
Info, Disclaimers And Suggestions

Hello! I am x2xTrouble, and this is my novel, DOT! This is not my first novel on Webnovel, but it is the first one I've written in a while. I got this inspiration while reading other webnovels similar to this one, and while I was writing some stuff about a world I have created! This novel will not be like others, where it tells a story. It will tell a story, but I'm mostly using this novel to share my custom species, flora, and just world I have been creating all around.

I may make another novel that actually tells the story in third person, but for now, I'm using this as a little... Notebook for the world, i guess. This novel will contain sensitive topics, by the way, such as slavery, racism, sexism, etc.

I am also taking suggestions for custom species, all of the custom species that I base off of a suggestion will have credits to you, though if you want me to remove a creature created by a suggestion of yours or edit it and it has already been put in the main story, I will not be able to do that. There are some ways to get around this, though. The ways (I may update this and put other ways later):

1. I have not put it in the main story yet.

2. I have, but you just want me to edit the species/creature/flora/etc

3. I have not put in the main story, but I have made a page explaining what the creature is and what it does, aswell as the credits to you.

4. You have stole the species from someone else. (this will take a while to do, especially if it already has a big role in the story.)

5. Any other ways i have missed, make a paragraph comment on here and i will read it.

All credits to world suggestions will go in the next Aux chapter once I get a suggestion I like.

Put all suggestions in the Chapter Comments and put ' Suggestion: ' at the start of the comment, and if I like it, I will like the comment!

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