivates the attention of her students, with graceful features framed by cascading locks of iridescent hair that shimmer with hues of electric blue and soft lavender.

Ms. Torque's gentle, yet commanding presence creates an atmosphere of respect and admiration among her students. Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of amethyst, carry a depth of knowledge and understanding that seems to transcend her youthful appearance. They hold a warmth that reflects her genuine care for each student's well-being and growth.

Dressed in an elegant black and white dress, Ms. Torque's attire is a harmonious fusion of flowing fabrics and patterns. Her outfit incorporates elements of the Nathkin's bio-luminescent aesthetic, with delicate threads of soft light woven into the fabric, softly illuminating her form.

With a gentle smile and a voice that carries a soothing cadence, Ms. Torque welcomes her students into the classroom, inviting them to embark on a journey of learning and discovery. Her teaching style combines empathy and encouragement, fostering an environment where students feel comfortable expressing their ideas and asking questions.

Ms. Torque's teachings extend beyond the traditional curriculum, as she incorporates the wonders of Æstherfall's unique environment into her lessons. She ignites the imaginations of her students, encouraging them to explore the mysteries of the planet and embrace their connections to the energy that pulses through its metallic veins.

Her lessons often involve hands-on experiments and collaborative projects, empowering her students to think critically and develop problem-solving skills. With gentle guidance, Ms. Torque nurtures their creativity, fostering an environment where their ideas can flourish and grow.

「 Class 」

"Good Morning, Ms. Torque!"

「 Ms. Torque 」


"Before we begin, can anyone tell me what this is?"

Ms. Torque retrieves a lump of metal from a box she had brought with her, holding it delicately in her bare hands. This metal is a unique and mysterious substance known as æsther, which exhibits a captivating beauty that defies conventional understanding.

The æsther appears as a solid metallic material with a lustrous surface that reflects light in a mesmerizing manner. It is a blend of various colors, ranging from iridescent blues to shimmering silver, that gives it an ethereal and ever-changing quality.

A closer examination of the metal's surface reveals complex patterns and swirling currents that seem to flow within its structure. These patterns resemble miniature storms that appear to have been frozen in time, indicating the energy that lies dormant within the metal.

As Ms. Torque holds the æsther, a faint, gentle glow emanates from its core, casting a soft, diffused light on her hands. The light pulsates in harmony with the rhythms of Æstherfall as if the metal itself is alive and in tune with the planet's energy.

The touch of the æsther is cool and smooth, yet it carries a subtle warmth that seems to resonate with the touch of living beings. It is a material that bridges the realms of the natural and the technological.

「 Class 」

"Æsther, Ms. Torque!"

「 Ms. Torque」

"And what is the number one rule of æsther?"

「 Class (energetic) 」

"Humans, don't touch it!"

"Nathkins, don't eat it!"

「 Ms. Torque」


"What bright young minds we have this year..."

Ms. Torque smiles at her attentive and enthusiastic students, impressed by their knowledge and awareness of the unique properties of æsther. She proceeds to explain the importance of handling æsther with caution, emphasizing the rule that humans should never touch it directly due to its immense energy could easily electrocute them. She also reminds the Nathkin students that, despite their innate connection to æsther, consuming or ingesting it is strictly forbidden, as it could disrupt their energy balance and have unintended consequences.

Ms. Torque introduces her students to the wonders and mysteries of æsther on their first day of school, incorporating its properties and significance into the lesson. She aims to foster a deep understanding and respect for the elemental forces that shape Æstherfall, encouraging her students to explore their connections to the planet and develop a sense of stewardship towards its delicate balance.