
Chapter 1: New Job

Hello, I am Kokuho Gurufu, 28 years old. I am currently working as an office worker at a black company. Currently returning home after work, the way home is quite far so I didn't get home until late at night. But soon I will be unemployed again, because my working term only lasts for 5 years, and next year I will officially lose my job, so now I have to try to work. work as hard as possible to earn every penny to cover this difficult life. I'm finally home... I'm so tired... now I just want to lie down on this lovely bed...

The light shines through the window, signaling another tiring day to continue. Last night, because I was so tired, I fell asleep and forgot to shower, so now my body smells so bad that even I feel stinky! I slowly woke up, then went to brush my teeth and took a shower. After cleaning my body, I changed into new work clothes, then locked the door and went out to the restaurant I usually go to for breakfast. Because I've eaten here so many times, now I don't need to order and the owner still understands what I want to eat. While eating, the restaurant owner asked me:

- Hey Kokuho, did you see yesterday's news? I hear my guests talking about it all the time...

I finished swallowing my food and replied to the restaurant owner:

- No, I was so tired last night that I overslept until morning. And what's up with that news feed?

The shop owner was cleaning the dishes while answering my question:

- I heard them say that last night a dinosaur appeared out of nowhere in the middle of Tokyo city...

I exclaimed in surprise:

- Are you kidding me? How could dinosaurs appear in this era? You must have been tricked by them!!!

The shop owner replied to me:

- Actually, at first I was just like you! Can't believe that nonsense!

Then he sighed and continued:

- But you also have to believe in it...

Then he held up his phone and a video was playing on it. The video shows the appearance and destruction of that dinosaur, accompanied by the Japanese president's statement about the existence of that dinosaur.

I was surprised when I saw the video the shop owner showed me. I asked again to make sure: - This is the original video, right? Are you sure it's not fake?

The shop owner shook his head and said in a serious voice:

- This is real...

I started to worry when I found out it was true. I trembled and asked:

- So...where is...that dinosaur now?

The shop owner reassured me:

- You don't need to worry. That dinosaur was knocked unconscious and captured by the Japanese army.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard the shop owner say that:

- So there's no need to worry about it harming people anymore! Luckily...I hope nothing like that happens again.

After chatting with the owner and finishing eating, I continued to go to the company to work. While I was on the train going to the company, I turned on my phone for entertainment.

A notification was sent to my phone. I opened the notification curiously to read it and saw the following letter written inside: "Hello lucky person reading this letter, I am William Johnson. You don't need to know who am I, you just need to know that I have seen your ability so now I will recruit you to my workplace."

After reading the letter, I rubbed my eyes to see if it was correct. I asked myself:

- Who sent this letter to me? I was really confused when I saw this letter sent to me! I don't know who had enough free time to write this stupid letter and send it to me. If I had known, I would have cursed him!

I ignored that letter and went online to learn more about the dinosaur incident last night.

After a long time on the train, I arrived at the company where I work. When I got there, my boss stopped me. I asked my boss with a curious voice:

- Boss, why are you blocking my way?

The boss answered me with an attitude as if he wanted to fire me:

- How can you work when you're always late like this?

I responded:

- Doesn't the boss have to step aside to let me pass?

The boss continued:

- But luckily you are still quite valuable. I didn't expect someone to buy him at such a high price.

I feel like something bad is about to happen. Then my boss said in my face with a cold voice:

- You're fired!

I was shocked to hear my boss say that. The boss continued:

- But it's okay, you were "adopted" by a rich guy! So you'll probably be fine, but I wonder how that person will treat you, I'm wondering!

I asked my boss again:

- What did you say?!! Am I fired?!! But... but... The boss turned and left, coldly saying: - In short, you're fired!!! No buts!!! I'm going!!!

And so I was fired even earlier than the agreed upon deadline. I wandered the streets with a dull face because I lost my job without warning.