
Stupidity, Rage and Frustration (1.2)

Whenever one goes to sleep, it is likely that a person would experience a dream. Normally ranging from common occurrences from their daily lives or symbolic figures of which represent an emotion they are currently experiencing. Dreams could always be linked to our very lives and have their own meanings, some are easy to understand whilst others are more complex.

That is the case with Hatch's mysterious dream, he awoke surrounded by a thick fog, which limited his vision to the point he's only capable of looking a few meters directly in front of him. Moving around to locate himself, Hatch noticed that the ground he stood on was not solid, rippling whenever he takes a step.

As continued Hatch to move around, he would a sort of snicker from behind. Despite the implications that he is currently experiencing a nightmare, he paid it no heed. Why would he? It's not like a nightmare could ever hurt him


The ground in front of Hatch rippled. With every passing moment, the frequency would increase, and its strength became noticeable to the point the ground shook with every thud.

With a final stomp, the thick fog surrounding Hatch dissipated. Before him stood a figure of gigantic proportions, easily dwarfing his body. The giant silhouette had its molten-like body covered in battle armor. Its molten horns glowed a fiery red, if Hatch were to describe his appearance, it would be that of a Demon King. The giant wielded a large war hammer, easily capable of crushing him with one swing.

Terrified is a mild term that could ever describe what Hatch was feeling, however, he was unable to move let alone breathe. As soon as the figure revealed itself, his breathing ceased.

The giant sat down on a throne that wasn't previously there. Then it spoke, akin to thunder in a silent night.

"You can now breathe"

And with that command, Hatch panted and collapse to the ground. He knows it's just a dream, but he could still feel pain. Nightmare or not, this is the very first time he'd felt this terror.

The giant continued to stare down on him, its fiery gaze could've easily melted his being, instead, it devoured whatever hope of escape Hatch had.

"Game, as I recalled you, insect called my domain a Game"

The giant boastfully laughed, it belittled Hatch but what could he do. Try to fight and be crushed like an ant or run and be hunted like a pest. No matter his choice he would always die at the end.

"Truly, I find it humorous that you insects, would treat my domain as something to entertain yourselves"

The titan leaned closer to better scan Hatch's figure. Hatch's build is not something anyone could be proud of, he was skinny and wore thick-rimmed glasses and an unkept dark hair overly making less appealing to his peers.

"Calling you an insect is an insult to all the pests in my World, you are more fit to be a speck of dirt, unworthy even of my time, yet here we are"

The giant's arrogant nature from before shifted to anger as the monster hit the arm of his throne with a considerable force. Enough to slightly damage it and create shockwaves that Hatch felt even with his distance.

"Being a germ to my race, how dare you toyed with my subjects, had you play around and made them kill themselves over and over"

The earth shook once more as the Titan stood from his kingly throne, it held its war hammer and glared at Hatch. It moved closer to the boy until he was just a few feet away. The giant easily towered over him, and if strength were to be questioned, it could be said that he's capable of destroying even a skyscraper with a swing of his hammer.

"But your time of fun is finally over, and now, it is my turn to toy with your lives, to pit you pitiful germs with one another and with every death I shall laugh at you while you wailed in pain"

In a blink of an eye, the giant swung his mighty weapon and shattered the throne it once sat on. Debris large enough to crash him were falling all around Hatch and yet he didn't move, he couldn't.

"I would not need of this throne any longer as I could create a chair fit for a Lord made out your kinds beaten corpses, I shall crush the World you humans have desperately built and a top it makes of it an empire."

What could Hatch even say, the giant specifically told him that he is going to invade his world and yet what could he do? He has seen the monster destroy a building-sized throne with one attack. He's sure that even a nuclear bomb wouldn't be enough to injure him.

"I shall make your World an example of my conquest, that no other World shall resist and instead surrender themselves. I shall march my army to your World and all of you would suffer"

The shadow of the giant's foot loomed above the boy, he couldn't cower in fear or beg for his life. His body didn't respond to him at all. As he was about to accept death, a mystical force opened itself beneath Hatch, it swirled and created a cloud of darkness and light. The portal then opened up and swallowed Hatch before the giant could even notice his disappearance.

After seemingly killing off the brat, the Lord stepped forward and entered a similar looking portal.

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